Chapter 753

"Charm? What talisman?" The peerless fierce ape asked after a pause.

"It's the kind of talisman used to deal with ancient corpses." Li Ming said.

"Oh, so you were talking about the spirit-suppressing talisman." The peerless fierce ape suddenly realized, but then shook his head and said: "The Sun Moon Sect has very strict control over the runes, and private trading is prohibited. If there is an army of corpses coming, we will Town spirit talismans will be distributed. However, after repelling the army of corpses, they will be taken back uniformly, and no interns will be allowed to hide them. Otherwise, once discovered, they will be severely punished." Said the peerless fierce ape.

Hearing this, Li Ming nodded.

After a slight pause, Li Ming whispered to the Peerless Fierce Ape.

Peerless Fierce Ape was startled, nodded, and said, "I see."

"Well, I'm leaving first. I'm afraid I won't be able to take you to see Ruyu this time. You stay at the Sun Moon Sect first, and I will definitely help you get back that wisp of soul." Li Ming said seriously.

Peerless Fierce Ape nodded, and didn't seem to care too much.

Saying goodbye to the peerless ape, Li Ming left the back mountain, ready to look around.

The spirit-resisting talisman of the Sun Moon Sect is extremely powerful, just like the golden bell of "Boundless Buddhism" in the Tang Dynasty, it can restrain ancient corpses.

But, why haven't I heard of the name of the Sun Moon Sect before?
Furthermore, since the Sun Moon Sect has such a powerful spirit-suppressing talisman, why did they go to Heihe Mountain to establish their sect?What about the original site of their sect?Just give up?

Intuition told Li Ming that things are definitely not that simple!
Because he was not a disciple of the Sun Moon Sect, Li Ming was restricted in everything he did, and he was particularly eye-catching.

In a blink of an eye, three days passed, and Li Ming didn't find any clues.

In two days, Li Ming will be forcibly expelled from the Sun Moon Sect. At that time, if he wants to get in again, it will be very difficult!
Time was running out, so Li Ming had to hurry up.

However, the Sun Moon Sect's security is really strict, there are disciples on duty everywhere, it is really difficult to move an inch.

In the blink of an eye, two days passed, and Li Ming still got nothing.

Early this morning, the door of Li Ming's room was pushed open, and several disciples of the Sun Moon Sect walked in.

I only heard one of them ask: "Have you figured it out? Should I go or stay?"

"Go." Li Ming said without hesitation.

"Then come with us, and I will send you away. However, I still kindly remind you that there are corpses everywhere outside, and there is only one dead end!" the man reminded.

Li Ming didn't speak, just walked outside.

The disciples of the Sun Moon Sect stopped persuading and left with Li Ming.

After a little effort, Li Ming was taken to the valley in the northwest corner, only to hear the disciples of the Riyuezong said: "Go, pass through this valley, and you will be outside. Don't think about turning back, our sect will not take in idlers. of."

Li Ming ignored it and walked straight to the valley without any nostalgia. The only pity he didn't find any useful clues!

At this time, I only heard the disciple of the Ritual Moon Sect say: "How many days do you think this guy can live?"

"How many days? How many days will he live with the strength of his early Golden Core? One day at most!"

"One day? You're really flattering him, I'll see it for half a day at most! Maybe sooner."

"Forget it, leave him alone, he must be dead anyway."

"Yes, it's dead."

Li Ming frowned when he heard what they said, he didn't understand why they said that.

Now there are almost no corpses in the Heihe Mountain area, let alone the army of corpses, how could they not survive a day?
Several disciples of the Sun Moon Sect watched Li Ming enter the valley before leaving.

 There are only two updates today, and I will write another chapter later.I went home the day before yesterday and rushed back to work today.I'm a little tired, rest for one night, let's watch the fourth watch tomorrow.

(End of this chapter)

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