Chapter 745

The corpse aura in the crypt became more vigorous, filling every side of the land.

After walking for a while, I heard a burst of laughter coming from the depths of the crypt, "It's done, it's about to be done, in three days, at most four days, I, this ancient corpse of [-] years, can wake up."

Hearing this, Zhou Chen gave a disdainful smile, and said, "So it's just an ancient corpse of ten thousand years old, do you think it's some powerful ancient corpse?"

"Who?" came a nervous question from deep in the crypt.

When Zhou Chen saw that the other party found him, he didn't hide it. He smiled and said, "Since you found out, let's cut straight to the point."

I saw Zhou Chen walking towards the depths of the crypt with the ancient corpse king.

After a little effort, Zhou Chen came to the corpse pool and saw the corpse refiner.

I only heard Zhou Chen say domineeringly: "From now on, everything here, including you, belongs to me, Zhou Chen!"

"What?" The other party was startled, then came back to his senses, and asked angrily, "Why?"

"Why?" Zhou Chen narrowed his eyes and said darkly, "I'll tell you why!"

Seeing Zhou Chen pointing his finger, the ancient corpse king made a move immediately.

With a direct punch, the opponent was seriously injured.

In fact, with the strength of the ancient corpse king, he could directly take the opponent's life.

However, Zhou Chen didn't want to kill the other party.

Seeing how powerful the Ancient Corpse King is, the other party immediately knelt down and said, "I am willing to surrender to you. Everything here belongs to you."

"Haha." Zhou Chen laughed presumptuously, and said, "I wish I had done this earlier, this punch was for nothing."

"I know I'm wrong, I know I'm wrong." The other party panicked.

"What's your name?" Zhou Chen asked arrogantly.

"Liu Hen." The other party said.

"En." Zhou Chen snorted, and said, "Hand over a wisp of Yuanshen."

"This..." Liu Hen hesitated a little, which was tantamount to handing over his life.

"Death, or hand over a wisp of primordial spirit." Zhou Chen said domineeringly.

"I'll pay it, I'll pay it." Liu Hen hurriedly complied.

In fact, Liu Hen's strength is far higher than Zhou Chen's, and he is a monk in the late Yuanying period.

It's just that Zhou Chen has a 3-year-old corpse king, so he can be so arrogant and domineering.

After a little effort, Liu Hen forcibly took out a strand of Yuanshen, and when he was about to hand it over to Zhou Chen, Li Ming suddenly said, "I want this strand of Yuanshen."

"En?" Zhou Chen's complexion sank, he looked at Li Ming angrily, and asked, "What do you want?"

I only heard that Li Ming said unhurriedly: "This is what Brother Zhu meant."

Zhou Chen paused, a little in disbelief, and asked, "Really?"

"Of course it's true. If you don't believe me, I'll ask Brother Zhu to come out and confront him face to face?" Li Ming said.

"No, no." Zhou Chen said quickly, not daring to say no.

Li Ming took the soul from Liu Hen and said, "From now on, your life is in my hands. I will not make things difficult for you, let alone make things difficult for you, but there is one thing you must obey."

"My lord, please tell me." Liu Hen asked hastily.

"Don't kill innocent people indiscriminately," Li Ming said.

"Yes, my lord, I will definitely remember it in my heart." Liu Hen said immediately.

Li Ming cut off halfway, not because he really wanted to make things difficult for Zhou Chen, but because he was worried that Zhou Chen would have ulterior motives because of his self-respect.

After a slight pause, Liu Hen looked at the Awakening Corpse Pool, then at Zhou Chen, hesitating, but finally asked in a low voice, "My lord, what should I do with the water in the Awakening Corpse Pool and the ten-thousand-year-old corpse cover?"

Obviously, Liu Hen was unwilling to give up all these to Zhou Chen.

I only heard Li Ming say: "You continue to sacrifice and refine, and quickly wake up the ancient corpse."

"Li Ming, you..." Zhou Chen was furious, this pool of corpses was something he wanted to grab, how could he just give it up like this?

 The vote is a bit inactive.In order to inspire everyone, Daxia decided to watch the fourth update tomorrow.If you have a ticket, you will be the first to drop it, and if you have money, you will be rewarded, and no one will be rejected!
(End of this chapter)

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