The best immortal emperor

Chapter 91 Did I Guess Wrong?

Chapter 91 Did I Guess Wrong?

In the Star Realm, except for the rules of etiquette in the city, other places only believe that the strong rule over everything!
The strong can do whatever they want, and can despise the common people!
Li Ming frowned, and couldn't help speeding up a bit, he didn't really want to be involved.

I don't know if it's a monk or a big demon.

However, at this moment, a cloud leopard suddenly climbed up the ancient tree and attacked Li Ming.

Li Ming was stunned, his face turned cold, "I'm courting death!"

With a thought, the ancient bronze sword under his feet was cut out, and the cloud leopard was cut in two immediately, and blood was scattered all over the ground.

The monster below smelled the smell of blood and became even more manic, with murderous intent in its eyes.

Seeing this, Li Ming couldn't help but frowned, and said to himself, "What's wrong with these monsters?"

Just when Li Ming was puzzled, the monsters below suddenly made a fuss and rushed towards Li Ming one after another.

These are all little demons of the fifth or sixth realm, they are nothing to worry about, Li Ming can kill one of them with one punch.

Not long after, there were more than ten corpses on the ground.

However, these monsters were not intimidated by Li Ming at all, instead they gathered more and more.

Li Ming frowned, only then did he realize that this was definitely not a simple beast tide!

I am already a foundation-building cultivator, with great power, these weak monsters would not dare to offend me even if I borrowed ten of them.

However, at this moment, he rushed towards him like crazy.

It can only explain one situation, someone is secretly manipulating all this!
Li Ming narrowed his eyes, and thought to himself, "Is that the third hunter who escaped?"

"Hmph! If it's him, then it's a good time to come. We'll get rid of you after these low-level monsters are dealt with, and we'll never have any future troubles!" Li Ming felt ruthless in his heart, and his killing intent was awe-inspiring.

Then, I saw Li Ming put the backpack on an ancient tree and let the white jade scale python watch.

Li Ming himself jumped to the ground and took out the Jinyang stick.

The animal hordes did not decrease but increased, gathering more and more.

Li Ming yelled coldly: "The more you come, the more you can kill!"

Then, I saw Li Ming use the golden yang stick, aiming at the rushing monster with one stick.

These are all low-level monsters, how could they withstand Li Ming's Jinyang stick?
With a stick down, it immediately turned into a lump of meat, with blood and flesh flying everywhere.

Kill, keep killing!
These low-level monsters seemed to have lost their minds, and they were not afraid of Li Ming's methods at all, and rushed forward.

Li Ming had no choice but to swing the golden yang stick frequently to send these lifeless monsters to the underworld.

Not long after, the ground around Li Ming was covered with blood, and the blood pooled to form a blood flow. The scene was very bloody.

Gradually, the beast tide receded.

However, Li Ming couldn't remember how many monsters he had killed, and his hands were a little numb.

Seeing that the beast horde had receded, Li Ming couldn't help but secretly heaved a sigh of relief, but he didn't dare to relax his vigilance. The right master should come out next, right?

After waiting for a while, Li Ming didn't see any sound, so he couldn't help being slightly startled, "Could it be that I guessed wrong? This is just an ordinary beast tide? Didn't someone deliberately drive it away?"

However, at this moment, a gloomy voice sounded in the forest: "Li Ming, you are stronger than I imagined!"

"Who?" Li Ming shouted vigilantly.

From the sound quality, Li Ming could tell that the other party was not the third demon hunter!

"We've seen it before!" The voice came from far and near, and a figure came out from the depths of the forest!

Li Ming looked intently and was really surprised when he saw the person who came, "It turned out to be you!"

"That's right, it's me!" The visitor replied coldly.

The person who came was none other than the anaconda that left in the middle of the fight with Li Ming!
(End of this chapter)

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