Chapter 302

Fang Jing is not a bad person. The reason why he helped Zhou Peng was not only for the sake of money, but also because she was a rare talent and a rare conscience.

Now the entertainment industry is in chaos, all kinds of bad things keep happening, many people are frantically testing on the verge of death, and few dare to say no to things they don't like.

After leaving the restaurant, Fang Jing went straight to the airport and headed towards Sichuan Province without going back to his residence.

The opening ceremony of Swordsman has already passed, and he was unable to catch up with the recording of the singer and the Tucao conference.

Fortunately, he is not the protagonist, so he does not have to report on the first day.

"Swordsman, the sixth scene of the third scene, start!!"

Xiaoao Li is almost a must for every play, there are many locations, the crew is too lazy to bother, and in order to save money, they simply shoot most of the scenes on location.

After the crew promised to donate 300 million incense money, director Lu Yang successfully brought seven NO.80 people to the Qing Palace on Qingcheng Mountain to shoot.

When Fang Jing arrived at Mount Qingcheng, the crew was already filming, and Linghu Chong, played by Zhang Zhiyao, was ordered by his teacher to go down the mountain to deliver a letter to the Qingcheng faction.

That's right, Zhang Zhiyao is the protagonist of this drama. I chose half of the actors in the entertainment circle before, but few of them fit the image.

The ones with acting skills are older, the younger ones have no acting skills, and the pay is so high.

"That's my price. If you think the money is too much, you can find a donkey to act. The one with the lower price."

This is what Lu Yang said when he was looking for a second-tier star, and he was so angry.

There was no way, Fang Jing called him more than N times before finalizing Zhang Zhiyao and pulling him back from the brink of travel.

Not to mention, Lao Zhang is worthy of being a male god in ancient costumes, and the blue shirt on him looks extraordinarily dusty.

Holding a sword in his hand fits the image of an ancient chivalrous man, and is now the face value of the entire crew.

"Master Mo, what a coincidence, how is your health recently?"

Fang Jing didn't bother them to shoot, but walked around, and happened to see a middle-aged man in Taoist robe practicing martial arts in the open space not far away.

It was none other than Priest Mo Yun who called the Yuedian headquarters to complain about him.

"It's you!!"

Mo Yunxiu couldn't forget Fang Jing's face even if he was beaten to death. During the time when the world was in full swing, local young people often went to the mountains to buy martial arts from him.

There are also a few junior high school students who have been bullied by bullies all year round. One day they skipped school and said they wanted to become monks and practice martial arts.


With a cold snort, the middle-aged Taoist didn't speak, but turned around and continued punching him.

"Mo Daochang, I didn't expect you to know martial arts? What's the name of this set of punches? It looks quite powerful."

"Nursing body boxing, popular goods, 29 free shipping on a certain treasure, no internal strength, can't hurt people, the effect is similar to radio gymnastics."

Being used to being asked, Daoist Mo answered casually.

There are quite a few people who come to Qingcheng Mountain for tourism, and there are also many who saw him practice martial arts. From last year to now, there are eight hundred young people who want to learn this set of martial arts.

Seeing him practicing martial arts, all eyes shine, as if seeing some peerless treasure.

"Haha!!" Fang Jing smiled awkwardly, scratched his head and said, "I'm really sorry about what happened last time. You have been bothered a lot this year, right?"

"Thanks to you, it's okay!!"

What Mo Yunxiu said was the truth. Since Swordsman became popular, the number of tourists visiting Qingcheng Mountain has increased significantly, and their income has also increased a lot.

This time the crew was asked to shoot here. The local tourism bureau also wanted to have a better publicity effect, and it didn't matter if it was money or not.

It's a pity that the publicity is in place. A lot of people come to watch the filming every day. After the TV series is broadcast, it will become even more popular.

Practitioners like them suffer from being disturbed every day, and they have a good life for a few days.

The old man didn't like oil and salt, Fang Jing talked for a while, but he just hummed a few times.

Fang Jing couldn't be bothered to continue the awkward chat, so he stood aside and watched for a while, making sure that this set of punches would not burst out with strength, and the old man would not exhale like a sword, and then left.


