The best immortal emperor

Chapter 711 Patriarch, you give orders!

Chapter 711 Patriarch, you give orders!

The Yin Corpse Sect saw that the Great Qin closed the city, and immediately began to attack the city!
This time the real soldiers are coming to the city!
Following the order of the dead man, tens of thousands of corpses rushed towards the northern border city, like densely packed ants!
"Pour oil on the corpse!" General Situ ordered.

I saw barrels of cremation oil poured down, and a torch was lighted, and a raging fire ignited around the city wall, and the northern city was reduced to a city of fire!
As soon as those corpses that rushed up touched the cremation oil, they were engulfed in flames, and burned to ashes in smoke!

This cremation oil was carefully prepared by Daqin, and it was specially used to deal with the Yin Corpse Sect. It was very powerful.

However, some powerful corpses are not afraid of this cremation oil.

In the blink of an eye, a corpse climbed to the top of the city wall, but it couldn't get in because of the large defensive formation.

The cadaver looked at the ancient corpses around him, and ordered: "Go, break the defensive array!"

"Yes!" The ancient corpse replied.

I saw him stomping his feet and flying straight into the air, with thick black smoke rising from his body, flying towards Beijing City.

Seeing this, General Situ was not afraid of rejoicing, and shouted: "It's just in time!"

Immediately, General Situ went out to fight.

At the same time, an order came, "The lieutenant general obeys the order and use all his strength to capture that thief from the Infernal Corpse Sect! Remember, capture him alive!"

"Yes!" The lieutenant replied.

After all, General Situ is a master of the world. Although he has selfish intentions, he still wants to compete with such a powerful ancient corpse.

Of course, this was only a small reason, the important thing was that he wanted to know how the disciples of the Yin Corpse Sect manipulated these ancient corpses.

If he learned it by himself, wouldn't he be able to manipulate these powerful ancient corpses?
Just thinking about it makes the blood boil!

Controlling such a powerful corpse army, who else in the world can compete with him?
General Situ went out to fight and fought against the ancient corpse exuding black energy.

The lieutenant general led a group of elite soldiers, dressed up in disguise, and came out from the side door, waiting for an opportunity to capture the disciples of the Infernal Corpse Sect!

The battle was imminent, Li Ming and the others followed the elders of the second clan to the Xingshichi.

Although it was a detour, it didn't take too long, and he rushed to the mountain forest after only a stick of incense.

There is a lot of miasma in the mountains, very sinister.

Led by the elders of the second clan, a group of people came to the entrance of the corpse pool.

I only heard the elders of the second clan reminded: "Everyone, be careful, there are hundreds of ancient corpses in the corpse pool. Although there are many powerful ancient corpses fighting today, there should be many left behind!"

Everyone nodded, and then followed the elders of the second clan and walked in quietly.

In the cave, there was no light at all, it was dark, and at the same time, it was filled with the smell of stinky corpses, which made people sick.

Everyone held their breath and proceeded carefully.

After a little effort, the crowd came to the corpse pool under the leadership of the elders of the second clan.

The elder of the second clan pointed to the foul-smelling pool in front of him and said, "This is the pool for waking corpses!"

Looking at it at this time, the Xing Corpse Pool is calm and calm, and there is no half of the ancient corpse.

However, with a sweep of his consciousness, he was shocked to see that there were ancient corpses under the water, at least fifty or sixty!

Everyone's expression changed, only one suzerain said impatiently: "Since this is the Awakening Corpse Pool for the Yin Corpse Sect to refine corpses, what are you waiting for? Everyone worked together to completely destroy it, so as to destroy the foundation of the Yin Corpse Sect! "

"Yes, ruined!" The other suzerains greeted and said, obviously hating the Yin Corpse Sect.

The big clan elder looked at Li Ming and asked, "Patriarch, please issue orders!"

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(End of this chapter)

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