The best immortal emperor

Chapter 792 Indeed

Chapter 792 Indeed
The scarlet and bright red lotus exudes monstrous power, and the sea god Tsunami, which is as blue as the sea, is also not to be outdone.

These two extraordinary powers collided together, there was no shocking sound, no shocking sparks, but they were really powerful, and it felt like the interstellar space would be torn apart.

Fortunately, Kunpeng was protecting Li Ming, otherwise Li Ming's small body would definitely not be able to withstand the residual power caused by these two powers!
In the end, Honglian Yehuo won half the game and severely injured Zhou Maniac!
Zhou Mangkuang was seriously injured, his face was extremely pale, and his expression was very ugly.

Zhou Maniac hasn't suffered such a loss for a long time!

I only heard that the elder of the great clan asked: "Island Master Zhou, do you want to continue fighting?"

"Hmph!" Zhou Manicang snorted angrily, turned around and returned to his camp without saying anything.

Obviously, Zhou Maniac is willing to bow down!
The old man looked around at the others and asked, "Who else is there?"

The other five forces were silent for a while, and they didn't intend to make any more moves.

Their strength is not much stronger than Zhou Mankuang, and since Qin Huang has acquiesced, there will be no good results if they continue to fight, so they simply push the boat along.

I only heard that Zhuang Bufan, the owner of Lijian Villa, took a step forward and said: "The old Feng family is very powerful. I have no objection to Lijian Villa's establishment of the eighth sect. I am willing to cut off the Fourth Brother Mountain Range in southern Fujian!"

"My Wanshou Villa has no objection, and I am willing to give up the five mountains in the land of the long lake." Wanshou Villa said.


For a while, other forces expressed their views one after another.

In the end, only Zhou Mania, the owner of the three islands in the East China Sea, remained!

Zhou Mangkuang's face was not good-looking, but the matter has been settled, and there is no further change, so he can only grit his teeth and say: "I, the three islands in the East China Sea, are willing to give up the Longze sea area."

Hearing this, Li Ming couldn't help showing a smile on his face, and said: "If so, thank you all for your support!"

"Let's go!" Zhou Maniac said very bluntly.

Immediately, leave with the forces of the three islands in the East China Sea!

Anyone will be unhappy, after all, they have given up the good things that belonged to them!
I only heard the other five forces say in unison: "Feng Patriarch, farewell!"

"Wait a minute, everyone." Li Ming said.

Everyone paused and looked at Li Ming suspiciously.

Li Ming took out five tokens and said, "Everyone, this is a little care from my Feng Clan. In the future, you will get a [-]% discount on all the alchemy made by my Feng Clan!"

"Oh?" Hearing this, the leaders of the five forces were slightly surprised, and then readily accepted.

Although this discount is insignificant compared to the resources given away, you all feel very comfortable!

Subsequently, the other five forces left.

Watching these strong men leave, Li Ming couldn't help but took a deep breath and said, "It's dangerous!"

"It's very risky." The old man of the clan responded, but asked curiously: "Patriarch, Qin Huang had the intention of succumbing to death before, why did he suddenly change his mind?"

Li Ming smiled, and said: "I promise that on the condition that the interests of Daqin will not be damaged, [-]% of the resources obtained from the mining of the new eighth sect and the proceeds of Ningshen Pill will be paid to the Daqin Dynasty."

Hearing this, the elder of the clan couldn't help being startled, then laughed and said, "No wonder Emperor Qin's attitude changed so quickly! Without any effort, you can expand your own income, why not do it?"

"Indeed." Li Ming nodded.

After a slight pause, Li Ming said: "Get ready to return to Star Continent to establish the eighth sect!"

"Yes, patriarch!" The elder of the great clan replied.

(End of this chapter)

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