The best immortal emperor

Chapter 766 Are you their patriarch?

Chapter 766 Are you their patriarch?
I only heard Li Ming say: "It is I who want to thank the elders of the clan, otherwise I would still be suffering at the hands of this fellow."

"What? You are their patriarch?" Mingri looked at Li Ming in disbelief, and couldn't figure out why the monks in the Nascent Soul Realm were the patriarchs of these masters?
The elder of the second clan pointed to the dark sun and asked for instructions: "Patriarch, these dare to hurt you, let me burn them to ashes!"

"No, you can't kill me!" Ming Ri said immediately.

"Can't kill? Huh! I want to kill and see!" The elders of the second clan were also very stubborn.

"You can't kill me, your patriarch has been hit by my borer, and no one in the world can cure it except me!" Ming Ri said hastily, for fear of saying too late, he would be burned to ashes!
Hearing about the locust, the faces of the elders of the clans suddenly changed, it is a strange insect through the ages!

I only heard that the elder of the clan asked: "Patriarch, is what he said true?"

Li Ming nodded and responded.

The faces of all the elders turned dead, their eyes flashed with anger, and they wished to eat their bones, eat their flesh, and drink their blood!

"Let me go, let me go quickly, or I'll make your patriarch look good!" Ming Ri thought he had caught the opponent's weakness, and suddenly became arrogant.

Li Ming's expression darkened, and he shouted, "Beat him!"

Hearing this, the elders of the three clans kicked Mingri's face unceremoniously.

I saw Ming Ri's face sunken a little, and a big foot appeared!

"You dare to hit me?" Ming Ri objected.

"Beat me again!" Li Ming said viciously.

The veterans of the three races couldn't stop, they kept holding on.

At this time, Ming Ri was imprisoned and could not move at all. Apart from being able to speak, he could only be beaten!

After playing for a long time, Li Ming said, "Take a break."

Will you continue beating?
Only then did the elders of the three clans stop.

Li Ming squatted down and asked, "Ming Ri, do you know why I spared your life instead of killing you?"

"Hmph! It goes without saying, don't you just expect me to kill the borers for you?" Ming Ri said stinkingly.

"Come on, keep beating!" Li Ming couldn't understand Ming Ri's arrogant face, a prisoner should behave like a prisoner!
"Okay!" The elders of the three clans responded.

Immediately, the elders of the three clans punched and kicked again.

Mingri's nose was blue and his face was swollen, he was very embarrassed!

After half a stick of incense, Li Ming called to stop.

I only heard that Li Ming continued to ask: "Ming Ri, do you think locusts can threaten me?"

"Haha." Ming Ri couldn't help laughing, and said, "Li Ming, you don't know what a borer is, do you?"

Li Ming paused, and said: "I really don't know, I guess it must be a kind of Gu!"

"You know Gu?" Ming Ri was taken aback, looking very surprised.

Li Ming ignored Ming Ri's surprise, and said to himself: "I spare your life, I just want to know the origin of the Sun Moon Sect, and also, you must have such an unusual relationship with the Yin Corpse Sect!"

Hearing this, Ming Ri's face changed greatly, "How do you know?"

"It doesn't matter how I know, what matters is what you know? This determines your life!" Li Ming murmured.

Ming Ri couldn't help laughing, and said: "You dare not kill me. Once I die, no one will be able to cure the insects. Even if you become immortal, you will still suffer day and night. The pain, just like I shake the wave drum, the pain is overwhelming, never ending!"

Li Ming was not shocked by Mingri at all, instead he showed a big smile and said, "We will wait and see!"

(End of this chapter)

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