The best immortal emperor

Chapter 791 Do You Still Want To Be Brave?

Chapter 791 Do You Still Want To Be Brave?
Qin Huang said noncommittally: "Indeed, what you said is not wrong, I still can't fully exert the full power of this thing. However, it is enough to deal with you!"

"You will get hurt yourself!" Kunpeng emphasized.

"You will be injured, but only injured, but you will lose your life!" Qin Huang said.

"You..." Kunpeng was at a loss for words, and was suddenly restrained by Qin Huang.

"Do you want to continue to be brave?" Qin Huang looked at Kunpeng sharply and asked.

"Death without regret!" Kunpeng said stubbornly, not changing his position at all because of Qin Huang's intimidation.

After a slight pause, Kunpeng continued: "Don't forget, there are still seven elders in the Feng clan! Even if you kill us all, there are still seven elders!"

Qin Huang looked uncertain, as if he was weighing something.

At this time, I only heard Li Ming say: "His Majesty Qin Huang, can I take a step to speak."

"En?" Qin Huang was startled, looked at Li Ming with a frown, and asked, "Do you have any other cards?"

"I will never disappoint His Majesty Qin Huang." Li Ming said.

Qin Huang snorted and said, "I hope so!"

As he said that, Qin Huang waved his hand, set up a barrier to isolate Zhou Tian, ​​and said, "Speak!"

I only heard Li Ming say: "His Majesty Qin Huang, look at this thing."

With that said, Li Ming turned his palm and took out a pill.

Qin Huang saw at a glance that this was a pill that nourished the primordial spirit, and his expression changed slightly.

I only heard Li Ming say: "This is the concentration pill, which has a certain nourishing effect on the primordial spirit."

"What does it have to do with me? You don't think that one can impress me?" Qin Huang asked back.

"The effect of this elixir is not very strong, but it can be refined on a large scale. I am willing to donate [-]% of the income from the Concentration Pill to the Great Qin Dynasty." Li Ming said sincerely.

"Thirty percent?" Qin Huang paused for a moment, his expression calmed down, but he said: "Even if it is ten percent, it is not as good as the tip of the iceberg of Star Continent's resources. I am still at a loss in this deal!"

Li Ming smiled and said, "How can this junior make His Majesty the Qin Emperor suffer? In addition to the [-]% of the Concentrating Pill, I am willing to give the Qin Dynasty more than [-]% of the resources mined from the Star Continent."

Hearing this, Emperor Qin couldn't help raising his brows, laughed, and said: "Clan Chief Feng is really young and promising! He really knows how to do business!"

"I hope His Majesty Qin Huang will support you a lot!" Li Ming said sincerely.

"I can support you, but you have to deal with the other six forces yourself! In addition, my Great Qin Dynasty originally occupied [-]%, and if you want to establish an eighth sect, you can only distribute it from the shares of the other six sects." Emperor Qin Said.

"Naturally." Li Ming said.

No one is a fool. From Qinhuang's point of view, Li Ming's establishment of the eighth sect not only did not damage his interests, but benefited him instead. Why not do it?
Seeing that Emperor Qin withdrew from the Zhou Tian isolation formation, he said: "Patriarch Feng, having a long conversation with a nobleman is really enlightening! This emperor will not stay for long. Your Feng clan wants to establish an eighth sect, as long as the other six forces do not Objection, fine!"

After finishing speaking, the leaders of the other six factions of the Qin Dynasty clasped their fists together and said, "Everyone, my emperor is one step ahead!"

"This..." The other six forces were at a loss for words, why did Emperor Qin just leave?

Immediately, I saw Qin Huang leading the Great Qin forces to leave!
As soon as Emperor Qin left, these people suddenly lost their backbone and didn't know what to do!
At this time, I heard Li Ming say: "My Feng clan wants to establish the eighth sect in the Star Continent, what objections do you have?"

"This..." There was a commotion among the forces of the six directions, and even the Emperor Qin acquiesced, what else could they say?
However, there are always thorns.

I saw the owner of the three islands in the East China Sea, the power behind the Huanhai Sect, stepped forward and said, "I don't care what the Emperor Qin decides, but if your Feng Clan wants to establish a sect in the Star Continent, if you don't show some skills, my three brothers Resolutely refuse to accept!"

"I, Wanshou Villa, don't accept it either!" said the owner of Wanshou Villa, the power behind the God of Beasts Sect.

"And I, the Ice Spirit Clan!" said the Ice Spirit Clan, the force behind the Extreme Cold Sect.

"And I……"

With one leader, the other five forces responded one after another.

Li Ming smiled and said, "Island Master, can I take a step to speak?"

"Is there anything you can't say in front of everyone?" The owners of the three islands in the East China Sea also had a violent temper.

Li Ming's expression froze, his attitude suddenly changed, and he said, "Old man, since the island owner wants to see the abilities of our Feng clan, you can show it!"

"Yes!" The elder of the great clan replied.

"Remember, click as far as you can!" Li Ming reminded.

"Don't worry, the patriarch." The elder of the great clan replied.

"Hugh is crazy!" The owners of the three islands in the East China Sea were furious.

This person's name is Zhou Maniac, he behaves insanely, and is moody!
But the strength in his hands is not weak, the peak of Huashen Peak!
Immediately, Zhou Maniac and the elders of the rich clan began to fight.

Zhou Maniac is no older or weaker than Dazu, at least that's what he's showing now!

The other five forces looked at it, and no one had the intention of intervening, and no one dared to intervene!

Qin Huang's departure has already shown his attitude.

In this regard, the forces of the six parties can only acquiesce!

After all, they did not have the strength to exterminate the Feng clan. Once the "Suppressing Corpse Art" spreads, they will completely lose the right to speak in the Star Continent, and everything will return to the situation where the dynasties are united and hundreds of sects are rampant!
This is unacceptable to the forces of the six parties!
Fighting now, one is to vent their inner unwillingness, and the other is to take the initiative to redistribute the resources of Star Continent!
Zhou Mania's strength is not something to brag about, and he hasn't lost the slightest bit so far!

Just now, Li Ming wanted to borrow a word from Zhou Mankuang, because he wanted to adopt the same gentle strategy and promise benefits.

However, Zhou Maniac is arrogant and crazy, and doesn't take anyone seriously.

Li Ming is only in the middle stage of Nascent Soul, so he doesn't even want to take a look!
However, Zhou Maniac didn't take advantage of the fight at this moment!
At this time, I suddenly heard the elder of the big clan remind: "Brother Zhou, be careful!"

"Just let the horse come here!" Zhou Maniac disapproved and shouted loudly.

I saw the brows of the elder Dazu blushed, and bursts of red light radiated from his body.

Then, I saw these red lights condense into a red lotus.

Seeing this, the expressions of the others changed, and they secretly said: "What is this? What a powerful power!"

I only heard the elders of the great clan yelling: "The red lotus fire!"

Then, he saw the lotus-like red lotus karma hitting Zhou madly.

Sensing the strength of Honglian Yehuo, Zhou Maniac's expression changed accordingly, and he no longer dared to underestimate it.

Zhou Mangkuang yelled, "Sea God Tsar!"

With a loud shout, blue light appeared on Zhou Mankuang's body.

Then, a majestic force gushed out, and it felt like a boundless sea!

This Sea God Tsunami is undoubtedly Zhou Maniac's strongest method!
Everyone held their breath and watched quietly, whether it was Honglian Karma that was stronger, or Sea God's Roar!

(End of this chapter)

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