Chapter 372 The end of the first period

What are the responsibilities of a mentor?
Ability is not important.

What needs to be done is to use the art of language to skillfully promote the people who have been arranged by the program group.

Otherwise, the tens of millions were given for nothing?
"Hi, teachers. My name is Feng Timo. I am currently an internet anchor. The purpose of my coming here today is to prove myself. Besides being an anchor, I can also be a singer."

There were cheers at the scene, and I don't know how much these group performers received.

As usual, Yang Mi asked, "I heard you have a lot of fans?"

"Well, there are 900 million!"

Hey, good guy, Shen Hao was surprised, this amount is almost catching up with him, I heard that the anchor industry is very profitable now, with such a high popularity, Feng Timo's annual income should not be lower than his, it seems that he is really here to be gilded .

Top anchors make money at a rate no slower than stars, and some can make hundreds of millions a year, which is terrifying.

"Why do you want to prove yourself? Just live what you want, why should you care about what other people think?"

"There's no way around that." Feng Timo laughed dryly, "Stay in that position, and do that job. It's impossible not to care about other people's thoughts."

"That's right, I like your character very much, how about joining my team?" Yang Mi said.

"Miss Mi has many people, so I don't have the time to teach you. I think it's better to come to me." Lu Feifei smiled and said: "Come to me, I promise to make your dream of being a singer come true."

Feng Timo thanked him repeatedly, raised his head, and looked at Fang Jing. She was waiting for this person to speak, which was also the purpose of this trip.

"Ahem! Singing well." Fang Jing said: "The information shows that you are not a graduate of a professional music school..."

"Teacher, although I am not a graduate of a professional music school, I usually find a music teacher to teach."

"I sing thousands of songs a year, and I've sung a lot over the years. I love music and I won't let you down."

Come on, I want to go all the way to the dark again, Fang Jing is helpless, the entertainment industry is not so easy to mix, without connections and background, it is difficult to move forward.

Especially girls, it's easy to suffer, Fang Jing also doesn't understand why so many ordinary girls want to be stars now.

Do you really think people dare not sneak into you?

After serving people's bowls and serving others, Fang Jing had to talk again, "I've seen your singing skills, it's really good, then... would you like to come to my team?"

"I am willing!" Feng Timo nodded heavily.

The first episode ended just like that, the director announced the end of the show, Fang Jing stretched his waist, and several million were credited to the account this afternoon.

No wonder many stars now like to play variety shows. The money comes in really fast, much faster than making movies and TV shows.

Backstage, Fang Jing was about to take off his make-up and go home, where was Yang Chaoyue.

"Mr. Fang, thank you for choosing me!"

"You're welcome, I won't release water next time, you have to work hard on your own."

"Well, I will!"

"By the way, what is your current contract liquidated damages?"

"100 million!"

Fang Jing nodded slightly. Sure enough, it was the usual style of the brokerage company, even ordinary students would offer such high liquidated damages.

"The current brokerage company is really dark. Is there such a thing as squeezing minors? You don't want to change the contract in the near future. If you don't want to stay there, you can find me. Our company is short of young people with dreams like you. When the time comes, I will help you." You write songs."

"Thank you Teacher Fang! I will seriously consider it!"

Yang Mi shook her head and smiled lightly, there was nothing to think about, Fang Jing had already opened her mouth, Yang Chaoyue wanted to leave [-]% and few trainees could refuse Fang Jing to help him write a song.

"Go back and practice your basic skills well, see you next time!"

"En! Thank you!" Bowing to Fang Jing's back, Yang Chaoyue had an unconcealable smile on his face.

"Hello, my name is Feng Timo, we will be in the same team from now on, please give me your advice!"

Not far away, Feng Timo came to say hello. She heard Fang Jing's words just now. It seemed that the two knew each other before.

Don't fight now, when will you wait!
"Hello, Miss Timo!"

Looking at Feng Timo, who was a head shorter than her, Yang Chaoyue responded with a smile.

The two stood together, and those who didn't know thought she was the older sister, and Feng Timo was the younger sister.

In fact, Feng Timo, who was born in 91, is older than Fang Jing, but he looks petite and shorter. If he is better developed, he will be a real childlike face...

"You have a good eye, I didn't expect you to be so good!"

When Fang Jing came out of the dressing room, he received a call from Yang Ning, which made him baffled, and the investigation in broad daylight was not the same.

Could it be that they found out about Lu Feifei?
Feeling guilty, Fang Jing forced a smile, "Why do you say this and that, don't you know what kind of temper I am? It's just a joke."

"Really? That girl's name is Yang Chaoyue, right? There's also that girl named Feng Timo, who looks like a junior high school student, you can do it too?"


Fang Jing breathed a sigh of relief, it's okay.

No, how did Yang Ning know, this is not a live broadcast, and the audience is not allowed to bring mobile phones into the venue.

"I'm at the door, come out quickly!"

After speaking, Yang Ning hung up the phone.

The leader recruited each other, Fang Jing dared not go, and ran to the door of the TV station.

Beside the pillar at the door, a woman in tight pants and a peaked cap leaned there.

"Why did you come here?"

"Passing by the office, come and have a look, you haven't explained yet, what happened to those two little girls?"

"Get in the car first!"

Sitting in the car arranged by the program group, on the way, Fang Jing told the cause and effect.

That afternoon, we made an appointment to see each other next time, Shen Hao and Yang Mi left one after another, Lu Feifei also went home, and Fang Jing was the only one left in the hotel.


"Say, why doesn't this work? Is it because I don't steal food these days? I see you and that Feng Timo flirting with each other."

"Wrong, who said I can't do it! This hasn't started yet."

Crying secretly in his heart, Fang Jing could only sacrifice his life to accompany Yang Ning.


"For more than [-] years in the rivers and lakes, I have killed all the enemies and defeated all the heroes. There is no defense in the world. I have no choice but to live in seclusion in the deep valley and take the eagle as my friend.

Alas!If you want an opponent in your life but can't get it, it's really lonely and embarrassing. "

Sword Demon Dugu seeks defeat!

"It's awesome, I thought Yang Guo's hand would be broken for the rest of his life."

"This name is domineering. I have seen Fang Jing's Xiaoao Jianghu before. There is Dongfang Bubai in it. Unfortunately, he is a eunuch, and he is not domineering enough."

"Sword Demon, the surname is Dugu, I just want to ask this kind of question, what is the relationship between this and the Dugu Nine Swords in Swordsman?"

"Boss, quickly arrange for Yang Guo to learn martial arts well, then seek revenge on Guo Fu and fuck her a hundred times! Only in this way can the hatred in my heart be relieved."

"Sell movies, sell blockbuster movies, movies for grown-ups!"

"I liked Guo Jing and Huang Rong at first, but I didn't expect their daughter to be so unruly and willful."

"By the way, the one written in Chapter 1 is holding the Yitian sword and riding a wooden tree, bah! Who is the person riding a donkey? Is it the heroine? Why hasn't it appeared yet?"

What the editor Chang He said is indeed true, Fang Jing Baiyin League really has no effect, it has been so long, and it is still dropping favorites every day.

So much so that he doesn't even know how many readers he really has, he's very passive!
(End of this chapter)

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