The best immortal emperor

Chapter 97 Do You Have Alchemy Talent?

Chapter 97 Do You Have Alchemy Talent?

"Let's go?" Li Ming didn't hesitate.

"Do you have anything else to do?" the disciple of the God of Medicine Sect on the fairy ship asked displeasedly.

"Shangxian, when I took over, Liu Heng Shangxian said that after completing this mission, not only will he be rewarded heavily, but he will also be able to join the God of Medicine Sect." Li Ming said.

"You want to join my God of Medicine Sect?" the disciple of God of Medicine Sect asked condescendingly.

"Yes!" Li Ming said without thinking.

"You know how to make alchemy?" asked the disciple of the God of Medicine Sect.

"No." Li Ming said in embarrassment.

"Do you have the talent for alchemy?" the disciple of Medicine God Sect continued to ask.

"It seems not." Li Ming said.

"Then why do you join my God of Medicine Sect?" the disciple of God of Medicine Sect asked back.

"I have completed this task." Li Ming said as a matter of course.

After a slight pause, I heard the disciples of the God of Medicine Sect advise: "If you are smart, you'd better take the reward and go as far as you can. The God of Medicine Sect is not a place for mediocre people like you to go!"

Li Ming frowned slightly, and said stubbornly: "But I have completed the task!"

This trip, Li Ming's purpose is to join the God of Medicine Sect!
Now, if you can't join, how can you be willing?

After a slight pause, the disciple of the Medicine God Sect said: "Then you get on the boat! But I remind you! Don't regret it when the time comes!"

Hearing this, Li Ming breathed a sigh of relief, he was really afraid that this disciple of the God of Medicine Sect would embarrass him!

Immediately, Li Ming jumped onto the fairy ship.

The disciples of the Medicine God Sect left in the fairy boat.

The fairy ship didn't fly very far, but landed in a valley.

The valley looked very desolate, not like the God of Medicine Sect.

The disciples of the Medicine God Sect saw Li Ming's suspicion, and said, "This is the teleportation array!"

Hearing this, Li Ming suddenly realized.

The fairy ship fell into the valley, and Li Ming followed the disciples of the God of Medicine to the teleportation array.

After activating the formation, Li Ming only felt dizzy and couldn't help himself.

By the time I got used to it, I was already in another place.

However, this is not yet the God of Medicine Sect, but just a service point of the God of Medicine Sect.

After going around several places one after another, Li Ming finally came to the God of Medicine Sect under the leadership of the disciples of the God of Medicine Sect!

The God of Medicine Sect is worthy of being a famous super sect in the world. The city wall of Shouzong is hundreds of feet high, built along the mountain range, and firmly protects the God of Medicine Sect inside.

There are mysterious and incomprehensible formations engraved on the city wall, and there are disciples patrolling around the city, either riding a lion or riding a bear, majestic and radiant!
Li Ming looked up and could only describe it as majestic.

This Yao Shenzong is like a prehistoric giant beast, entrenched in this treasure land!

There is only one mountain gate to the Jinzong, and the disciples of the Medicine God Sect led Li Ming to it.

However, he was stopped by the disciples guarding the city.

I only heard that the disciple guarding the city asked, "Who is here?"

The disciple who brought Li Ming took out his waist card, on which the word "Zhao Kuo" was written in gold.

After verifying his integrity, it is undoubtedly Zhao Kuo.

I only heard that the guarding disciple looked at Li Ming and asked, "Who is he?"

Zhao Kuo explained: "This is Li Ming who received the task of Jushenchi. He has successfully completed the task. According to the task reward, he can join our God of Medicine Sect. I will take him to handle matters related to joining the sect!"

"Oh? He is the casual cultivator from the God's Pond of Medicine? Is this the second one?" the disciple guarding the city murmured.

"Yes, the second one! I heard that the other eight are all dead." Another disciple guarding the city said.

"Can we go in?" Zhao Kuo asked.

"Go in!" said the city guard disciple.

Immediately, Zhao Kuo led Li Ming into the mountain gate!

(End of this chapter)

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