The best immortal emperor

Chapter 94 Teammates Like Pigs!

Chapter 94 Teammates like pigs!

The poisonous mist of the spirit-swallowing toad began to disperse, and the surrounding weeds withered instantly, and the wild flowers withered instantly.

Seeing this, Li Ming, who was already far away, flew a little further away with the bronze sword.

Li Ming thought to himself, "It's so poisonous! Even wild flowers and weeds are not spared!"

The anaconda accidentally absorbed some poison, and its head became a little confused.

Similarly, the same is true for the spirit-eating toad, and the toxicity of the boa boa is also not vegetarian!

Li Ming waited in a far away place for an hour, and only turned back when he felt that the poisonous mist of the Spirit-swallowing Toad had dispersed.

However, for the sake of safety, Li Ming caught an unlucky little demon to test it out.

Sure enough, the poisonous mist has dissipated, and the little demon is fine!
Immediately, Li Ming stepped on the bronze sword and flew to the place of fighting.

Along the way, within a radius of two or three miles from the battlefield, the weeds withered and the wild flowers withered, it was a desolate scene!
Li Ming secretly sighed in his heart, and said: "The poison of the spirit-swallowing toad is really strong, but it's a pity that the brain is a little simple. Otherwise, if we face these two monsters today, I'm afraid it will be more dead than alive!"

At the same time, Li Ming's heart was full of danger. The cunning of the anaconda was unexpected.

The first is to attract the demon hunters, hoping that the snipe and the clam will compete for the fisherman's profit. This plan fails, and the second plan is to drive away the monsters and consume them, and together with the spirit-swallowing toad, they attack together.

It's a pity that the Anaconda invited the wrong person!
When Li Ming came to the battlefield, both the Anaconda anaconda and the Spirit-swallowing Toad had returned to the west, and they could not die again after they died!
It really echoes the old saying, don't be afraid of opponents who are like gods, but teammates who are like pigs!

Li Ming cleaned up the battlefield, put away the corpses of the boa constrictor and the spirit-swallowing toad, carried the space stone bag on his back, and moved on!
Both the boa constrictor and the spirit-swallowing toad are well-known monsters in the foundation-building realm. Although they are only in the early stages of foundation-building, they are worth a lot, let alone tens of thousands of middle-grade spirit stones!

In addition, the pair of animal bones, and the low-grade magic weapon Black Blade.

During this trip, Li Ming made a lot of money.

Leaving this mountain range, Li Ming entered a plain.

Plains without shelter are more dangerous than mountains and forests.

This is the only way that Li Ming cannot avoid.

However, this plain is not very wide, and it can be crossed in a maximum of two days.

Li Ming was driving the bronze sword, almost flying close to the grassland.

This area has plenty of rain, and the weeds grow very luxuriantly, and many herbivorous monsters settle here.

Herbivorous monsters are docile and will rarely take the initiative to attack. Only when their lives and offspring are threatened, they will be forced to attack!
It is precisely because of the pure presence of herbivorous monsters that this place has become a paradise for carnivorous monsters to hunt and eat.

Li Ming flew at low altitude at the fastest speed, trying to walk across the grassland in the shortest time.

The other monks who accepted the task with Li Ming were not as lucky as Li Ming. Four of them met the treasure-hunting monks who rushed over after hearing the news.

Fortunately, it was the treasure-hunting monk that I met. If the treasure-hunting devil was the boss, he would lose his life!
The other four met the beast tide and died under the monsters.

There are also two lucky ones who have escaped the treasure hunter monk, the treasure hunter, and the monster!

In a blink of an eye, two days passed.

Li Ming wears the stars and wears the moon, travels day and night, and finally leaves the plain and enters the top when the sun sets the next day.

This is an abandoned mountain range, the spiritual energy is very thin, even the little demons are unwilling to stay.

In this way, it is in line with Li Ming's wishes.

(End of this chapter)

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