Chapter 797

A few months later, the teleportation array leading to the elixir planet was built, and it was less than a month before the opening of the elixir planet of the God of Medicine Sect!
The Shenyao Sect's Danyao Planet has a very large publicity campaign. The Danyao Planet is named Lingdan Star, and almost every sect has received invitations from the Shenyao Sect.

With regard to the opening of Lingdan Star, the responses from various schools have been very good.

The scourge of the corpse slaves of the Yin Corpse Sect has caused heavy losses to all sects and sects in the world, and almost ran out of medicines and food.

Now, the situation has finally stabilized, so it is natural to purchase aggressively.

The teleportation array of the Phoenix clan leading to the pill planet was completed, and Li Ming and several clan elders rushed there with a large number of pills.

Hearing that the pill planet of Yao Shenzong was named Lingdan Star, Li Ming simply named the planet he founded Shendan Star!

Spirit pill star, god pill star?
Judging from the name, Shendanxing is even better!
The Divine Pill Star is not very big, only slightly larger than the planet where the Phoenix Clan now lives.

There are a large number of buildings built on Shendan Star, which are divided into several areas, the pill area, the spirit grass area, the spirit stone area, the restaurant area, and the casino area!

Among them, the elixir area is naturally under the control of the Feng family, the Lingcao area is controlled by a force called Fairy Spirit Valley, the Lingshi area is temporarily closed, and the restaurant area and casino area are controlled by the Situ family!

Li Ming had never heard of the name of Fairy Spirit Valley, but to be invited by General Situ to join the construction of Shendan Star, he definitely has a lot of background.

Li Ming led a group of clansmen and began to arrange the arrangement of the pill area.

There is still some time before the opening of Lingdan Star, but all sects in the world have already set off early, including the four great dynasties!
Obviously, everyone attaches great importance to the opening of Lingdan Star!
In a blink of an eye, half a month has passed, and Li Ming has arranged the elixir area properly, and all the elixirs are fully equipped.

In three days, Spirit Pill Star will open for business!

Li Ming has made all the preparations and is waiting for the opening of Lingdan Star.

At this moment, General Situ arrived, seeing that Li Ming was confident, but he still couldn't help asking: "Feng Clan, are you ready?"

Li Ming nodded and said, "Don't worry, General, everything is ready."

Seeing this, General Situ couldn't help but frowned, and said, "I really want to know what your plan is. Up to now, except for ourselves, no one knows the existence of this divine pill star. Are you sure you can overwhelm the God of Medicine Sect by then?" ?”

"Not sure, but at least [-]% to [-]% sure." Li Ming said.

"Is there such a high degree of confidence?" General Situ couldn't help being surprised. He really wanted to know where Li Ming's confidence came from.

Li Ming smiled and said nothing, and General Situ stopped asking.

In the blink of an eye, three days passed, and it was the opening day of Lingdan Star.

The Lingdan star played the banner of welcoming monks from all over the world and abandoning all grievances.

On the day of the opening, all sects from all over the world gathered at the Spirit Pill Star, and the Yao Shenzong held a grand opening ceremony, and announced the prices of various pills, as well as the sale time, half a month!
As soon as the market opened, it was very hot, and even some of the pills at the counters were sold out.

Seeing this, the elders of the Medicine God Sect are very happy!
With the disaster of the Yin Corpse Sect, many second- and third-rate alchemy sects were wiped out, and the status of the Medicine God Sect became even more prominent.

As far as the field of pills is concerned, the Medicine God Sect thinks it has the absolute right to speak!

Therefore, the price of the elixir is also set higher than the original Star Continent.

However, this does not affect sales!
After all, there is only such an existence as the Spirit Pill Star, the Yao Shenzong family!
One day, just one day, Yao Shenzong made a lot of money, and also received many orders for pills from the sect!

In the evening, the sale of the elixir of the Spirit Pill Star came to an end temporarily, and it will continue tomorrow.

On this day, Li Ming did nothing.

General Situ couldn't help being anxious, and rushed from Lingdan Star to Shendan Star to ask Li Ming.

Seeing that General Situ looked anxious, Li Ming comforted him, "Don't worry, General, I have my own plan."

"Patriarch Feng, don't you know the situation of the Spirit Pill Star? It's crazy, it's crazy. Why haven't you moved at all?" General Situ asked anxiously.

"Wait! Now is not the time to make a move." Li Ming said confidently.

"Wait? Wait? Until when?" General Situ asked.

Li Ming smiled and said mysteriously: "The secret of heaven must not be revealed!"

"You..." General Situ was at a loss for words, unable to utter a word.

I heard that Li Ming said again: "General, there is really no need to worry, everything is within my plan."

"Plan? What plan?" General Situ asked.

"The heavenly secret must not be revealed!" Li Ming still looked mysterious and unpredictable.

"You..." General Situ really had nothing to do with Li Ming, so he had no choice but to say, "If you need help, just tell me."

Li Ming smiled and said: "General, I will not be polite to you. When I need your help, I will naturally not be polite to you."

In the end, General Situ left sullenly.

The next day, Spirit Pill Star opened the market, and the scene was still hot.

However, the price of each elixir has increased by [-]%.

Even so, the buying spree remains undiminished.

General Situ, who was invited to come to the Spirit Pill Star, saw this situation, and couldn't help but want to announce the existence of the Spirit Pill Star.

However, Li Ming and General Situ had an agreement before, and Li Ming had full power to handle the matter of the elixir, and General Situ was not allowed to interfere in the slightest.

Therefore, General Situ can only endure it!

When the market closed the next day, Li Ming remained unmoved.

No one knew what Li Ming was waiting for.

On the third day, the prices of various pills directly increased by ten percent.

In this regard, each sect has quite a criticism.

However, the God of Medicine Sect is the only one who controls the source of pills.

The various sects could only dare to be angry and dare not speak out, and endured the pain to buy.

On the third day, the buying momentum was far less than that of the previous two days.

The God of Medicine Sect was still testing, and the price went up again on the fourth day, a direct increase of 20.00%.

In this regard, the resentment of various sects has grown, so what can be done?
In the evening, in various restaurants on the Spirit Pill Star, a group of monks complained and cursed: "What a bastard, the price of this pill is rising. Isn't this just a price increase?"

"That's right, the God of Medicine Sect is so black! They made the price of pills so high."

"Who is Yaoshenzong's dominant family now? I think the price of pills will increase tomorrow, and at least 40.00%!"

"40.00%? I think it's at least 50.00%!"

"I really don't know when the price will rise to the top."

"Don't count on it. The God of Medicine Sect will never stop until we are empty out."

"I really hope there are other sects that sell pills."

"Who doesn't want that?"

In the restaurant, complaints abounded, Yao Shenzong became a rat crossing the street, everyone shouted and beat him.

All the sects have opinions on the Yaoshen Sect, especially those third-rate small sects.

However, scolding is always scolding, and the pills still have to be bought!
(End of this chapter)

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