Chapter 712

Li Ming pondered slightly, and said: "Don't worry, the corpse pool will be destroyed now, and the whole cave will collapse, everyone hurry up and search around to see if there are any other suspicious places! The Yin Corpse Sect is definitely not the only one like this!" A corpse pool is so simple!"

The other suzerains nodded slightly, and said: "What Patriarch Feng said is very true, we are reckless."

"Hurry up, everyone, you must leave before the group of corpses return to their nests. Otherwise, once you are trapped, it will be difficult to fly with wings!" Li Ming said in a low voice.

"Understood!" the crowd responded.

Immediately, everyone spread out and checked the cave.

I only heard Li Ming Chuan read: "Old man of the clan, follow me."

The elder Dazu was stunned, although he didn't understand what Li Ming meant, he still obeyed the order.

Li Ming went around for a while, and finally returned to the pool of waking corpses.

I only heard Li Ming ask: "Old clan elder, can you sense whether those suzerains are nearby?"

Dazu Lao was startled, and immediately released Yuanshen to investigate, and said, "They're not here."

"Okay, quickly bring up the oldest ancient corpse in the corpse pool." Li Ming said.

"This..." The elder of the clan was startled, looked at Li Ming suspiciously, and asked, "Patriarch, what are you going to do?"

"Research." Li Ming replied.

"Research?" The old man frowned and asked, "Shouldn't we destroy it all?"

"It is precisely for the sake of complete destruction that we need to do research. Well, time is running out, and I will explain to you later." Li Ming said.

"Okay!" The elder of the clan didn't ask any more questions, and immediately released Yuanshen to search the corpse pool.

Soon, the elder of the great clan locked the target, clawed his hands, and grabbed the corpse pool, and an ancient corpse whose age could not be discerned was sucked up.

Li Ming had already prepared the sarcophagus for storing the ancient corpse, and put the ancient corpse away.

As soon as the ancient corpse was moved, the cadaver immediately noticed it.

I saw him on the battlefield change his face, and said in a low voice: "Not good! Back, back immediately!"

Following his order, the group of corpses rushing towards the northern city like an ant swarm immediately stopped attacking the city and retreated!

Even the super ancient corpse who was on par with General Situ didn't care about anything else, and retreated back!

Li Ming put away the ancient corpses, and took some corpse water from the corpse pool.

Those suzerains also searched almost, and returned to the corpse pool.

I only heard one of them say: "Clan Chief Feng, I found this, but I don't know what it is."

At this time, there was a sudden bang in the distance, which was the signal from Situ Jianren.

This is what Li Ming told Situ Jianren repeatedly before leaving the city. Once the corpse retreats back to the nest, it will ring immediately.

Hearing this, Li Ming's expression changed, and he said, "Hurry up, they're retreating back to their nests, everyone leave here immediately!"

The faces of the suzerains changed drastically.

I saw Li Ming take out a few things and throw them towards the corpse pool.

"Let's go, let's go." Li Ming urged.

Everyone ignored other things and immediately walked out of the cave.

After leaving the cave, the trembling sound of the earth can already be heard, the corpse army has returned to its nest!

Flying towards the northern border city now will only lead to a place of eternal doom.

I only heard Li Ming say: "Fly to the northwest."

Hearing this, everyone immediately sacrificed their own treasures, each showed their magical powers, and flew to the northwest, no one cared about anyone else!

The elders of the big clan took Li Ming and flew towards the northwest, followed by the elders of the second clan and the elders of the third clan.

At this time, the elders of the three clans remembered that the Xing Corpse Pool had not been destroyed, and said: "Patriarch, the Xing Corpse Pool is not destroyed, I will go back and destroy it."

(End of this chapter)

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