Chapter 722

"Another plan?" General Situ and the generals couldn't help but pause.

I only heard Li Ming said: "The key to dealing with the Yin Corpse Sect is not to kill how many ancient corpses, but to destroy their Awakening Corpse Pool. Up to now, the scout eagle has not been able to detect the Awakening Corpse Pool, so why let the Yin Corpse Sect Show yourself?"

Hearing this, General Situ immediately came to his senses, and said, "You let the elders of the three tribes injure that ancient corpse so that he could take us to find the corpse pool."

"That's right, that ancient corpse is also a ten-thousand-year-old corpse. He was injured, and the controller of the corpse will not sit idly by. He will definitely be sent back to the Awakening Corpse Pool to re-sacrifice. We can follow him to find the Awakening Corpse Pool." Li Ming said.

General Situ secretly nodded in praise.

Li Ming did not seem to be unusual in doing so, let alone a deep strategy.

However, everyone present did not notice.

It can be seen how meticulous Li Ming's thoughts are!Think, look one step further than others!
General Situ concluded that Li Ming is definitely a general!
A good general, in addition to strength and bravery, must also have foresight.

Only in this way can you use your troops like a god!
The corpse army of the Yin Corpse Sect retreated [-] miles outside the city and rested in place.

This time, the army of the Yin Corpse Sect was just a tentative attack, to test the strength of Daqin.

As expected by Li Ming, the injured ten-thousand-year-old corpse really returned to the Awakening Corpse Pool to recuperate.

The elders of the three clans found the location of the corpse pool based on the green glaze treasure Wang Huo on the ten thousand-year-old corpse.

However, now is not the time to act and destroy.

The army of the Yin Corpse Sect is as many as one million, and there will definitely not be only one Awakening Corpse Pool.

When we find other wake-up corpse pools, we will destroy them together.

At that time, the impact on the Infernal Corpse Sect will definitely be greater than imagined!

Three days later, the army of corpses was about to move again, pressing towards Qindu!

At this time, a message came from the Great Jin Dynasty, and the army of the Yin Corpse Sect appeared, pressing from the northwest!
Then, Jindu fell into a hard fight!
The flames of war are raging, full of killing and destruction!
This battle can only be won, not lost.

Once defeated, the four major dynasties and major sects will truly lose the Star Continent!
The Dajin Dynasty established itself with Leifa, and 80.00% of the monks practiced Leifa.

Lei Fa is the most rigid and powerful, and it is the nemesis of corpses.

On Daqin's side, the war kicked off again.

This time, hundreds of thousand-year-old corpses flew out, trying to break through the capital of Qin in one fell swoop.

Seeing this, General Situ immediately ordered a hundred Huashen generals to go out of the city to fight, and the other sects would assist them!
Hundreds of masters in the realm of transforming gods are almost two-thirds of Daqin's military strength.

If this battle is defeated, Qin will never be able to defend it!
The next day, news of the Yin Corpse Sect attacking the city came from the Tang and Ming dynasties one after another.

Now, the last stronghold seems to be surrounded by the Infernal Sect army.

No matter which side is breached, the other three sides will face the crisis of being attacked!

The ten-thousand-year ancient corpse has the ability to resist the cultivation of the gods.

Moreover, if a cultivator in the realm of transforming gods has no special restraint treasures or means, it will be difficult to win!

The Feng clan, the elders of the second clan, the elders of the fourth clan, and the elders of the sixth clan faced each other head-on.

Li Ming led the elders of the big clan, the elders of the three clans, the elders of the five clans, and other powerful sects around the back of the Yin Corpse Sect, to fight head-on and sneak attack from the back.

Both Qindu and those abandoned cities had teleportation arrays, and Li Ming and the others used these teleportation arrays to go around to the back of the Yin Corpse Sect.

Everyone teleport to the city closest to the Yin Corpse Sect, and wait for the opportunity to make a move!
Now is definitely not the best time to make a move.

(End of this chapter)

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