Chapter 708

Hearing this, Li Ming shook his head and did not agree.

"Li Ming, I..." Situ Jianren wanted to say something more, but Li Ming said, "Situ, it is extremely dangerous to go to the Awakening Corpse Pool. Last time even the elders of the second clan came back injured, so I don't want to go."

"No, I'm not afraid of death!" Situ Jianren insisted.

"It's not a matter of being afraid of death." Li Ming knew Situ Jianren's intentions, so he said, "Situ, if you really want to help, help me recruit and lobby those sects."

"Okay! This matter is on me." Situ Jianren said, patting his chest.

Li Ming nodded, then said goodbye and returned to his residence.

When they arrived at their place of residence, the elders of the second clan couldn't help asking: "Patriarch, are you really going to destroy the corpse pool?"

"En." Li Ming nodded in response.

"Patriarch, it's really dangerous there. Even if we unite with the elders of various clans, we may not be able to destroy the corpse pool." The elders of the second clan said worriedly.

Li Ming paused, and said, "Second Clan Elder, please tell me about the situation there in detail."

"Okay." The elder of the second clan agreed, and then explained the matter of the corpse pool in detail.

After hearing this, Li Ming's expression changed slightly, his brows were also tightly frowned, and he said in disbelief, "There are hundreds of ancient corpses?"

"Well, this is just a conservative estimate." The elder of the second clan said.

"Hundreds of ancient corpses are a hundred masters of transforming gods, they are indeed difficult to deal with." Li Ming said solemnly.

"In my opinion, this northern city cannot be defended," said the elder of the second clan.

Li Ming was silent for a while, as if he was thinking about something.

"Patriarch, why don't we evacuate." The elder of the second clan suggested.

Li Ming shook his head and said, "It's still too early to evacuate. There must be some unawakened ones out of the hundreds of ancient corpses in the Awakening Corpse Pool. Earlier, when I was in the Tang Dynasty, I fought against the disciples of the Yin Corpse Sect. The ancient corpses we see now are not real disciples of the Yin Corpse Sect, they can only be regarded as Zhan Nu, the real disciples of the Yin Corpse Sect are not corpses, but just like us."

"Is that so?" The elder of the second clan was surprised, looking very surprised.

Li Ming nodded and continued: "The Xing Corpse Pool is like a cauldron, and the ancient corpses are the materials. The disciples of the Yin Corpse Sect made these ancient corpses into human-shaped weapons and used them to attack the city. If we can capture the Yin Corpse A true disciple of the Corpse Sect might be able to find a way to deal with those war slaves!"

Hearing this, the elders of the second clan couldn't help but nodded, but then worried: "However, how should we deal with so many ancient corpses? Even if we are not fully awake, even if we are only awake a third, it is not something we can parry Yes!"

Li Ming sank, and said: "This matter has to wait, we can't rush it."

"Wait?" The elders of the second family paused, a little suspicious.

I only heard Li Ming say: "Let the elders of the big clan and the elders of the three clans come here."

"Yes!" The elder of the second clan replied.

The next day, recruitment notices were posted everywhere in the northern city, but not many people came to sign up.

Everyone has their own considerations. Although it sounds good to go straight to Huanglong, the danger involved can be imagined. It is definitely close to death. After all, it is the headquarters of the Yin Corpse Sect.

Few people are willing to take risks when there is no immediate interest.

This was also the reason for General Situ's attitude after hearing Li Ming's proposal. He guarded the northern border city, and if he could keep it, he would retreat.

It was with this attitude that General Situ found a suitable planet early in the morning and prepared for the worst!

(End of this chapter)

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