The best immortal emperor

Chapter 93 Swallow alone

Chapter 93 Swallow alone
After a slight pause, the anaconda continued: "Toad, we have divided up the space stone, as agreed, half of each person!"

"Go away! That space stone belongs to me alone!" Spirit-swallowing toad growled.

"Toad, what do you mean? Do you want to swallow it all for yourself?" The anaconda frequently confided snake letters and said in a low voice.

"Swallowing alone? Why did you say that? Didn't you hear what Li Ming said just now? He left all the space stones to me, and it has nothing to do with you!" Spirit-swallowing toad said in a low voice.

" toad, can't you see that it's Li Ming's countermeasure? If it weren't for you and me working together, how could you scare Li Ming away so easily?" the anaconda said bitterly.

"Hmph! It's me who scared Li Ming away. Is it related to you?" Spirit-swallowing toad sarcastically said.

"Toad, you big idiot!" the anaconda panicked.

"Stinky long bug, I warn you, don't call me stupid!" The spirit-swallowing toad warned angrily.

"Idiot, can't you see that this is Li Ming's countermeasure!" the anaconda reminded again.

"Stinking bug, I'll fight with you!" Spirit-swallowing toad angrily rushed towards the anaconda.

Li Ming did not go far with his bronze sword.

When he heard the sound of fighting in the forest, he couldn't help but smile badly, and said, "This spirit-swallowing toad is really simple-minded!"

As he said that, Li Ming used the invisibility technique and flew back.

Sure enough, the spirit-swallowing toad had fought the boa constrictor, and the sound spread across half of the mountain range.

Li Ming was not in a hurry to show up, and just watched quietly!

I only heard Brother Zhu applauding: "Li Ming, you are quite clever."

"Hehe, that soul-swallowing toad is too stupid." Li Ming said with a smile.

The strength of the swallowing toad is slightly higher than that of the anaconda, and it is about to reach the middle stage of foundation establishment.

At this moment, I saw the spirit-swallowing toad leap forward and rush towards the anaconda.

The anaconda curled up its tail, and when the spirit-swallowing toad pounced, it stabbed out its tail like a steel needle.

"Gu..." The Spirit-swallowing Toad stuck out its long tongue with a cooing sound, wrapping it around the anaconda's neck.

The tail like a steel needle stabbed the spirit-swallowing toad, and the swallowing toad only felt a pain in his chest, and a hole broke out, and then blood continued to flow out.

The skin of the spirit-swallowing toad is extremely thick, and the powerful tail of the anaconda can only penetrate more than ten centimeters.

Then, it seemed to be stuck, motionless!
Even so, the Soul Swallowing Toad felt an abnormal pain, and saw his tongue locking the anaconda's neck with great force, trying to strangle the anaconda to death!
The strength of the spirit-swallowing toad was astonishing. When the tongue was pressed hard, the boa constrictor's whole body tensed up, and the whole body tensed up.

I only heard Jinlin Anaconda said with difficulty: "Idiot, don't you still have an assistant? Do you want Li Ming to reap the benefits of being a fisherman?"

"Shut up, don't say I'm stupid!" Spirit-swallowing toad was furious, and the strength of its tongue suddenly increased a little.

The anaconda stretched even tighter, its needle-like tail forced its way into the spirit-swallowing toad, and black smoke came out of the painful mouth of the swallowing toad.

"Be careful, that's the poison of the spirit-swallowing toad!" Brother Zhu reminded.

Immediately, Li Ming steered the bronze sword and avoided it a little.

"You idiot, you will kill us both!" the anaconda worried secretly.

"Don't call me stupid!" The spirit-swallowing toad increased its strength a little more, and even used its strength to suck the milk!

Sensing danger, the anaconda turned its head and bit the tongue of the swallowing toad, instinctively injecting venom.

For a moment, the battle between the two beasts was inseparable!

(End of this chapter)

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