The best immortal emperor

Chapter 746 Lord, where are we going?

Chapter 746 Lord, where are we going?
Li Ming ignored Zhou Chen's anger, and said to himself: "Since Liu Hen has joined my sect and served me as master, I have the responsibility to protect him. What do you mean by stealing his things?"

"You..." Zhou Chen was at a loss for words, and walked away angrily.

Li Ming ignored Zhou Chen, and just said to Liu Hen: "Hurry up and wake up the ancient corpse, I have to hurry."

"It's the Lord, three or four days at most." Liu Hen said quickly.

Li Ming didn't like the smell of corpses in the cave, so he turned around and walked out.

I saw Zhou Chen dug a hole in the mountain depression, put in the corpses of monsters collected earlier, and began to refine the water for waking up corpses, offering sacrifices to the ancient corpse king.

Li Ming didn't know why Brother Zhu didn't take Zhou Chen's ray of Yuanshen back then, but just gave him the God-eating Pill.

Intuition tells Li Ming that this Zhou Chen will be a disaster sooner or later!

The aura of corpses in the mountain depression was soaring to the sky, Li Ming couldn't bear to stay there, so he simply left the mountain depression.

Now, it is difficult to find a pure land on the Star Continent, except on the sea!
There were black corpses everywhere, filling the sky and covering the sky and the sun.

In a blink of an eye, four days passed, Liu Hen awakened the ancient corpse of ten thousand years, collected all his belongings, and came out of the crypt.

However, Zhou Chen was busy making sacrifices to the ancient corpse king, so he couldn't continue on his way.

Liu Hen is a little strange, Zhou Chen is not weaker than the master, and he controls the 3-year-old corpse king, so why is he so afraid of Li Ming?

After a slight pause, Liu Hen couldn't help but think of a person mentioned by the Lord, Brother Zhu!

Mostly because of Brother Zhu, but these are not what Liu Hen needs to know and consider.

Nine days later, Zhou Chen, who sacrificed to the ancient corpse king, woke up, only to see him slowly exhaling a black breath with a relaxed expression on his face.

The ancient corpse king woke up right after him, and the scarlet in his eye sockets became more and more obvious.

"Go, continue on your way." Li Ming said.

Zhou Chen is very unhappy, but what can he do?Don't you want to follow Li Ming's orders?

A group of people continued on their way and flew towards the Black Brown Mountain.

On the way, Liu Hen asked in a low voice, "Master, where are we going?"

After being asked by Liu Hen, Li Ming came back to his senses and said, "Yes, you must have been active in this generation for a while, right? Have you heard of Heihe Mountain?"

"Heihe Mountain?" Liu Hen's expression changed drastically when he heard these three words, and he asked tremblingly with fear on his face: "Master, are you going to Heihe Mountain?"

"Exactly, what's the problem?" Seeing Liu Hen's reaction was so strong, Li Ming couldn't help frowning and asked.

"My lord, listen to my little one and don't go." Liu Hen suggested cautiously.

"Why? Could it be that there are powerful ancient corpses there?" Li Ming couldn't help asking.

Zhou Chen didn't take it seriously, and proudly said: "What are you afraid of? I control a 3-year-old corpse!"

Li Ming ignored Zhou Chen and just asked, "Liu Hen, tell me everything you know."

"My lord, there are many monks gathered there, and they are all very strong monks," Liu Hen said.

"A strong monk?" Hearing this, Li Ming couldn't help but frown. How could there be monks in Heihe Mountain?

Zhou Chen still didn't take it seriously, and said casually: "What are you afraid of? I am a 3-year-old corpse king. Although I haven't completed the sacrifice, I have no problem dealing with ordinary monks who have transformed into gods. Liu Hen, don't You are confusing the crowd here, or be careful and I will kill you!"

Li Ming rolled his eyes at Zhou Chen, and said to Liu Hen, "Don't pay attention to him, he doesn't dare to do anything to you."

"Yes, my lord." Liu Hen replied.

 There will be four updates today, and this is the first update.

(End of this chapter)

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