"Fang Jing, good morning! When did you come?"

Yu Xiaowei, who was running halfway up the mountain, was sweating profusely. He just sat in the gazebo to rest when he met Fang Jing and greeted him with a smile.

This is a scenic spot, and tickets are required, but the crew does not need to enter and exit, as long as they bring their ID cards.

The air in the mountains is good, and idleness is idleness, and there has been nothing to do in the past two days. Yu Xiaowei came to run and exercise, but he did not expect to meet Fang Jing on the first day.

"I just came here in the morning, Teacher Yu, you are so energetic!"

"Haha! Why, isn't this not a play yet? Maybe I won't have such leisurely thoughts in a few days."

"Running is good. This is a good habit. I will run with you tomorrow. What time is it? Let's make an appointment."

Seeing that Fang Jing didn't mean to blame, Yu Xiaowei secretly heaved a sigh of relief, serving others' bowls and being taken care of by others. Although he doesn't have any scenes now, he has joined the group anyway. Others are filming, so running by himself is inevitable.

Even though Fang Jing is young, his wrists are not so sophisticated, and his behavior is totally different from that of young people.

If you think he is easy to bully, you are wrong.

Don't treat young people as wrong bosses, if you really want to get angry, it's just a matter of firing him.

"Don't call me Teacher Yu, just call me Brother Yu. I'm going out at seven o'clock today. Let's explore the way first. Tomorrow it should be 06:30."

"That's fine, I'll wait for you tomorrow at 06:30."

After chatting for a while, Fang Jing smiled and said, "Brother Yu, what do you think about what I said last time?"

He wanted to sign Xiao Xiaowei and Wu Gang, but now several days have passed, and there is no news at all.

"It's still under consideration."

"Are there any concerns?"

"That's not true, I just think you are treated too well, and I feel a little sorry for taking this money."

"Teacher Wu and the others also have the same idea?"

"Hmm! Almost."

Fang Jing couldn't help laughing, he was a little eager for success after working on it for a long time, and the welfare provided was so good that people didn't feel at ease.

It's not his fault, Fang Jing naturally knows that the entertainment industry will usher in a cold winter in the near future, more than 1000% of the actors will lose their jobs, Hengdian will close more than [-] companies a year, and old dramas are all in demand.

"Brother Yu, what kind of conditions do you think are suitable?"

Yu Xiaowei was at a loss for words, thought for a while and said: "We just want to have a movie, but it's not the kind of endless, year-round, no matter what kind of movie we shoot."

"Understood!" Fang Jing nodded, "Shoot as much as you want, and when you don't want to shoot, go home and take care of your children. Life is free, right?"

"That's not what I meant, I..."

Fang Jing waved his hand and said with a smile: "I know, in fact, I also yearn for that kind of life. It is indeed a kind of enjoyment to be able to do what I like on the basis of ensuring that I have no worries about food and clothing."

"I can agree to this condition. You can see if this works. Let's sign a normal contract. The signing fee will be 100 million a year, and the contract will be signed for five years. The old rules, I don't take a cut for filming, and you can also take foreign films."

"The company will call you when there is a play, and the role will be discussed separately. I will not delay your time to arrange the play, and I will definitely notify you in advance."

Looking at the troubled Yu Xiaowei, Fang Jing continued: "To be honest, the company has a lot of dramas, at least for next year, both movies and TV, there is no shortage of dramas or money, what I lack is good actors. "

"If Brother Yu wants to make more money, he can act in a few more movies. If he wants to relax, he can easily earn millions by acting in one or two movies a year."

Without speaking, Yu Xiaowei frowned a few minutes later and said, "You...the company won't break the law, right?"

"Cough, cough, cough!!" Fang Jing, who was drinking water, choked, and looked at him speechlessly: "You want to do this for a long time?"

"Don't worry, it's definitely not breaking the law. Nanjing is not on the market now, and it won't engage in fake ratings and fake box office. Tax evasion is even more impossible. I have told you about this, and every penny of the company's money from top to bottom is paid. It's clean."

(End of this chapter)

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