Chapter 796

Hearing this, the monks of Tianxia Jianmen suddenly realized, and said, "So that's how it is."

After a slight pause, the monks from the Sword Gate of the World said: "Elder of the Seven Clans, you fly to the southwest, about half a month's journey, you will see Fengming Pavilion. When you get there, you will understand everything! I am not inconvenient here Talk too much."

"En?" The elder of the Seven Clans gave a pause, but still thanked him: "Thank you for your guidance. If that's the case, let's leave it for now."

"No." The monk of Jianmen under heaven said.

Afterwards, the elders of the Seven Clans flew southwest.

Sure enough, half a month later, the elders of the seven clans saw Fengming Pavilion.

The elders of the great clan were sitting in the Fengming Pavilion. As soon as the elders of the seven clans appeared, the elders of the great clan sensed it and flew out immediately.

The elders of the Seven Clans also sensed a powerful aura flying towards him, and that aura was very familiar.

A little bit, when he saw the person who came, he couldn't help being stunned, it was the eldest brother!
"Seventh brother, you're back!" the elder said excitedly.

"Brother, I'm back." The elder of the Seven Clans replied.

After a slight pause, the elder of the Seven Clans continued: "Brother, I found an unowned living planet."

"Found it?" The elder of the clan was slightly surprised.

"Well, I found it." The elder of the Seven Clans definitely responded, and then asked in doubt: "Brother, how did the Star Continent become like this? Where is the patriarch and the clansmen?"

"It's a long story, I'll talk about it later, I'll take you to see the patriarch first," said the elder of the clan.

"Okay!" The elder of the Seven Clans replied.

Afterwards, the elders of the big clan took the elders of the seven clans to the planet where the Feng clan lived through the teleportation array.

When they arrived at the new residence, the elders of the Seven Clans were startled, and asked in surprise, "Brother, have you bought a living planet?"

The old man of the clan smiled and said, "This was obtained by the patriarch, and it didn't cost a single spirit stone!"

"For nothing?" The elder of the Seven Clans was surprised again.

"You can put it that way," the elder said.

The old man of the Seven Clans was taken aback, admiring Li Ming from the bottom of his heart.

This time, the old interstellar voyages of the seven clans searched for life planets, even if they were driving Tissot, they almost died!
Unexpectedly, the patriarch got a living planet without any expense!
Back in the Feng Clan, Li Ming is urging the clansmen to refine the elixir.

Hearing that the members of the clan came to report, and the elders of the seven clans came back, they couldn't help being surprised, and then they were overjoyed, and then went to the main hall of the Feng clan!
In the main hall, the elders of the great clan and the elders of the seven clans have been waiting for a long time.

Li Ming walked into the main hall, and the elders of the seven clans hurried forward to report: "The patriarch, you fulfilled your mission and successfully found an unowned living planet."

Hearing this, Li Ming nodded and said, "The elders of the seven clans have worked hard all the way."

"It's not hard work, it should be." The elder of the Seven Clans said,
Then the elders of the seven clans took out Tiansuo, offered it with both hands, and said back: "Patriarch, this is Tiansuo."

"En." Li Ming responded, took Tiansuo, and said, "Seven Clan Elders, you came back just in time. In a few months, we will start a war with the God of Medicine Sect, and we are short of manpower!"

"Go to war?" The elder of the Seven Clans paused, and then said: "Don't worry, the patriarch, I will definitely live up to expectations!"

"No, no, it's not the kind of war!" Li Ming waved his hands.

"That's it?" The old man of the Seven Clans looked at Li Ming puzzled.

"Business war!" Li Ming said.

"Business war?" The elders of the seven clans were startled, a little puzzled.

I only heard Li Ming said: "In a few months, the God of Medicine Sect will establish the pill planet, and when the time comes..."

Immediately, Li Ming explained the business war in detail!The elders of the Seven Clans suddenly realized that this was the case.

(End of this chapter)

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