Chapter 703

Li Ming and the elders returned to Fengdao, and asked the clansmen to quickly refine the elixir.

The talent of the Feng Clan people is to control the flames, and the most important thing in alchemy is to control the heat.Since Li Ming succeeded the patriarch of the Feng clan, he abolished the old order and encouraged the clansmen to learn the art of alchemy.

Eight years have passed, although the Feng Clan's level of refining pills is not as good as that of the peak period, they have made great progress. There is no problem in refining commonly used pills, and the quality and fineness are no worse than those of the God of Medicine Sect .

Otherwise, a few days ago, Li Ming would not have dared to speak out in the main hall of the Qin Palace!

Now, forcibly retrieving the three divine cauldrons from the God of Medicine Sect will be even more powerful for the Feng Clan!

Each of the seven elders of the Feng clan possesses different fires.

These different fires are all inherited from the ancestors of the Feng clan. In the peak period of the Feng clan, there were as many as sixty members of the clan who owned the different fires, and they were known as the Hundred Heroes of the Feng clan!Shock the past and shine the present.

The wish of the people of the Feng clan is to regain their former glory!

Three months later, Li Ming and the elders brought the first batch of pills into Qin Dynasty.

At this time, Qin Yue, who went out to talk, has returned.

The other three dynasties were acting on their own, ignoring the Qinyue Alliance's suggestion at all.Only some sects are willing to move to the capital of Qin to resist the disaster of the Yin Corpse Sect together!

The Great Qin Dynasty was located in the north, and the Yin Corpse Sect rose from the northeast corner of the Star Continent.

Expanding all the way, it will not take long to invade the territory of Daqin.

Therefore, Qin Yue is older than girls from the other three dynasties.

The other three dynasties turned a blind eye to Qin Yue's invitation, and they also had their own plans. Although the foundation of the Great Qin Dynasty is only eternal, the Qin family is very important, and it existed as early as the Tang Dynasty.They want to take this opportunity to talk about the details of Daqin, and they want to watch from the sidelines, waiting for Daqin and the Yin Corpse Sect to lose both sides, and then sit back and reap the benefits of the fisherman!
This time entering Qin, besides escorting the pills, Li Ming also had another purpose, to build a teleportation array!

The world is already full of wars and disasters. Without a stable and fast transportation road, it is absolutely impossible!
Regarding Li Ming's proposal, Baiguanwei hesitated, but he agreed to report the Yin Corpse Sect's violation.

Originally, according to everyone's budget, it would take at least a month for the Infernal Corpse Sect to reach the border, but I didn't expect it to be so fast.

It can only be explained that the strength of the Infernal Corpse is far beyond their estimation.

Now, the Infernal Sect is like a plague, spreading wherever it goes.

The cities on the border of Daqin are relatively scattered, and it is relatively simple to prevent offensives. Daqin directly chose to give up.

As early as two months ago, Daqin had already evacuated the border cities, leaving only a few left behind to observe the enemy's situation.

According to the news from the border, the disciples of the Infernal Corpse Sect were like locusts, covering the sky and covering the earth.

Now, it is impossible to estimate the number of Yinshi sect disciples, it can only be described as horror!

However, the most frightening thing was that the disciples of the Infernal Corpse Sect were not afraid of pain or death, they rushed forward one after another with the command to charge.

In addition, there is a very serious problem.

Those monks who died in battle, as long as their physical bodies are still there, the Yin Corpse Sect can use secret methods to refine their corpses and reduce them to war slaves of the Yin Corpse Sect!
It can be said that with the outbreak of the war, the number of Infernal Corpses not only did not decrease, but increased day by day!
The border of Great Qin fell within half a day.

The army of the Yin Corpse Sect marched towards the hinterland of the Great Qin, all the way south!
The Daqin city is in a closed shape, forming a circle, and the capital of Qin is in the center of the circle, and other cities are built around the circle, in the shape of stars arching the moon.

(End of this chapter)

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