The best immortal emperor

Chapter 96 This is your reward, let's go!

Chapter 96 This is your reward, let's go!
After seven days in a row, and three more days, Li Ming will be able to leave this mountain range.

In the past few days, Li Ming rested during the day and traveled at night, and did not meet the disciples of Jinjianmen.

On this day, the sun was shining brightly, and Li Ming lived in a withered towering ancient tree.

Coincidentally, two disciples of the Golden Sword Sect passed by.

I only heard one of them say: "Brother Fang, have you heard?"

"What?" Brother Fang asked.

"It's the son of our sect leader who wants to marry Miss Xia from Lei Xingshan." Said the former junior brother named Li.

"Oh, you said this, of course I heard about it." Senior Brother Fang said.

"I heard that Miss Xia from Leixing Mountain is very beautiful." Junior Brother Li said enviously.

"Okay, don't think too much about it, that's the woman the suzerain's son likes, and it's not something we can imagine." Senior Brother Fang scolded softly.

"Hmph! It's good to be reincarnated. If he is not the son of the suzerain, what is he? Why should he marry Miss Xia? He has only reached the sixth level of Qi cultivation until now, and I can beat him to the ground with one punch. He is simply a waste." !” Junior Brother Li said angrily.

"Enough!" Brother Fang's voice was slightly higher, and Junior Brother Li who was muttering suddenly shut his mouth!

After a while, the two disciples of Jinjianmen walked away.

Inside the tree cave, Li Ming heard all this clearly, and thought to himself: "Could that Miss Xia be her?"

For the Xia family sisters in Lei Xingshan, Li Ming was still grateful.

Newcomer here, encountering fire and rain, if the sisters from the Xia family hadn't taken me for a ride, I would have been in trouble!
Listening to the tone of Jin Jianmen's surname Li, Miss Xia from Lei Xingshan seems to be forced!

Pause, Li Ming doesn't think too much, the most important thing right now is to send the space stone in the backpack to the designated place and join the God of Medicine Sect!
When it got dark, Li Ming came out of the tree hole, dug out the backpack buried in the ground, and continued to move forward.

Put on the new moon, dare not have the slightest slack.

Because, the sooner you leave here, the sooner you get out of danger.

In the blink of an eye, three days have passed.

At dawn on the fourth day, Li Ming finally walked out of the Jinjianmen territory.

The following roads are relatively safe, and they are all desolate areas!

Li Ming didn't dare to neglect in the slightest, he traveled day and night without stopping.

When you feel tired, you can meditate and take a rest, and then continue on your way.

A month later, Li Ming successfully arrived at his destination.

However, Li Ming was not in a hurry to use the summons.Instead, adjust the breath nearby for two days to adjust the state to the best, in case there is any change!
Two days later, Li Ming used the summons.

After a while, a monk came from a distance driving a fairy ship.

The fairy ship is not big, with a flag hanging on the mast, with the words "God of Medicine" written on it!

Li Ming knew that the disciples of the God of Medicine Sect had arrived!
Not long after, the fairy boat landed in front of Li Ming, and a monk dressed in the costume of the God of Medicine came out of the fairy boat and asked, "Who is below?"

"I'm next, Li Ming." Li Ming cupped his fists and said.

"Oh? You are Li Ming, the casual cultivator who took the mission of the God of Medicine Lake?" The disciple of the God of Medicine Sect on the fairy boat said condescendingly.

"Exactly." Li Ming replied.

"Where's the Space Stone?" the Medicine God Sect disciple asked.

"Here." Li Ming pointed to the backpack next to him and said.

As soon as the disciple on the fairy boat stretched out his hand, he shot out a giant claw that grabbed the sky, and directly swept away the backpack beside Li Ming.

Li Ming secretly said in his heart: "It's so strong, at least it's the strength in the late stage of foundation establishment!"

The disciple of the Medicine God Sect opened the backpack and took a look, then nodded in satisfaction, and said, "That's right, there are quite a few space stones!"

Then, the disciple of Medicine God Sect threw out a storage bag and said, "This is your reward, let's go!"

(End of this chapter)

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