Chapter 852

Li Ming stayed, which surprised the sixth prince, but it was also expected.

If Li Ming just walked away like that last night, he is not worthy to be his opponent of the sixth prince.

"However, if you stay, you can stay! It's just to make the game more interesting." The sixth prince thought so.

Li Ming felt uncomfortable and felt that someone was watching him.

Turning his head, he saw that the sixth prince at the next table was holding a wine glass and was gesturing to him, and then drank it down in one gulp.

Li Ming knew that the antagonistic relationship between them had existed for a long time.Rejecting the sixth prince's invitation the day before yesterday only worsened the relationship between the two.

However, these are not important, what is important is how the sixth prince plays his cards.

Yesterday's sword green dragon absorbs water, today this Zhenhai stone symbolizes guarding mountains and rivers, what will happen next?
There were six princes who set a precedent, and other princes and princesses presented gifts one after another.

Whether it is a rare treasure or a rare treasure, it has won Qin Huang's favor for a while.

The dishes are served one by one, with complete color, fragrance and taste, which is a rare delicacy.

Apart from wanting to know what the Sixth Prince wanted to do, Li Ming also wanted to know Qin Huang's purpose. It was impossible to hold this unprecedented feast just for the sake of showing off. There must be other purposes!

Not only Li Ming wanted to know, but other monks also wanted to know, especially those at the guest table.

The eight major forces have joined forces to occupy the Star Continent. It stands to reason that they are united in the same spirit, and they will be prosperous and all will be prosperous.

However, the purpose of Emperor Qin's birthday banquet this time was not disclosed to everyone.

This has to let everyone ponder and speculate wildly.

After eating this meal until three o'clock in the afternoon, Qin Huang toasted and stood up.

Everyone's eyes lit up, and their expressions froze, knowing that the critical moment was coming!
Qin Huang raised his glass and said, "Thank you again for coming. Apart from birthdays, there is one more thing I want to discuss with you."

Hearing this, there was an uproar in everyone's heart.

Sure enough, this is not a simple birthday banquet!

Everyone didn't show any emotion, just listened quietly.

Qin Huang said: "The Star Continent suffered from the scourge of the Yin Corpse Sect, and all sects, sects and races suffered heavy losses. Now, everyone is forced to evacuate from the Star Continent, each curled up in a corner of the universe.

Fortunately, the teleportation array has been expanded over the years, which has strengthened their connection with each other.However, the transfer fee has always been a problem, especially for those small sects.

Therefore, the emperor took this opportunity today to propose to cancel the usage fee of the teleportation array!I hope everyone can support it! "

As soon as these words came out, there was an uproar and cheers below.

In fact, they are monks at the bottom. Naturally, they are eager to cancel the use fee of the teleportation array, because they simply cannot afford it.

The monks on the second floor were a little calmer, but they were also very supportive.

After all, the use fee of the teleportation array is a huge expense, so it's good to save it!
Only the monks on the third floor were a little unhappy. These big clans had spent a huge amount of money to build the teleportation array, and they were counting on the cost of use to recover the cost.

Qin Huang's sudden proposal was undoubtedly throwing away the fat that was on his lips!
After saying that, Qin Huang remained calm and quietly scanned the crowd.

The bipolar attitude had been expected by Emperor Qin.

After a short pause, Qin Huang continued: "Nowadays, entering the starry sky era, due to geographical reasons, there are barriers to commerce and trade, the supply of medicines is in short supply, prices are not rising, monks and people at the bottom are struggling to survive, and all kinds of chaos are happening.

We are here on the same continent, what else can we do but unite?
Should we wait until those corpse slaves from the Star Continent cross the planetary space before thinking of countermeasures?Or is it going to be destroyed like the God of Medicine Sect, without even finding the reason? "

(End of this chapter)

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