The best immortal emperor

Chapter 98 You Are Really Unlucky

Chapter 98 You Are Really Unlucky

After entering the God of Medicine Sect, Li Ming truly saw the magnificence and magnificence of the God of Medicine Sect.

The main hall, located in the clouds, is a place only elite disciples can go!
In addition, there are several side halls, adding up to at least a thousand.

Following Zhao Kuo around seven times and eight times, Li Ming came to a side hall.On the side hall is written the word household registration.

Seeing this, Li Ming couldn't help but pause, and thought: "The God of Medicine Sect also has a household registration!"

Household registration has a long history and can be traced back to the pre-Qin period and even further.

The God of Medicine Sect is a super large sect with a population of at least [-]. There are various divisions and ministries with many positions.If the household registration is not divided, it will be like a mess of sand in the management.

When they came to the household registration store, Zhao Kuo took Li Ming to meet the elders of the household registration hall and explained the situation.

The elders of the Household Registration Hall dug out the Jade Slips of the Yaoshenchi to find out the list of missions to be received on this trip, and Li Ming was clearly on the list.

Immediately afterwards, the elder of the Household Registration Hall said: "Li Ming has made great achievements in completing the task, so he can be admitted to the Shenzong of Medicine. Now the Beast Spirit Garden is short of manpower, so you can go to the Beast Spirit Garden!"

"Everything is under the elder's arrangement." Li Ming replied.

"En." The elder of the household registration point nodded and said, "Zhao Kuo, take Li Ming to the Spiritual Beast Garden to report."

"Yes, elder." Zhao Kuo replied.

Immediately, Zhao Kuo took Li Ming to the Spiritual Beast Garden.

On the way, I only heard Zhao Kuo say: "Li Ming, you are so unlucky that you were assigned to the Spirit Beast Garden. It's too late to regret it now."

"Unlucky?" Li Ming couldn't help but asked in confusion, "Senior brother Zhao Kuo, how do you say that?"

"You'll know when you get to the Spirit Beast Garden." Zhao Kuo didn't explain too much, a little cold and arrogant.

Li Ming didn't ask again, no matter what happened to the Spiritual Beast Garden, let's get a foothold in the God of Medicine Sect first.

It took half an hour to trot from the household registration hall to the spirit beast garden.

In the Medicine God Sect, apart from the suzerain and the elders, no other disciples are allowed to fly, unless they get a special permit!
I saw Zhao Kuo pointing to the side hall in front, and said: "Go there to report, just say that the household registration elder asked you to come, and when you arrive in the hall, someone will naturally arrange for you."

Obviously, Zhao Kuo didn't intend to accompany Li Ming into the Spirit Beast Garden.

But Li Ming still thanked him: "Thank you, Senior Brother Zhao, for leading the way!"

Zhao Kuo didn't respond, turned around and left.

Li Ming went up to the Spiritual Beast Hall alone. Seeing Li Ming's extraordinary bearing, the disciple who guarded the store hurriedly bent his bow and asked, "Shangxian, what do you need?"

"Hello, I'm not some kind of immortal. I'm a disciple of the Shenzong of Medicine who just entered the medicine. The elder of the household registration asked me to report here." Li Ming said.

"What? You are a new disciple!" The guard disciple of the Spirit Beast Hall was surprised, and then said: "No wonder you are not wearing the unique robe of the God of Medicine Sect, so you are a newcomer who just came in!"

At this time, the gatekeeper disciple of the Spirit Beast Hall no longer had the respect he had before, and said casually, "Come with me."

Immediately, Li Ming entered the main hall under the leadership of the guard disciples, and met the elders of the Spiritual Beast Garden.

The elders of the Spiritual Beast Garden have reached the Golden Core Realm, and their strength is so strong that they can be the master of a sect in the outside world.

However, in the Medicine God Sect, he can only be an elder, and he is also an elder of the Spiritual Beast Garden.

The elders in the Spiritual Beast Garden are no different than the elders in the pill shop, the elixir hall, and the elite hall.

