The best immortal emperor

Who will distribute Chapter 760?

Who will distribute Chapter 760?

Stealing the Sun Moon Robe?
Once the Sun Moon Robe is stolen, it will be difficult for the disciple to move an inch in the sect, and he will definitely report it, which will definitely cause a lot of trouble.

However, killing a Sun Moon Sect disciple and taking his Sun Moon Robe seems to be a once and for all, clean and tidy.

However, every disciple of the Sun Moon Sect has handed in a wisp of consciousness, which is stored in a certain place, and once a certain disciple dies, the stored consciousness will collapse.

I don't know if there are any disciples who are on duty at the place where the consciousness is stored. If there is, it will attract more attention.

Therefore, you can't steal it, let alone kill it!

However, after leaving Elder Mingri's mansion, Li Ming thought of a third way!
At this moment, I saw Li Ming secretly walking towards the Artifact Hall where the robes were made.

The Artifact Hall refines treasures and robes, robes are a must, and will definitely be refined in large quantities.

It is precisely because of the large number that one or two missing items may not attract attention!

After a little effort, Li Ming found the Qidian.

The skill level of the Sun Moon Sect's crafting can only be so-so, and they all refine some low-level treasures, so there are no disciples guarding them at night.

Furthermore, every disciple of the Sun Moon Sect has handed over a wisp of consciousness, who dares to do such a thing?
Once found out, there is only one dead end!Not even a chance to escape!

Therefore, the atmosphere is very good, and there is a great chance of not picking up lost things on the road.

After all, no one is stupid, risking their wealth and life for a worthless magic weapon.

When he came to the Hall of Qi, Li Ming walked in cautiously.

There was no one in the Hall of Qi. After searching for a while, Li Ming found the warehouse where the robes were stored, at least [-] to [-] robes were stored in it.

Li Ming was not greedy, and only took one piece.

After winning, Li Ming left immediately without any lingering.

However, instead of going back to Elder Mingri's mansion, he went to the back mountain!

Now, in the Sun Moon Sect, Li Ming is trusted only by the Peerless Fierce Ape.

After a little effort, Li Ming came to the back mountain.

Peerless Fierce Ape smelled Li Ming's breath, and was slightly taken aback. Obviously, he didn't expect Li Ming to be here.

Immediately, the peerless fierce ape came to meet Li Ming.

As soon as we met, I heard that the peerless fierce ape asked in surprise: "Li Ming, why are you still here?"

"Now is not the time to explain. I am in a very dangerous situation. Do you know where the tokens for entering and exiting the Sun Moon Sect are stored?" Li Ming asked.

Peerless Fierce Ape shook his head, and said: "There is no disciple coming out of the sect, and the entry and exit orders are issued temporarily."

"Who will distribute it?" Li Ming asked.

"Big brother, Tian Yu!" said the peerless fierce ape.

"I see." Li Ming nodded in response, and then said: "Great Ape, I have to go."

"Li Ming, is there anything I can do to help?" asked the Peerless Vicious Ape.

"Don't worry, I can handle it by myself." After Li Ming finished speaking, he hurried back to Elder Mingri's residence.

Li Ming didn't want to involve the peerless vicious ape, if any bad signs pointed at him, he would definitely die!
After a little effort, Li Ming returned to Elder Mingri's residence.

No one noticed Li Ming's departure, and no one noticed Li Ming's return!
Back in his room, Li Mingyang pretended to meditate and rested, but he was thinking in his heart, how to get an entry and exit order from Tian Yu?
The lawful place of the wealthy couple?

These four things are unavoidable for practitioners, but since Tian Yu's life is no longer in his hands, can these four things move him?

"Why don't you help him steal back the consciousness he gave you?" Li Ming couldn't help thinking to himself.

(End of this chapter)

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