Chapter 721

Until General Situ issued an order, General Huben rested in place, and the deputy general temporarily commanded the troops.

Only then did General Huben dare to take the true panacea, and meditate on the spot to rest.

On the battlefield, the elders of the three clans fought with the ancient corpses.

I saw the elders of the three clans sacrifice their own strange fire, the Green Liubao King Fire!
The sword of different fire, the whole body is emerald green, cut down with one sword, it has the potential to open up the universe!
When the ancient corpse saw the Green Liubao King Fire, its two oily green eyes flickered non-stop, and it was very frightened. It didn't fight as bravely as before, and directly resisted it with its body.

At this time, the ancient corpse couldn't help but feel a little timid, obviously the flame restrained him.

Seeing this, all the generals of Qin on the city tower were surprised. The elders of the three clans of the Feng clan looked ordinary, how could they beat the ten thousand year old corpse?
After a while, the generals noticed something and asked: "What kind of magic weapon is that in his hand? Shi Jian, Shi Dao, Shi Spear, all changing."

I only heard that General Situ explained: "That's not a magic weapon, it's a strange fire between heaven and earth. If I'm not mistaken, it should be the King Fire of the Green Crystal Treasure. Isn't that right, Patriarch Feng?"

"Haha." Li Ming laughed twice, and praised: "General Situ has good eyesight!"

Ancient corpses are afraid of fire, let alone heaven and earth!

The Green Liubao Wanghuo is the most famous among the different fires, and it is very powerful.

If the ten-thousand-year-old corpse dared to block it with its body, it would definitely be cut open by the Green Liubao King Fire!

At this time, let alone how aggrieved the ancient corpse was, but the master did not withdraw the order, he could only fight to the end!

In fact, in the eyes of the cadavers, these corpses, even the ten-thousand-year-old corpses with a certain spirituality, are nothing but tools of war.

If it is ruined, it is ruined, there is nothing too pity.

Because, there are many such ancient corpses!

The elders of the three clans took Li Ming's life, and they didn't completely let go of their hands and feet when they fought.

Otherwise, with the strength of the elders of the three clans, they would have hacked this ten-thousand-year-old corpse to death long ago!
Relying on the green glazed treasure Wang Huo, the elders of the three clans have an absolute advantage, forcing the ten thousand year old corpse to have nowhere to go!
During the fierce battle, the elders of the three clans finally found a chance to pierce the shoulder armor of the ancient corpse with a sword.

The green jade treasure king fire turned into a green sword was drawn out, and the ancient corpse of ten thousand years was like a punctured balloon, emitting black smoke wildly.

The entire face of the corpse was in extreme pain, and it was extremely hideous!

"Back!" The corpse controller spoke, and the ten thousand-year-old corpse retreated immediately as if relieved of its heavy burden.

Afterwards, the corpse army that rushed to the city also retreated.

The army of corpses retreated, the soldiers of the capital of Qin cheered, and the first battle was won!Great joy!
The elders of the three clans returned to Qindu.

At this time, the generals no longer dared to underestimate the elders of the three clans or the Feng clan!

Although the three clans always rely on the mutual restraint of the Green Liubao Wanghuo to win, but no matter what, it is the elders of the three clans!

I only heard that General Situ said: "The three tribes are veterans with high skills, and Situ admires them."

"Don't dare, don't dare, it's just a fluke." The elders of the three clans didn't dare to trust General Situ.

After a slight pause, General Situ Hu questioned: "Clan Chief Feng, I see that the strength of the elders of the three clans is absolutely capable of beheading that ten-thousand-year-old corpse, why not just behead it?"

Not only General Situ wanted to ask this question, but also the elders of the three clans, and all the generals on the tower wanted to ask it.

Can be beheaded why not kill?

Is raising tigers a problem?
After all, if you kill one, you will lose one, and you will have more chances of winning!
I saw Li Ming chuckled and said, "General Situ, winning or losing for a while is nothing to worry about, I have another plan!"

(End of this chapter)

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