Chapter 767

Ming Ri looked at Li Ming fiercely, but he didn't expect to fall down.

I only heard that the elder of the clan asked: "Patriarch, how to deal with this guy?"

"Take it back to Fengdao first!" Li Ming said.

"Yes!" The elder of the great clan replied.

Immediately, the group set off to fly back to Fengdao.

Now is not the time to take action to rescue the peerless fierce ape, you must first find out the details of the Sun Moon Sect, and plan carefully before making a comeback!
A group of people flew over the land and came to the sea, without any delay, they went straight to Fengdao.

The elders of the clan were worried, and they were very worried about the locusts in Li Ming's body!

They don't know too much about locusts, but they do know that they are very terrifying insects, which are feared by gods and demons!
A few days later, when the group returned to Fengdao, Li Ming ordered Ming Ri to interrogate Ming Ri severely, trying to pry out the origin of the Sun Moon Sect and the relationship with the Yin Corpse Sect from him!

Li Ming rested for six or seven days, trying to force out the borers. After trying various methods, they all ended in failure!
On this day, Li Ming came to the residence of his son Tan Siming to see if his son had a good solution!
After all, the son had practiced the way of witchcraft.

However, unfortunately, Tan Siming was in retreat.

Li Ming didn't bother, and returned to his residence, but left a message at the door.

In a blink of an eye, half a month has passed, and the interrogation still hasn't made any progress. Elder Mingri's mouth is surprisingly hard!No matter how tortured I was, I just refused to speak!
A few days later, Tan Siming came.

Seeing Li Ming, Tan Siming asked, "Dad, are you looking for me?"

"Well, I have something to look for you." Li Ming replied.

After a slight pause, Li Ming asked, "Siming, have you heard of borers?"

"Borer?" Hearing this, Tan Siming couldn't help but pause, and asked in surprise, "Dad, why did you suddenly ask about borer?"

"Ask casually." Li Ming said perfunctorily, he didn't want Siming to know that he had been infected by locusts, so as not to worry him.

Tan Siming was dubious, and his father came to the door, just asking casually?

After a slight pause, Tan Siming said: "The locust is the distant ancestor of the Gu. It is tied with the caterpillar, the snake, and the flower insect. It is known as the four holy insects in ancient times. There are countless Gu insects in later generations, but they are all born from these four insects." .”

Hearing this, Li Ming couldn't help but took a deep breath, and said, "So, Mie Shen Gu was also conceived by these four insects?"

"Mie Shen Gu is not a direct descendant of the four holy insects, but was obtained after nearly a hundred generations of cultivation." Tan Siming said.

Li Ming nodded, and continued to ask: "Siming, do you have a way to draw the borers out of your body?"

"Extract?" Tan Siming was slightly stunned, thought for a while and said: "The borer has a weird personality, except for those who raise the borer in captivity, no one else can do it."

"Is there really nothing to do?" Li Ming asked unwillingly.

"It's really not, or I have little knowledge and don't know how to find another way." Tan Siming said.

"Oh." Li Ming was a little disappointed.

Tan Siming noticed his father's abnormal expression, and couldn't help asking: "Dad, what's the matter? Did something happen?"

"It's really nothing, just asking casually." Li Ming said perfunctorily.

"It's really just like that?" Tan Siming hesitated.

"Really. You go back, I want to rest." Li Ming said.

Tan Siming paused and said, "Okay then, I'll go back first."

"Go." Li Ming said.

Afterwards, Tan Siming walked out, but he hesitated to what his father Li Ming said.

Intuition told Tan Siming that something must have happened.

Tan Siming went out and did not go back to his own residence, but went to the residence of his mother Tan Xiaoling.

Now, Tan Xiaoling and Lin Ruyu have lived beside the spiritual water pool for a long time, nourishing their bodies with the powerful spiritual energy emitted by the spiritual water pool.

Tan Xiaoling doesn't like to practice very much. She raises flowers and plants on weekdays and occasionally practices.

Lin Ruyu is just the opposite, as long as she is free, she will retreat!

Now, Lin Ruyu's cultivation has surpassed Tan Xiaoling's, and she is heading towards the Golden Core Realm!
Tan Siming came to his mother Tan Xiaoling's residence near Lingshui Pool, and Tan Xiaoling was pruning flowers and plants.

Seeing Tan Siming's arrival, he was a little surprised, and said with a hint of reproach: "Siming, do you still remember me as a mother? You know how to retreat all day long, and you can't even see a person."

"Mom, didn't I see you coming?" Tan Siming hurriedly said.

"Tell me, what's the matter?" Tan Xiaoling asked.

"Mom, did you guess it?" Tan Siming was slightly surprised.

"You, you have been like this since you were a child. You can go to the Three Treasures Palace for nothing. Tell me, what's the matter? Do you want me to persuade your father to let you go out to practice? Let me tell you, this is not okay. The situation in the world is unstable now. The corpse slaves of the Corpse Sect are rampant, don't even think about going anywhere, just stay on the island for me!" Tan Xiaoling first got vaccinated.

Tan Siming said hurriedly: "Mom, it's not my business, it's Dad's business."

"What's wrong with your dad?" Tan Xiaoling couldn't help becoming nervous.

"This..." Tan Siming didn't know where to start.

"You said it, you faltered." Tan Xiaoling urged.

"Let me start from the beginning." Tan Siming said.

Later, Tan Siming told the whole story in detail.

Tan Xiaoling frowned when she heard this.

After a slight pause, Tan Xiaoling seemed to realize something, her expression changed, and she said, "No, it's very likely that your father has been infected by the locust bug."

"Ah!" Tan Siming couldn't help being surprised when he heard this.

At this time, Tan Xiaoling hurried out.

"Mom, why are you going?" Tan Siming asked.

"I'll ask your dad." Tan Xiaoling said.

"I'll go with you," Tan Siming said.

Immediately, the Tan family's mother and son left the residence and came to the residence where Li Ming used to retreat.

Li Ming was worrying, but he saw Tan Xiaoling and Tan Siming walking in.

I only heard that Tan Xiaoling asked worriedly: "Li Ming, is it..."

"I'm fine, really fine!" Li Mingqiang said with a smile.

"Don't lie to me." Tan Xiaoling's eyes were slightly red.

Li Ming couldn't help but soften his heart, and said: "Xiaoling, I'm really fine. Although the locust is powerful, don't forget that I have the indestructible heart of the sacred relic of the Phoenix clan, and the locust can't help me at all."

"Dad, you've really been poisoned by borers!" Tan Siming said in surprise.

"What are you shouting about? What's the big deal?" Li Ming scolded lightly.

"Dad, I..." Tan Siming was speechless.

"Okay, don't worry about it anymore, I will try to solve the bug bug." Li Ming said again.

Tan Xiaoling's eyes were red, she was very worried about Li Ming.

After a slight pause, Tan Siming asked, "Dad, who put the Gu on you?"

"Why are you asking this?" Li Ming asked.

"Of course I went to him to find the solution to the locust." Tan Siming said noncommittally.

"Do you have a solution?" Li Ming asked after a pause.

Tan Siming's eyes showed a hint of ruthlessness, and he said, "How will you know if you don't try?"

(End of this chapter)

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