Chapter 90
Before the words were finished, several black needles were shot, and the big brother hunter, who was furious, was caught off guard and was shot by the black needles.

"This..." Brother Monster Hunter's expression changed suddenly.

"Go to hell too!" Li Ming unceremoniously swung the golden yang stick, and smashed at the other side's door.

The third younger brother, who was also screaming in grief and indignation to kill Li Ming, turned around and ran away without saying a word.

Afterwards, Brother Hunter screamed in pain and was killed on the spot!
When Li Ming came back to his senses, the injured third child had already run away and disappeared.

Li Ming didn't go after them, but cleaned up the battlefield and got a lot of money.

Immediately, pick up the backpack and move on.

However, he did not dare to walk in this area anymore, but prepared to take a long way.

Thinking about it, the third demon hunter would never let it go. Once the news of his presence came, he would definitely attract many treasure-hunting monks and even demon bosses!
However, the third child never walked out of this mountain alive.

The heart was pierced by a monster, and the corpse was directly swallowed!

Li Ming detoured to other nearby mountains and continued to move forward. When he was tired, he opened a cave to rest.

Because of the detour, the schedule has been increased by half a month.

Now, it will take at least two months to reach the destination.

Li Ming is not in a hurry, two months is only two months, as long as he can arrive safely, no matter how long the journey is, it will be worth it!

At this time, the mountain range that Li Ming walked was just formed by the crustal movement in recent years.

There are some relatively weak monsters in the mountains, all of which are of the strength of the sixth or seventh realm, and there are also a few of the ninth realm.

The strength of the Nine Realms can completely dominate and dominate here.

Li Ming has already established a foundation, and his strength is especially above the Nine Realms. He is a well-deserved overlord here.

When those little monsters saw Li Ming, they avoided him from a distance, not even daring to take a photo of him.

It was precisely for this reason that Li Ming relaxed his vigilance a little. He no longer purposely opened up a cave to rest like before. When he was tired, he rested on a tall tree. With the white jade Jinglin Python on guard, nothing happened.

This time, the Baiyu Jinglin Python was able to kill two demon hunters with two sticks.

Of course, the black needle quenched with Yuanxiang poison also contributed a lot.

This is thanks to the second child of the hunter!

On this day, Li Ming was resting on an ancient tree.

There was a sudden commotion in the mountains, and the monsters ran wildly in groups, appearing extremely uneasy.

There must be a demon in the abnormal situation!
Li Ming couldn't help but pause in his heart, and secretly said: "What happened?"

Under normal circumstances, the beast horde is created because a monster breaks through and becomes the overlord of the monster king in this area. Other monsters in this area will be expelled, or there are big monsters from other places migrating here.

Li Ming was slightly stunned, and thought to himself: "Is there a monster from the Nine Realms breaking through, or is there a big foundation-building monster coming from outside?"

However, these have nothing to do with Li Ming.

Seeing that the mountains were not flat, Li Ming didn't want to stay for a long time, picked up the backpack full of space stones, and walked away with the bronze sword.

After flying at low altitude for a while, Li Ming found something unusual.

The monsters running below didn't just seem to be expelled, but were driven from different directions and gathered together.

Li Ming frowned, there is only one such situation, hunting!

"Is it the monk who wants to hunt, or the big monster?" Li Ming thought to himself.

However, whether it is a monk who wants to hunt or a big monster who wants to hunt, the scene is very miserable.

Hunting has different purposes, some are because monks need to practice certain skills, some are because the monster wants to fill his stomach, and some are purely for killing entertainment!
(End of this chapter)

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