For example, the Hall of Pills and Medicines is the important hall of the God of Medicine Sect, and the elders are at least in the Nascent Soul Realm.

The elders of the Spirit Beast Hall and the Household Register Hall have almost no real power, not even the elite disciples!There is no status in the entire sect!
If you make a slight mistake, you will be severely punished, even killed!

The elder of the Spirit Beast Hall saw Li Ming, glanced at him, and said unhurriedly, "Little Hu, take him to the cowshed, and he will manage the cowshed in the future."

"Yes." The guard Xiao Hu replied.

"Remember, don't make any mistakes, especially the three-eyed musk ox in the cowshed. Otherwise, I'm asking for you!" The elder of the Spiritual Beast Hall reminded.

"Yes, elder, I will definitely do my duty well." Li Ming promised.

"Okay, let's go down." The elder of the Spirit Beast Hall said with a hache and waved his hand.

Immediately, Xiao Hu took Li Ming out of the Spiritual Beast Hall and went to the cowshed in the Spiritual Beast Garden.

The Spiritual Beast Garden is located in the mountain behind the Spiritual Beast Hall. There are many areas in the mountain. Some are responsible for raising horses, others are responsible for raising birds, etc.

On the way, I only heard Xiao Hu say: "Li Ming, you are really unlucky."

"What?" Li Ming was startled, very surprised.

This is the second time I have said such things to him!
Xiao Hu took a look at Li Ming and asked, "Do you know how the disciple who managed the cowshed died?"

Li Ming shook his head, expressing that he didn't know.

"He was beaten to death." Xiao Hu said.

"He was beaten to death?" Li Ming was taken aback, and suddenly felt ominous.

"That's right, the three-eyed musk ox is not easy to serve. Its owner will be held accountable if it is neglected. It is the proud son of our God of Medicine Sect. It is said that the suzerain intends to accept him as a closed disciple." Xiao Hu said.

Li Ming frowned slightly, and asked for advice: "Senior brother Hu, how should we serve the three-eyed musk ox?"

"I don't know." Xiao Hu said.

"Then what about the disciple who took care of the bullpen earlier?" Li Ming continued to ask.

"He was also beaten to death." Xiao Hu said.

"This..." Li Ming was at a loss for words.

I only heard Xiao Hu talking to himself: "The longest disciple who took care of the cowshed only lived for one year, and the shortest was only three months."

Li Ming frowned suddenly, and said in his heart: "It seems to be unlucky enough!"

Not long after, Xiao Hu brought Li Ming to the cowshed and said: "You are responsible for taking care of these cows. Each cow's head has its own way of taking care of it. You should read it carefully, otherwise there will be more deaths and fewer lives. That three-eyed musk ox!"

"Thank you, Senior Brother Hu, for reminding me." Li Ming said.

Immediately, Xiao Hu left.

Li Ming looked at the no less than a hundred cows in the cowshed, and couldn't help feeling a little bitter in his heart, secretly said: "I didn't expect to enter the Medicine God Sect like this."

I have to say, it was far from what Li Ming expected.

That's right, someone like Li Ming who has no connections and no gifts, how could he be assigned a good position!

Slightly startled, Li Ming heaved a sigh of relief, and said, "It doesn't matter, it's not bad to be able to settle in the God of Medicine Sect. As for the position, I will figure out a way in the future, and I will go to see how difficult it is to serve that three-eyed musk ox first! "

Most of the cow demons raised in the cowshed are the mounts of the elite disciples of the God of Medicine Sect, and only a very small number are raised in captivity for slaughter.

Each cow has its own small shed, with the breed of the cow demon and the name of the owner written on it.

After a while, Li Ming found the cowshed where the three-eyed musk ox was located. There were four large characters of three-eyed musk ox written on it, and the seal of the owner was written next to it!

"Indian Zheng!" Li Ming muttered, although he had never met him, but Li Ming could already imagine the general situation of this person, his temper was absolutely irritable and difficult to get along with!

(End of this chapter)

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