The best immortal emperor

Chapter 759 Sun Moon Sect

Chapter 759 Sun Moon Sect

As for the locust, after escaping from the Sun Moon Sect and returning to the Feng Clan, we will find another way!

Elder Mingri couldn't wait to ask: "Recite, the Sutra of Immortality and Immortality."

"What's the rush? I just suffered such a serious injury, so I have to rest for half a month?" Li Ming said.

"Don't go too far!" Elder Mingri shouted in a low voice.

"I've already taken your borer, what are you afraid of? Half a month is not long, what's the rush?" Li Ming asked back.

"Hmph!" Elder Mingri snorted dissatisfiedly: "Okay, I will give you half a month to recuperate. After half a month, you will memorize the Sutra of Immortality and Undying Ten Thousand Thunders!"

"No problem at all!" Li Ming said, and then said: "However, you'd better get ready for the next half month."

"Preparing for what?" Elder Mingri asked.

"Lightning into the body!" Li Ming said.

"Leading thunder into the body?" Elder Mingri paused and looked at Li Ming suspiciously.

I only heard Li Ming say: "The first step in cultivating the Sutra of Immortality and Immortality is to attract the sky thunder into the body."

"What? Leading the thunder into the body?" Elder Mingri was surprised immediately, then his face changed, and he shouted angrily: "You want to harm me?"

"Hit you?" Li Ming paused, looked at Elder Mingri with contempt, and said sarcastically, "Are you afraid of death?"

"Who doesn't know that Tianlei is extremely domineering, you want me to lead Tianlei into my body, what is it if you don't harm me?" Elder Mingri asked.

"Believe it or not, that's how it's written in the Undying Undying Thousand Thunder Tribulation Sutra, and that's how I practice too." Li Ming said.

As he spoke, Li Ming released his golden lightning!

Seeing the golden thunder and lightning, Elder Mingri couldn't help being surprised. He believed Li Ming's words immediately, but he still hesitated, and continued to ask, "How did you lure the thunder into your body?"

"The one who led the lightning into his body during the Liujiu Yuanying Tribulation almost didn't die." Li Ming said with a look of fear.

Elder Mingri paused slightly, his expression suddenly changed, and the light and darkness were uncertain.

After a slight pause, Elder Mingri said: "Li Ming, you'd better not play tricks with me, or you will die a miserable death!"

"Of course I know that." Li Ming said.

"Hmph!" Elder Mingri flipped his hand and took out a small wave drum, and said, "You don't know what that locust is, do you? People who are worms can solve it, there is no other way. So, you'd better not play tricks on me!"

As he said that, Elder Mingri shook the wave drum in his hand, only to hear a booming sound.

Li Ming was startled, not understanding what Ming Ri was doing.

However, in the next second, Li Ming only felt his stomach sink, followed by overwhelming pain.

Li Ming's face turned green and purple for a while.

After a while, Elder Mingri put away the wave drum and said, "Now you know I'm not joking with you!"

Li Ming's face turned pale for a while, he had never experienced such pain before, even if he was hit on the head by Mingri before, he had never been bitten by moths.

I only heard that Elder Mingri continued: "Li Ming, I will take you to my residence, but you must stay in the house well, and you are not allowed to move around at will."

"I understand." Li Ming said with a pale face.

Immediately, Elder Mingri took Li Ming out of the valley.

In the blink of an eye, he arrived at Elder Mingri's residence, and Elder Mingri pointed to a room and said, "You will live here first for half a month."

"Okay." Li Ming replied, and then walked in.

Elder Mingri didn't care about Li Ming, he was very relieved that there were bugs!

After entering the room, Li Mingpan sat down, took some elixir to restore true energy, and began to cultivate!
Li Ming didn't choose the more effective spirit water because he was worried about being discovered by Elder Mingri.

A few days later, Li Ming recovered.

Recalling the pain of the borer bite, Li Ming felt a lingering fear, such a horrible pain, it was so painful that it made people go crazy!

After a slight pause, Li Ming realized later, and said in surprise: "This locust is not a kind of Gu, is it?"

There is no way to verify this idea for the time being, and I will ask Mingri when I have a chance!

In a blink of an eye, the half-month deadline has come.

Mingri pushed the door open and entered, seeing Li Ming awake, asked, "Can you recite the Sutra of Immortality and Undying Ten Thousand Thunders to me now?"

"Naturally, I am a very trustworthy person!" Li Ming said.

Hearing this, a look of joy appeared on Mingri's face.

I only heard Li Ming say: "Listen well, this is the general outline of the Sutra of Immortality and Undying Thousand Thunders and the mentality of the first level!"

Immediately, Li Ming started to recite silently.

What Li Ming recited was not the Sutra of Immortality and Undying Ten Thousand Thunders, but the mental method of Nine Heavens Thunder Movement!
Nine Heavens Thunder Movement is a treasure of Leiming Sect, and Li Ming got it by accident, so Ming Ri probably never heard of it.

As for the Sutra of Immortality and Undying Ten Thousand Thunders, this is a name Li Ming made up, and it doesn't exist at all!

When Mingri heard the general outline of the "Nine Heavens Thunder", he couldn't help but took a deep breath, and exclaimed: "It's really exquisite, it's really exquisite! The person who created this kind of exercise is definitely an eternal genius!"

Seeing Mingri's excitement, Li Ming breathed a sigh of relief, and said in his heart: "It seems that I have been deceived! Mingri didn't notice anything wrong."

I only heard Li Ming say: "Elder Mingri, you first complete the entry requirements and lead the thunder into your body. Then I will engrave the remaining eight realms of mind on the eight golden pages. When you complete the entry training, take me away Underworld Sect, take out the locusts in my body, and I will give you the mental method of the last eight realms. Like this, neither owes anything!"

"Okay! Wait for the elder to lead the thunder into the body first!" Elder Mingri said.

Immediately, he went out to practice.

Li Ming looked at Elder Mingri's leaving back, opened his long sleeves, closed the door, and said in his heart: "I hope you will have good luck, and don't be struck to death by lightning!"

According to Li Ming's idea, it would be best to be struck to death by lightning!Clean and neat.

As for the locusts, wait until they escape from the Sun Moon Sect to find a way!
Hiding in the mansion of Elder Mingri, he didn't notice Li Ming.

Li Ming was thinking about a way to escape, so naturally he couldn't place all his hopes on Elder Mingri.

Everything needs to be prepared with both hands!

Mingri was so focused on cultivation that he didn't care about taking care of Li Ming at all. It was because he had full confidence in the locusts that he was like this!

Therefore, Li Ming secretly planned his retreat and tried to leave the Sun Moon Sect!
If you want to leave the Sun Moon Sect, at least you can't attract others' attention from the attire, and a Sun Moon robe is absolutely indispensable.

Secondly, a permit to enter and exit the sect is required!
Let's figure out a solution later on the permission order, first solve the Sun and Moon Fapao!
Taking advantage of the darkness, Li Ming sneaked out of Mingri Elder's Mansion without encountering any obstacles!
"Steal a Sun Moon robe? Or kill a disciple of the Sun Moon Sect and take his Sun Moon robe?" Li Ming thought to himself, he couldn't make up his mind for a moment!

(End of this chapter)

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