Chapter 851

I only heard that the general guarding the palace apologized: "Clan Chief Feng, I'm really sorry, my Patriarch has gone to bed and rested, let's talk tomorrow if we have anything to do."

"En?" Li Ming was taken aback, and his brows frowned. It was obvious that Li Zebai of the Tang Dynasty didn't want to see him, and it seemed that he wouldn't see Shi Yan either.

Helpless, Li Ming could only turn around and leave.

But at this time, a person came hurriedly and shouted: "Clan Chief Feng, stay a step."

Li Ming paused, then turned around, she was the thirteenth prince's personal maid.

The servant girl continued to say: "Patriarch Feng, when your highness heard you were coming, he changed his clothes and got up immediately. Master Shi Yan is also here, please follow me."

"Okay." Li Ming replied.

Afterwards, Li Ming and his party followed the servant girl into the palace.

After a while, they arrived at the main hall.

After a while, Li Zebai, the thirteenth prince of the Tang Dynasty, and Shi Yan came late.

As soon as they met, the thirteenth prince, Li Zebai, only heard that he had confessed his crime: "Zebai is late, and I hope that the head of the Feng clan will forgive me."

"Your Highness, I was the one who interrupted you in the middle of the night and disturbed your dream." Li Ming apologized.

Li Ming came to Shiyan, but he couldn't get around the thirteenth prince no matter what, so he asked to see the thirteenth prince in the pass.

The two apologized to each other, after a while of pleasantries.

I only heard that the thirteenth prince Li Zebai asked, "Clan Chief Feng, what's the point of visiting late at night?"

Li Ming was not polite, and said straight to the point: "Your Highness, Master, I'm here for the banquet tonight."

"Oh? How do you say that?" The Thirteenth Prince Li Zebai asked.

"His Royal Highness Suwen and Grand Master are famous wise men, I hope you two can help me clear up my doubts." Li Ming flattered him.

The thirteenth prince, Li Zebai, was silent for a while, and couldn't help looking at Master Shi Yan.

Obviously, the thirteenth prince Li Zebai couldn't figure it out either.

Although the thirteenth prince Li Zebai and master Shi Yan are not very high level, especially Shi Yan is only at the peak of Jindan.

But the general who accompanied him to the dinner was a master.

Therefore, it is not surprising that the thirteenth prince Li Zebai and Master Shi Yan knew the whole story of 'Changhong Guanri'.

After a slight pause, I heard Shi Yan say: "Li Ming, in fact, I haven't figured it out until now. The sixth prince's move is so clumsy that a monk in the Yuanshen realm can see through it at a glance, let alone Qin Huang."

"Is it possible that it was ordered by Emperor Qin?" asked the Thirteenth Prince Li Zebai.

"Qin Huang wouldn't use such a cheap method, you should know that this is his birthday!" Shi Yan said.

"What does the master mean?" Li Ming asked.

"Wait and see what happens," Shi Yan said.

"I see. Thank you, master, for your guidance." Li Ming said.

After a slight pause, Shi Yan said: "Patriarch Feng, this palace is huge, with hundreds of rooms, why not stay here for a few days to rest."

"It's better to obey orders than respect!" Li Ming said.

When the two elders of the Feng clan heard this, their hearts were a little dark.

Datang's strength is extraordinary, and there are many high-level people accompanying him this time, so it's best to settle here for the time being.

Later, the thirteenth prince Li Zebai ordered Li Ming to live with him.

Tonight is a sleepless night.

Regardless of whether it is a big power or a small power, they are all talking about what happened at the dinner party, and they are all speculating about Daqin's possible actions.

For a moment, the Feng family was pushed to the top of the waves!
Everyone speculated and looked forward to it.

But, until dawn, nothing happened!

In this way, I passed the night safely and soundly!
The next day, Li Ming played chess with Shi Yan in the Tang Palace.

Because outsiders were there, it didn't take long to talk about things on the earth, just chatting casually.

By side-stepping, Li Ming figured out Shi Yan's current status in the Tang Dynasty, a national teacher, a great wise man.

It can be said that under one person, under ten thousand people!

One morning, both of them were playing chess.

It wasn't until the luncheon was about to start that the group went to the Longevity Hall to pay homage.

Now that the situation is unclear, no one knows what Daqin will do. It takes a lot of courage to walk with Li Ming.

Last night, Li Zebai, the thirteenth prince of the Tang Dynasty, didn't really go to bed and rest, but just wanted to draw a clear line with Li Ming, and didn't want to cause trouble.

However, Shi Yan's words later awakened the thirteenth prince Li Zebai, and that's how the servant girl came out of the palace to invite him.


Seeing that Li Ming was safe and sound, Qin Yue couldn't help secretly heaving a sigh of relief.

After returning to the palace last night, Qin Yue asked people to go to the Sixth Prince's Hall to inquire about the news and see what kind of tricks the Sixth Prince was playing.

However, none of the spies who went to investigate came back.

After a ceremony of proclaiming to heaven, under the announcement of Emperor Qin, the luncheon officially began!
Everyone drank happily and had a good time.

The grade of today's luncheon is obviously higher than yesterday's Nuanshou, which can be seen from the fruits.

Yesterday, lark fruit was exclusive to the third floor.

Today, the white spirit fruit is only supplied to the second floor, and the more precious holy spirit fruit is eaten on the third floor!
This meal is to be eaten from noon until late at night!

Only monks have such a stomach, and can eat and drink mountains like this.

Otherwise, if you were an ordinary person, you would definitely have your stomach cracked.

After eating fine wine and food, some monks quietly circulated their true energy to refine it and absorb its essence.

At this time, a person came from outside the hall.

It was none other than the sixth prince who was injured at last night's banquet!
The sixth prince came to the stage, knelt down to Emperor Qin, and said, "Father, some time ago, I got something by chance, and I want to present it to Father as a birthday present."

Qin Huang looked at the sixth prince, and said after a while: "Zuzao."

Afterwards, the sixth prince asked people to bring in the birthday gift.

The birthday ceremony was covered by a red cloth, not just anything.

Seeing the panting of several monks carrying the birthday ceremony, it is absolutely unclear what this thing is.

The birthday ceremony was carried to the stage, the sixth prince lifted the red cloth, and under the red cloth was a big rock as tall as a person.

The big stone is engraved with scarlet letters, town!

"Is this Zhenhai Stone?" Someone immediately recognized the stone.

Yes, this is Zhenhai Stone.

According to legend, a long time ago, sea monsters acted recklessly, and floods occurred from time to time.

A certain powerful man refined seven Zhenhai stones and threw them into the sea. Since then, the sea has been calm and there has been no flood.

Since then, Zhenhai Stone has been hailed as a sacred stone, guarding the territory and keeping one side safe.

Seeing this stone, Emperor Qin nodded in satisfaction, and said: "The emperor has a heart, reward!"

Zhenhai stone is just a moral, a good fortune, the real practical value is not very big.

"Thank you, father, for the reward." The sixth prince thanked, then stepped aside and took the seat.

Li Ming paid close attention to the sixth prince's every move. It seemed that it was nothing to send a Zhenhai stone, but his intuition told Li Ming that the matter might not be so simple.

If it was just a piece of Zhenhai Stone, the Sixth Prince would definitely not offer it in such a heavy way.

After all, apart from its good meaning, it does not have much practical value.

Li Ming couldn't figure out what the sixth prince was doing, so he could only wait and see what happened, and wait for the sixth prince to make another move!

The sixth prince also stared at Li Ming with a half-smile, which made people feel very bad!
(End of this chapter)

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