Entertainment starts with variety shows

Chapter 301 Mount Everest is not allowed?

Chapter 301 Mount Everest is not allowed?

This advertisement was really requested by the program group to be read by Fang Jing. The asking price was 60, plus his appearance fee of 140 million, the total income today was 200 million, and it took half a day, which is not a small amount.

Compared with the exhausting filming, it is undoubtedly much easier to appear on variety shows, and the money is quicker.

This is also the reason why many stars like variety shows.

Turning his head to look at Li Xiaolu who was sitting in the main cafe, Fang Jing swallowed his saliva and said, "Miss Xiaolu is my senior, her debut is the pinnacle, and she won the best actress in her teens."

"Everyone may not know how difficult it is to win the best actress. Let's put it this way, the right time, the right place and the right people are indispensable. The best actor and best actress is the highest award in the actor circle, and many actors' lifelong goals."

"But many people on the Internet say that she has exaggerated acting skills, abused doubles, and has a bad temper. I don't agree with that."

"Based on my observations, Miss Xiaolu is quite a good person, but she is a bit outspoken, can't tolerate sand, and likes to curse and violence."

"I remember some netizens said that she didn't know how to act. At that time, Miss Xiaolu turned her back. My acting skills are a Mount Everest higher than yours!!"

"Miss Xiaolu, you can't say that. They are the audience, and you are not in the same field."

Pointing at Li Dan's yellow hair, Fang Jing smiled and said, "He's a Kilimanjaro better than you in hairdressing, and he didn't say anything."

"And many of the movies with Douban ratings of three or four in recent years are yours. Why, what about your Mount Everest? The crew won't allow it?"

Li Xiaolu, who was sitting cross-legged with his shoes off, also put his feet down, with an awkward smile on his face, Fang Jing's words pinched her sore spot.

After becoming popular these years, filming is indeed not as serious as before, and there are more scenes, but the quality is not very good, basically all for high salary.

In fact, this is also a common problem of actors. When they first debuted, they had few chances to act, and when they finally got one, they cherished it all the more, and worked harder when they acted.

It became popular in the future, a lot of scripts came to the door, and my mentality changed, and I didn't have the same passion as before.

"Pfft! Hahahaha!!"

Cao Yunjing was complained about miserably, but now hearing Li Xiaolu's treatment, he couldn't help laughing.

Of course, they wouldn't hold grudges because of this, because they all knew that the joke was written by Li Dan, and everyone had grudges on him.

Zhou Peng almost laughed out of tears, and said to Li Dan: "I heard that two of your staff members from the previous period didn't come. Could it be because they were blocked?"

The guest of the last episode was Zhou Jie. It was rumored in the world that he was playing security guards, and beatings happened frequently. I heard that he was wearing bricks when recording the show.

"Isn't it?" Li Dan stroked his red hair and said, "You think I dyed it?"

After Fang Jing complained about Li Xiaolu, he also complained about Li Dan, Zhou Peng and others.

It was embarrassing when talking about Liu Yun in the middle, and no one in the audience knew her.

In fact, Fang Jing would not have known that she was the wife of singer Zheng Jun if he hadn't checked the information.

As soon as the ground jumped, Liu Yun's face turned red on the spot, and he almost got in without finding a crack in the ground.

"Mr. Huang Guolun, you may not believe me. Mr. Huang once held a concert at the Bird's Nest. It is said that the viewing tickets for the Bird's Nest usually cost more than 300 yuan. At that time, Mr. Huang only sold more than 100 yuan. No one went to buy one get one free."

"Mr. Huang, I really admire your courage. You are the good boy in the entertainment industry."

"Remember to call me next time there is such a good thing. I will pay you and you will pay. We are a partner, as long as you promise not to go on stage."


"Teachers, I'm really sorry. I offended you. I'll treat you to dinner later. It's an apology. Everyone will reward me."

An hour later, the recording of the show was completed, and Li Dan apologized one by one in the background. He was too familiar with this routine, and it seemed to be like this every episode.

Once they met a hot-tempered star during their recording, and they interviewed off the set. The star bluntly said that if Li Dan dared to speak like that when he was young, he would have rushed to beat someone.

"No, I still have something to do, next time." Li Xiaolu's face was not very good, he smiled and refused Li Dan's invitation.

Cao Yunjing, who had a good time with her, didn't stay behind when he saw this, he said hello and followed.

"Okay, remember to come often!!"

Seeing Li Dan still enthusiastically waving goodbye, Fang Jing snickered, "Those who have come to your show once will dare not come a second time."

"Nonsense, isn't Cao Yunjing here for the second time?"

"It's a promotional movie, otherwise I think you might be beaten today."

Cao Yunjing came here this time with a mission. The new movie was released, and he went to promote it. He just came to the Tucao Conference last time. Now he also has a lot of topics, so he came here immediately.

Naturally, Li Dan and others are always willing to come, as long as they don't shoot and get scolded, they want as much as they come.

We found a restaurant for dinner, and Li Dan left on something, leaving Huang Guolun, Liu Yun, Fang Jing, and Zhou Peng.

"Fang Jing, are you still writing songs for others?" Zhou Peng asked while eating.

"Writing is writing. It mainly depends on people. Generally, I don't take the initiative to sell songs."

"Then can you write a song for me? I know your rules, 280 million, this is the money I can afford now."

Huang Guolun's eyelids twitched when he heard this, and he took a sip of tea in silence, it tasted bitter.

He is also a lyricist, and he also writes songs for others, but the price is really different from Fang Jing, and his songs are sold for not even a fraction of Fang Jing.

On the other hand, Liu Yun opened his mouth wide and his eyes almost popped out.

His husband is a singer, she has heard and seen, and she knows a little about some things in the music industry. An ordinary song is only 50 to 300, and it costs [-] million, but she has never heard of a song with nearly [-] million.

Is this the price of the Olympic theme song?

Fang Jing didn't speak immediately, but after thinking for a while, Fang Jing said, "It can be done then, but you have to agree to one condition?"

"What conditions, you say?" Zhou Peng was overjoyed.

"The singer will be my assistant guest in the next issue!"

Huang Guolun was surprised, and looked at Fang Jing. This is not a condition, he clearly wanted to help Zhou Peng.

Shonan Satellite TV has always been the number one in the ratings. No matter how many people think about it, they can't get it. With Zhou Peng's third-tier reputation and commercial value, there is no hope in this life.

I haven't seen her now, and now she can only come to the conference to complain about this kind of online variety show as a joke and be complained about.

For this reason, Li Dan still invited her because she had something to laugh about.

"Thank you!! I will definitely go." Zhou Peng said gratefully and cautiously.

Fang Jing's move is undoubtedly a timely help. Originally, he felt a little distressed after spending 280 million, but now he only feels that he has earned it.

"It's just next week. If you make the time available, I will notify you in advance."

"Yeah!" Zhou Peng nodded.

She doesn't have any schedule now, so she relies on business to earn some hard work, 360 days a year, and [-] days are idle.

The original manager and the company had already left, and her friends advised her not to sing, but to change to other things, so this is not the way to go.

Many times he also wanted to give up, but he gritted his teeth and persisted. Now he can barely maintain his life, let's talk about when he can't bear it.

(End of this chapter)

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