The best immortal emperor

Chapter 92 The Soul-Swallowing Toad

Chapter 92 The Soul-Swallowing Toad
The anaconda raised its head, turned its ugly face to Li Ming, and said approvingly: "Li Ming, you are beyond my expectation, and you haven't suffered a single injury up to now."

"Hmph! Do you think these low-level monsters can hurt me? Naive!" Li Ming snorted coldly.

"It didn't hurt you, even those three extraordinary demon hunters couldn't hurt you, but you must be tired after fighting for a long time!" the anaconda said solemnly.

"What?" Li Ming was stunned, a little unbelievable, and asked, "The three demon hunters were also sent by you?"

"No, I didn't send it, I attracted it! It's a pity that the three of them are so useless that they failed to hurt you at all. Instead, you beat two of them to death with one stick, and the remaining one escaped with a serious injury. But , that one also failed to survive, I swallowed it!" the anaconda murmured.

"Oh!" Li Ming paused, and he was determined. He was worried that the third monster hunter would leak the news, but it seemed that he was worried for nothing!
"Li Ming, hand over that backpack, and I will spare you!" the Anaconda said coldly.

"You are absolutely sure to deal with me?" Li Ming retorted.

"No." The anaconda said truthfully.

Li Ming snorted and sneered, and said, "Since there is no such thing, how dare you say that you won't die if you walk around me?"

"It is precisely because I am not fully sure that I can deal with you, so I called for help!" said the anaconda.

As soon as the words fell, a huge figure jumped out of the mountain forest, like a giant elephant, but it was a toad.

The Star Realm is indeed the Star Realm, even toads can look like giant elephants, it really is a magical world!
At this moment, Brother Zhu Chuannian said: "Li Ming, be careful, this is a spirit-swallowing toad. Its strength is slightly higher than that of a boa constrictor, which is almost the same as yours, but its brain is simple. It likes to eat snakes, insects, and rats. Very poisonous."

Li Ming took a deep breath, the Anaconda was already hard to deal with, and with this Spirit-swallowing Toad, it would be troublesome!

"Wait, you said that the soul-swallowing toad has a simple mind and likes to eat snakes and insects?" Li Ming Chuannian asked.

"Exactly!" Brother Zhu replied.

"That's easy!" Li Ming was determined.

I only heard Jinlin Boa said: "Toad, you and I will fight together, kill you Li Ming, and then divide the space stone in his backpack equally, how about it?"

"Okay!" Soul-swallowing toad replied with agitated cheeks.

"Wait a minute!" Li Ming shouted coldly.

"What? Afraid of death?" the anaconda sarcastically said.

Li Ming ignored the Anaconda, but looked at the Soul-Tuning Toad, and said, "Soul-Tuning Toad, I know I am not your opponent, and I have given you all the space stones in the backpack."

"Goo." Spirit-swallowing toad puffed its cheeks and asked, "Are you serious?"

"Really!" Li Ming said, "But, I have one condition!"

"Tell me." The Spirit-swallowing Toad asked.

"This anaconda has a personal enmity with me. You will never let me go easily. You have to stop him for me." Li Ming said, "However, you have to be careful yourself. This anaconda is cunning by nature. Give it to you, and he will never let you go!"

"Don't worry, I don't care about the little Anaconda, leave your backpack and go!" said the Spirit-swallowing Toad.

"Okay, then I'll take a step first!" Li Ming said, and then stepped on his sword and left.

Seeing Li Ming running away, Jinlin Anaconda couldn't help but sneered: "This Li Ming is quite smart, otherwise he will definitely die!"

(End of this chapter)

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