Chapter 752

Li Ming pretended to be injured for half a month, and also stayed in bed for half a month.

In the past half a month, Peerless Fierce Ape followed Li Ming's wishes and did not visit him or meet him.

Half a month later, Li Ming's injury healed and he could go out.

The disciples of the Sun Moon Sect seemed to be very busy, and everyone was walking in a hurry.

When Li Ming went out, he didn't know where to go, so he just walked casually.

At this time, a woman noticed Li Ming.

I saw that she was wearing a sun and moon robe, but the color of the robe was different from everyone else's. Everyone's robe was grayish yellow, but hers was white, and the sun and moon embroidered on the robe were relatively delicate.

I only heard the woman introduce herself: "Hello, my name is Zhou Qingyu, are you a new disciple?"

"Hello, I just came here some time ago, and I have been lying in bed to recuperate, and I just went out today." Li Ming said.

"Oh, that's it. Judging by your clothes, you probably haven't received the things for new disciples yet. I'll take you to get them." Zhou Qingyu said.

"Thank you." Li Ming thanked.

"You're welcome, from now on we will all be brothers and sisters of the same sect." Zhou Qingyu said, "By the way, were you a casual cultivator before? Or have you joined other sects?"

"To tell you the truth, I used to join a first-rate or third-rate sect before, but due to my aptitude, I barely became an outer disciple. However, the situation didn't last long, and the corpse army disaster broke out. The sect was broken, Everyone has their own lives. I fled for several years, and was targeted by a small army of corpses some time ago. I thought I was doomed, but I was rescued by Zong Dayuan. In the end, I was brought here. I heard that this is the Sun Moon Sect, I have joined the sect, can I worship again?" Li Ming said bluntly.

This Zhou Qingyu was only at the late stage of Golden Core, and Li Ming pretended to be at the early stage of Golden Core, so she naturally couldn't see any clues.

I only heard Zhou Qingyu say: "The world is in trouble, and all sects are broken. I used to be a disciple of the Golden Sword Sect, but now I'm wearing the sun and moon robe!"

Li Ming nodded and said, "Then Senior Sister Lao Zhou will take me to get the things for the new disciples."

"Okay, but let me remind you a little bit." Zhou Qingyu said.

"Senior sister, please show me." Li Ming said.

"Those who join the sect need to hand over a sliver of consciousness, and their fate belongs to the Sun Moon Sect from now on," Zhou Qingyu said.

"En?" Hearing this, Li Ming couldn't help but startled, and frowned.

To hand over a wisp of consciousness, this is equivalent to handing over the life of the family to the Sun Moon Sect!

Seeing Li Ming's hesitation, Zhou Qingyu said, "I hesitated like you at first, but when I look back, what's the point? Having a safe shelter is better than living a precarious life in the outside world, right? Maybe one day he will die under the army of corpses."

"This..." Li Ming hesitated and asked, "Can the Sun Moon Sect fight against the corpse army? What if the corpse army attacks?"

"Don't worry, even those corpse soldiers wouldn't dare to commit any crimes." Zhou Qingyu said confidently.

"Why? Could it be that the Sun Moon Sect is stronger than the Four Great Dynasties?" Li Ming asked curiously.

Regardless of the danger, Li Ming came to the Sun Moon Sect just to spy on this matter.

Zhou Qingyu couldn't help laughing when he heard Li Ming's question, and proudly said: "I, the Sun Moon Sect is not as powerful as the four great dynasties, but our suzerain and elders are all masters of talisman refining. Although the corpse army is like a tide , but it is no match for a talisman of our suzerain. I am not afraid to tell you that the Heihe Mountain used to be full of corpses, but look now? How can we see half of the corpses? Moreover, we have established a large defensive formation, even if If the army of corpses comes again, they will definitely not be able to break through! That is the Dao Talisman Formation!"

"The Formation of Dao Talisman?" Li Ming paused, not quite understanding.

"I can't explain this clearly, anyway, it's a very powerful formation." Zhou Qingyu said.

Hearing this, Li Ming became slightly silent.

"How is it? Have you thought it through? Do you want me to take you to get things for new disciples?" Zhou Qingyu asked.

"I'll think about it again." Li Ming said perfunctorily.

Just kidding, how could Li Ming hand over his life to others?
"Then think about it again, but it's best to make a decision as soon as possible. You have half a month to recuperate, and you have five more days. If you haven't joined our sect, you will be forcibly expelled." Zhou Qingyu reminded.

"Ah, it's like this." Li Ming couldn't help being surprised.

"It's human nature, you are not a disciple of my sect, how can my sect take you in and protect you?" Zhou Qingyu said.

"Yes." Li Ming said.

"Okay, I have other things to do. If you decide to join our sect, just find anyone, and he will take you there." Zhou Qingyu said.

"Okay, thank you." Li Ming thanked.

"I'm leaving first," Zhou Qingyu said.

"By the way, can you tell me where that great ape is? I want to thank him for saving his life." Li Ming said sincerely.

"It should be in the back mountain. If not, you can ask his disciples." Zhou Qingyu said.

"Okay." Li Ming replied.

Afterwards, Zhou Qingyu went to busy with his own business.

You know, there is a certain reward for introducing new disciples into the sect, Zhou Qingyu is so enthusiastic!
Li Ming walked towards the back mountain, and asked several disciples along the way, and confirmed that the peerless fierce ape was in the back mountain.

In fact, the Sun Moon Sect is not that big, and Li Ming can use his Yuanshen to investigate just a few caves.

However, Li Ming didn't dare to do this. It would be troublesome if he disturbed the elders and suzerain of the Sun Moon Sect.

After a little effort, Li Ming came to the back mountain.

The back mountain is where monsters stay, there are loose monsters and mounts.

The Peerless Fierce Ape is a loose demon.

As soon as Li Ming arrived at the back mountain, the Peerless Fierce Ape smelled Li Ming's scent and rushed over.

As soon as they met, the peerless fierce ape screamed enthusiastically.

Li Ming comforted the peerless fierce ape for a while, and asked: "Great ape, you live in the Sun Moon Sect, have you ever offered a ray of consciousness?"

The Peerless Fierce Ape paused, nodded and said, "There is such a thing. At that time, there was no other way to save my life."

"Oh." Li Ming replied sadly.

After a slight pause, Li Ming asked: "Da Yuan, do you know where the Sun Moon Sect stores all these consciousnesses?"

Peerless Fierce Ape shook his head and said, "I don't know about that."

Li Ming patted Peerless Vicious Ape's arm and said, "Don't worry, I will definitely find a way to get back your wisp of consciousness."

"En?" The peerless fierce ape paused, looked at Li Ming suspiciously, and asked, "Aren't you going to join?"

Li Ming shook his head and said, "Da Yuan, I will not hand over my life to others."

"You will be expelled." The Peerless Vicious Ape reminded.

"I know." Li Ming replied.

"But there are corpses everywhere outside, you will die if you leave here." Peerless Vicious Ape said anxiously.

"Don't worry, I have my own measure. I still have five days. Do you know where I can get a talisman? I need one." Li Ming asked.

(End of this chapter)

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