The best immortal emperor

Chapter 707 Situ, is there anything else?

Chapter 707 Situ, is there anything else?

Li Ming didn't explain too much, Situ Jianren was full of doubts, but no matter how he asked, Li Ming didn't say anything.

When the troops were withdrawn at the Ming Dynasty, everyone celebrated in the city and ate well.

That is to say, monks are allowed to drink alcohol in the camp. After all, monks have different physiques than ordinary people. Once something happens, they can use their true essence to expel the alcohol from their bodies.

General Situ was also very happy, so he quickly sent the news back to Qin Palace.

In the past few days, Qin Yue has been worrying about the war day and night, and has trouble sleeping and eating.

If the Northern Territory misses, then his strength in Daqin is really exhausted.

After all, General Situ is the number one expert in Great Qin now, and even the great uncle of the Qin family is somewhat inferior.

However, just when Qin Yue was worried, the good news of a complete victory came from the northern border.

This not only cheered up Qin Yue, but also cheered up the whole court. This is great news!
That night, the Infernal Corpse Sect launched a surprise attack, but was defeated by the raging fire formation outside the city.

In the end, the Yin Corpse Sect returned without success.

In the blink of an eye, the battlefield last night was clearly visible, and many disciples of the Yin Corpse Sect were burnt.

Qin Jun and the sects were very excited.

However, Li Ming couldn't be happy.

Until now, the elders of the second family have not come back, Li Ming is very worried!

In the next three days, the Yin Corpse Sect launched more than ten attacks, large and small, but they were all defeated by the Qin army.

The morale of the Qin army soared, and he was no longer afraid of the Infernal Corpse Sect. Even General Situ underestimated the enemy.

However, in Li Ming's view, the more this is the case, the closer the danger is.

That night, an unexpected visitor came from outside the city.

It was none other than the elder of the second clan sent by Li Ming.

The face of the elder from the second clan was pale, and there were obvious bloodstains on his robe, Li Ming knew something was wrong when he saw it.

I saw the old man of the second clan coughing lightly, and reported: "Patriarch, as you said, in the mountains tens of thousands of miles outside the city, there is a pool of corpses, and more powerful ancient corpses are being sacrificed!"

Hearing this, Li Ming suddenly became serious.

I only heard that Li Ming asked: "How is your injury?"

"It's okay, I was accidentally discovered during the investigation." The elder of the second clan said.

Li Ming took out a bottle of spiritual water and said, "Heal your injuries here first, and I'll go see General Situ. If your injuries are stable, come here too."

"Patriarch, I don't need to heal my wounds, so I'll go with you." The elder of the second clan said.

"Don't worry, heal your injuries first, and come find me later." Li Ming ordered.

"Yes." The elder of the second clan could only agree, and sat down to heal his wounds.

Afterwards, Li Ming went out.

Find Situ Jianren, and Li Mingcai met General Situ through Situ Jianren.

General Situ had heard about Li Ming, and when he saw Li Ming, he couldn't help but ask, "Are you the head of the Feng Clan?"

These words are somewhat contemptuous. After all, this is a world where strength is the most important thing. Li Ming is only a mid-Yuanying cultivation base, while General Situ is a master of the world, so he will speak arrogantly.

If it wasn't for Li Ming being the patriarch of the Feng Clan and being recommended by his son Situ Jianren, General Situ might not have met Li Ming late at night.

Li Ming didn't care about General Situ's attitude, and said directly: "General Situ, I have something important to tell you."

"Say." General Situ asked slowly.

"In the mountains tens of thousands of miles outside the city, the Yin Corpse Sect has a wake-up corpse pond, where more powerful ancient corpses are being sacrificed." Li Ming said.

"A more powerful ancient corpse is being sacrificed?" General Situ was stunned, his brows furrowed, and he asked, "How did you know?"

"We won a big victory that day, so I asked the elders of the second clan in my clan to follow the master of the Infernal Corpse Sect. That's how I got the news." Li Ming said.

"Is this serious?" General Situ asked seriously.

"Really!" Li Ming said seriously.

"Where is the elder of the second clan of the Feng clan?" General Situ asked.

"Healing at the residence." Li Ming said.

"Let's go together." General Situ invited.

At this time, a deep voice came from outside the door, "No need, the old man is coming!"

The person who came was none other than the elders of the second clan.

"Please, please!" Although General Situ was strong, he didn't dare to put on airs in front of the elders of the second clan.

General Situ knows that the Feng clan is good at resisting different fires, and it is definitely a sharp sword against the Yin Corpse Sect, so they must not be offended!
I only heard the elder of the second clan say: "General Situ, what the patriarch said is true, there is indeed a pool of corpses in the mountains outside the city, and they are cultivating more powerful ancient corpses. Arrived. Moreover, those injured ancient corpses were all healed in the Awakening Corpse Pool, and they will come out soon."

The robes of the elders of the second clan had not been changed, and bloodstains were clearly visible.

General Situ's face turned serious. It was obvious that the previous attack by the Infernal Corpse Sect was just a feint, and the real danger was yet to come!
Slightly startled, General Situ asked: "The elders of the second clan, do you have a good plan?"

The elder of the second clan was startled, and said, "I'll listen to the patriarch."

General Situ was taken aback for a moment, and couldn't help but look at Li Ming.

Obviously, Li Ming came here late at night, and he must have some advice.

Otherwise, this news alone is enough for people to pass on, so why do you need to come in person?
I only heard that General Situ asked: "Clan Chief Feng, what's your opinion?"

After a slight pause, Li Ming said: "I suggest sending an elite army to attack Huanglong and destroy the corpse pool."

General Situ nodded and said, "I've thought about this method too, but there is a real shortage of manpower now. I wonder if Patriarch Feng can send people there?"

"En?" Hearing this, Li Ming couldn't help but pause, he didn't expect General Situ to say that.

Seeing Li Ming's hesitation, General Situ couldn't help but continued: "I heard that all the elders of the Feng clan are masters, and some time ago, the Yao Shenzong forced them to hand over the three divine cauldrons. It shouldn't be a problem to destroy the corpse pool, right? After all, we Now it is an ally relationship, everyone should work together to deal with the Infernal Corpse Sect, right?"

"Father..." Situ Jianren couldn't help shouting.

"Shut up, you don't have a place to talk here!" General Situ shouted coldly.

Situ Jianren could only keep his mouth shut, but he had some complaints in his heart.

At this time, Li Ming understood what General Situ meant, and said: "Of all the elders of my Feng clan, only the elders of the second clan are in this northern city. It is very difficult for him to destroy the corpse pool by himself. Please General Situ allowed us to recruit talented people from various sects."

"It's easy to say, I'll let people post a notice, if you succeed, you will be rewarded!" General Situ promised.

"Thank you! Farewell!" Li Ming said, turned and left.

The elders of the second clan followed closely behind, Situ Jianren couldn't get out of his anger, so he also went out.

"Li Ming." Situ Jianren shouted from far away.

Li Ming stopped, turned around and saw Situ Jianren, Hu asked: "Situ, is there anything else?"

"Li Ming, I'm sorry. My father..." Situ Jianren apologized.

Li Ming shook his head and said, "I can understand his situation, you don't have to blame yourself."

Situ Jianren was silent for a while, and suddenly begged: "Li Ming, I want to go with you to destroy the Awakening Corpse Pool."

(End of this chapter)

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