Chapter 710 Crowd
I only heard that the vanguard general stepped forward and said: "The last general is willing to take the lead, take the lead, and take the thief's head!"

"Okay!" General Situ agreed.

The other soldiers sighed in their hearts, and they were so jealous that they only blamed themselves for being a step late.

These days, big wins and no losses.

Everyone decided that taking the thief's head was easy, and that good things like being promoted to three levels in a row can be said to be real.

The vanguard general took the order, rushed towards the Yin Corpse Sect, and went straight to the thief!

The ancient corpses were in their own battalion, and they pressed towards the northern city in an orderly manner, ignoring the Daqin Vanguard General who came to kill him!
Seeing that he was about to kill the thief, an ancient corpse standing behind him suddenly shouted: "Death!"

General Daqin Pioneer only felt a ringing in his ears, and his whole body was stunned.

When he reacted, the ancient corpse had already jumped in front of him and punched him in the chest.

General Pioneer felt his chest sink, and his heart paused. He looked down and saw that his chest was directly pierced by this ancient corpse.

"Death!" The ancient corpse drank and opened its mouth to inhale, the flesh and blood of the vanguard general was directly sucked dry by the ancient corpse!
The generals who had been filled with remorse suddenly took a deep breath, but the vanguard general has the cultivation base of transforming gods.

The ancient corpse had just met each other, and it was killing the vanguard general and sucking him dry.

How powerful is this ancient corpse?
General Situ's face couldn't help but change, this ancient corpse is far stronger than the one in the first confrontation!Even he didn't have much confidence in dealing with this ancient corpse!

The vanguard general was instantly killed, and the morale of the generals of the Qin army was greatly depressed.

I only heard General Situ yelled, "Retreat to the northern border city! Start the defensive formation!"

"Yes!" The arraignment soldier called gold immediately.

It would be irrational to fight head-on in such a situation. We can only retreat to the northern border city first, and then slowly plot!

All the soldiers retreat to the northern border city!

Close the city gate and activate the defensive array!
After a little effort, the slaves of the Yin Corpse Sect came to the city.

On the tower, General Situ looked solemn and frowned.

This time, the Yin Corpse Sect is definitely coming out in full force!
However, he didn't know that this was just the war slave of a disciple of the Infernal Corpse Sect, not the entire Infernal Corpse Sect!

The slaves of the Infernal Corpse Sect lined up in the city, ready to attack the city.

General Situ stood on the tower with a solemn expression, thinking about countermeasures.

The other generals were busy for a while, performing their duties, and getting ready to defend the city!
At this time, the disciple of the Yin Corpse Sect who was in charge of the overall situation asked, "Is it possible for the Great Qin to go out of the city to fight? If you are afraid of death, you can surrender to me, and I will spare your lives!"

Hearing this, all the soldiers whispered for a while, obviously the army's heart has been moved!

I only heard General Situ yelling loudly: "Fire Phosphorous Arrow! Get ready!"

A group of soldiers on the city wall immediately set up their arrows and drew their bows, set up fire phosphorus arrows, and prepared to shoot.

"Let go!" General Situ gave an order, and thousands of fire phosphorus arrows shot out, falling down like a rain of arrows!
The soldiers and horses of the Yin Corpse Sect can be said to be a mob, and they don't even have basic defense and attack.

At this time, the rain of arrows fell, and he directly resisted it with his physical body.

Fortunately, they were dead bodies and didn't know pain, otherwise they would have been a mess.

Some weak corpses were directly burned to death by the fire phosphorus arrows, but there was nothing wrong with more corpses!

Obviously, General Situ did not intend to send his generals out of the city to fight.

This time, most of the soldiers guarding the northern border were his old subordinates.

General Situ held the idea that he could abide by the rules and retreat if he could not, so naturally he would not fight to the death!

The fire phosphorus arrow had little effect, and General Situ ordered the soldiers to prepare oil for cremation.As long as they rush to attack the city, burn them!

(End of this chapter)

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