Chapter 713

"No." Li Ming shouted.

"Patriarch?" The elders of the three clans paused.

"I have other plans." Li Ming said.

The elders of the three clans paused, not understanding very well, but they didn't say much.

After flying a little northwest, Li Ming suddenly said, "We landed in the woods ahead."

"En?" The three clan elders paused, full of hesitation and puzzlement.

However, the three elders still fell in the small forest ahead.

I saw Li Ming took out the corpse awakening water from the corpse awakening pool before, and said: "Everyone smear it on the robes, the water in the corpse awakening pool should be able to cover the breath."

The three clan elders didn't say much, and immediately applied the water from the wake-up corpse pond to the robes.

After finishing, I only heard Li Ming say: "Let's go, take the northeast route, and go back to the Xing Corpse Pool."

"This..." The three clan elders were full of doubts, but they didn't ask any more questions now that time was running out.

Immediately, a group of four flew towards the northeast.

The northeast direction is the direction from which the Yin Corpse Sect came all the way. The corpse aura is soaring to the sky, the vegetation is withered, and it is barren.

At this time, the group of corpses returned to their nests, and the disciple of the Yin Corpse Sect couldn't wait to go back to the cave to check the corpse pool.

He has a close relationship with the ancient corpses in the corpse pool, especially the corpse king.

Just now he sensed that the Corpse King was passive, and now he came back to check, and it was true, the Corpse King was gone!

However, before he came back to his senses, a muffled sound suddenly came from under the corpse pool.

Then, with a bang, the flames shot up into the sky, and the entire cave was razed to the ground, and the corpse pool naturally disappeared!
Li Ming and his group were flying towards the northeast when they suddenly heard a loud noise and thick smoke billowing in the distance, which was exactly where the corpse pool was located.

The three clan elders were stunned, and their doubts grew even more. Why did the corpse pool blow up?
I only heard Li Ming say: "Quick, find a hidden place to hide, that guy should be completely irritated!"

The three clan elders descended immediately, opened a cave in an inconspicuous hill, hid it in the mountain, and used the dead body in the corpse pool to hide the breath of life.

Sure enough, a figure flew out of the ruins of the corpse pool, full of anger, shouting: "Who, who did it!"

At this time, he sensed the breath of life in the northwest direction, and immediately commanded the army: "Chasing, chasing me!"

Immediately, the army of corpses that had just returned to the nest was dispatched again, chasing it northwest!

In Beijing City, General Situ released his soul to observe the movement of the corpse army, full of doubts.

Just now, the corpse army clearly had the upper hand, but why did they suddenly retreat?

General Situ didn't think of anything until he saw the explosion in the mountain.

After a slight pause, General Situ murmured: "The Feng Clan and the others succeeded? They should have succeeded, otherwise the Infernal Corpse Sect wouldn't be in such a mess!"

Seeing the chaos in the Yin Corpse Sect, the deputy general begged for orders: "General, I ask for orders to lead an elite army and capture the thief of the Yin Corpse Sect during the chaos!"

"Yes!" General Situ agreed.

Immediately, the deputy general led an elite army out of the city again!
At the time of the battle just now, I have never found a chance to make a move!
Li Ming and the others hid in the mountainside. The elders of the clan carefully sensed the situation outside, and found that the army of corpses was heading northwest.

A day later, the army of corpses left, and the crisis was completely resolved.

I only heard that the elder of the clan asked: "Patriarch, are you going back to Beijing City now?"

"No, let's take a detour and go straight back to Fengdao." Li Ming said.

"Back to Fengdao?" Dazu elder was startled, a little surprised: "Aren't you going back to Daqin?"

"I won't be returning for the time being. Send that corpse king back to Fengdao first." Li Ming said.

"Okay!" The elder of the great clan replied.

Immediately, the four of them took a detour and flew towards Fengdao.

 When I get home, I will write two more chapters.I will go to my father-in-law's house tomorrow, so I guess it will be updated very late.

(End of this chapter)

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