The best immortal emperor

Chapter 720 Huben, you step back for now

Chapter 720 Huben, you step back for now

The battle continued until dark, and it was still difficult to tell the difference between the male and the female, and it was hard to tell the winner!
It can be said that it was as dark as the moon, and the sky was dark!

The corpse army of the Yin Corpse Sect is still charging, trying to break through the gate of the capital of Qin.

However, how could Qin Capital be broken so easily?

Not to mention the Qin Capital now reinforced by the Gold Weapon Sect, even the former Qin Capital is not so easy to break!
The battle between General Huben and the [-]-year-old corpse is still going on, and no one has the intention of giving up. It seems that there is no way to draw a winner!
The night was dark, and there was no moonlight to be seen, only the flames from General Huben's fight with the ancient corpse, which was extremely enchanting and dazzling.

In fact, since the rise of the Yin Corpse Sect, the night sky of Star Continent has changed.

In the past, the bright moon was in the sky, dotted with stars, and the beauty reached the painting scene.

Now, the bright and clear moonlight was completely covered by the corpse aura of the Infernal Corpse Sect, and it was a gray area. It was very surprising that even during the day, sometimes the sun could not be seen.

In the blink of an eye, the fighting continued for half a day and one night.

At this time, General Huben gradually showed signs of failure.

After all, General Huben is a human being, and the ancient corpse is a corpse, and he never tires.

Seeing this, General Situ couldn't help but his face darkened, and asked, "Who is willing to fight?"

"General, the last general is willing to fight!" A general with feathers on his head and a spear in his hand asked to fight on one knee.

"Okay, General Feilong, you will fight!" General Situ said.

"Yes, General!" General Feilong replied.

Immediately, General Feilong was holding a spear, ready to fight.

"Wait a minute!" Li Ming said suddenly.

General Situ was taken aback, and asked, "What advice does Patriarch Feng have?"

I only heard Li Ming say: "General Situ, it's better to let my Feng family fight on my behalf!"

"En?" General Situ was taken aback, a little surprised.

Li Ming continued: "Right now, all sects and powers in the world are allies, and our Feng clan has formed an ally with Daqin very early on, so we should do our part. Don't you think so?"

General Situ didn't hesitate too much, so he said: "Okay, General Feilong, you step down for now, this battle will be fought by the Feng Clan!"

"Yes!" General Feilong replied.

I only heard that Li Ming ordered: "Where is the elder of the three clans?"

"Patriarch, please tell me." The elders of the three clans responded.

"Go and replace General Huben. Remember, don't kill the ancient corpse, only serious injuries will do!" Li Ming said.

"Yes!" The elders of the three clans responded and went out to fight immediately.

All the Qin soldiers in the city heard the truth, and each had different expressions on their faces.

General Flying Dragon, who originally called for the battle, murmured dissatisfiedly: "What are you being arrogant about? You only want to be seriously injured and don't beheaded? It sounds like you can really beheaded."

"That's right, that's right, even General Huben can't do anything to that ancient corpse, can he be a small old man of the three clans of the Feng clan?" Some other generals replied.

"I think that the Feng Clan's three clans are more fierce than good, and it is very likely that they will die at the hands of that ancient corpse."

"Even if you don't die, you will be seriously injured!"

The generals of Daqin didn't like the elders of the three clans at all.

For this, Li Ming did not have any excuses. Whether it is a mule or a horse, we will know after a battle!
The elders of the three tribes came out of the city and shouted: "General Huben, you go back to the city to rest, and I will meet this ancient corpse!"

General Huben heard this, but he was not moved, still trembling with the ancient corpse.

At this moment, General Situ on the tower shouted: "Hu Ben, step back for now!"

Hearing this, General Huben stopped fighting and withdrew to Qindu.

After fighting fiercely for half a day and one night, General Huben was tired and returned to Qin Capital panting, but he didn't dare to rest and immediately returned to his post.

 I watched the Spring Festival Gala with my wife, and after a while, she fell asleep, just in time for me to write another chapter.Well, the heroes here wish you all a Happy New Year!

(End of this chapter)

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