Chapter 702

"Appearance?" Jiu Shu couldn't help being startled, extremely suspicious.

Niu Wudi at the side also looked at Li Ming with a puzzled face, waiting for Li Ming's explanation.

Li Ming looked at the elder of the great clan, who said, "The God of Medicine Sect was established far away in the Great Qin Dynasty. See, it will be a fierce battle then! The consequences will be disastrous!"

"What? The God of Medicine Sect still has such a powerful existence?" Uncle Jiu was surprised, it was incredible.

Niu Wudi on the side was also taken aback and couldn't believe it.

After a slight pause, Uncle Jiu asked suspiciously: "But since there is such a strong man, why are they willing to hand over the three divine cauldrons? Once that strong man comes out, we must not dare to make mistakes."

"This is also where I was suspicious. When I first arrived at the Medicine God Sect, I noticed that powerful aura. However, that aura didn't seem to care about us very much. Until I attacked the elder of the Medicine God Sect, that aura Then it became fierce. Later, when I took action to clean up those invited people, the aura disappeared again. Obviously, as long as I don't attack the God of Medicine Sect, the aura will not attack." The old man explained.

Uncle Jiu nodded when he heard this, and said, "What a strange thing! I guess that strong man is not from the God of Medicine Sect, but someone like Ke Qing."

"It should be like this." The elder of the big clan replied.

After leaving the God of Medicine Sect, they bid farewell to each other. Li Ming and the elders went to Qindu, the remaining elders returned to Fengdao with the three divine cauldrons, Uncle Jiu returned to Luoshui City, and Niu Wudi also returned to Moniu Mountain!

This time, although the God of Medicine Sect could not be destroyed, Niu Wudi was still a little secretly happy seeing the God of Medicine Sect being so aggrieved!
Just wait until the next day's skills increase greatly, and then make a comeback, this Yao Shenzong is bound to be wiped out!
A few days later, Li Ming and the elders arrived in Qindu.

The fact that the Feng Clan made a big fuss about the Medicine God Sect and forcibly seized the three divine cauldrons has already spread like wildfire, and everyone in the world knows about it.

When Li Ming and the big clan elders came to Qindu again, their identities seemed to be different, which can be seen from the reception treatment!
In order to show their sincerity, the Great Qin Dynasty specially arranged a palace for Li Ming and the others to rest.

As for the matter of the alliance, it is naturally not a problem. The Feng Clan was able to forcibly take the three divine cauldrons from the Yao Shenzong. Yan Ran proved the strength of the Feng Clan. In this troubled world, only strong alliances can go further!
Among the four great dynasties, the Great Qin Dynasty has the weakest background. The Feng Clan formed allies, and the Great Qin Dynasty was not the best choice.

Any one of the other three dynasties is better than the Great Qin Dynasty.

However, the Great Qin Dynasty has one thing that other dynasties do not have, and that is Qin Yue!
Li Ming and Qin Yue are best friends, so they don't have to worry too much about being stabbed in the back because of their relationship!
The matter of forming an alliance is very simple, but Li Ming and the elders of the clan still stayed in Qin Palace for more than half a month.

It's not that Li Ming and the others are greedy, but mainly to discuss the supply, demand and price of pills.

After more than half a month of discussion, we finally reached an agreement that both parties are satisfied with, achieving a win-win situation!

The Yin Corpse Sect continues to expand, annexing the sect, and the matter of forming an alliance in the world cannot be delayed.

However, Qin Yue has not received a response until now, so Qin Yue decided to go there in person.

At the same time, build high walls, accumulate food widely, and prepare for the worst!

Li Ming and Dazu went back to Fengdao to prepare the elixirs in the agreement!

Li Ming's intuition told Li Ming that the Infernal Corpse Sect would come to the city in a short time!

 A new month has begun, heroes here ask for a ticket!Starting tomorrow, work hard for four shifts, and guarantee the bottom three shifts!Old book lovers know that heroes are very slow in coding, and it takes almost two hours to write a chapter.Chapter three is already not easy, but chapter four is a bit difficult.However, the hero still wants to write more, to repay everyone's support!

(End of this chapter)

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