Chapter 373
The martial arts channel is very cool, unless it is a master, it is difficult for other authors to survive.

If Fang Jing hadn't accumulated popularity with the previous book "The Legend of the Condor Heroes", he still doesn't know what he would have done.

Mr. Jin's style of writing looks very literary, and the lines between the lines are not as white as those on the Internet. This style of writing may have been popular a few decades ago, but it is not the mainstream in this era.

When Fang Jing wrote, he tried his best to write according to the modern language, but there are still some things that cannot be changed.

If it weren't for the six or seven hundred recommendation votes and dozens of comments every day, he would doubt whether anyone would read this book.

On the third day back in Shanghai, just after uploading the latest chapter, Xu Shi came to the door.

Nanjing studio...

"How do you have the time to come to me?"

Seeing Fang Jing still typing in the office, Xu Shi sighed, "In our industry, we start our own companies by earning money from online writing, and there are not many people who insist on writing in the end."

Sitting casually, Xu Shi sighed and said: "With a career, I haven't coded for a long time. To be honest, I envy you for still having this kind of original intention, but... you are a good writer when you are working, but not A good boss."

"Come on, you're making an old mistake again." Fang Jing rolled his eyes, "Tell me, what's the matter?"

Everyone has their own specialties. Fang Jing is not good at management, and he can't manage well. Some things should be left to professional people.

What the leader has to do is point to a direction and make decisions on major issues.

With Yang Ning and professional managers in the company, it was rare for Fang Jing to relax.

And he didn't want Xu Shi to be so irresponsible, otherwise he wouldn't sit in the studio himself and get off work at six o'clock every day.

Hehe smiled, and Xu Shi said: "Didn't I set up the company myself? The director and the team have been found. I want to make another Tomb Raider Notes series, but it's about the actors..."

"It's not your style to be hesitant. Tell me, do you want money or people?"

Embarrassedly smiling, Xu Shi said: "This time we are filming Shahai, and we are short of a leading role. I want Zhang Mingen, just because of the price..."

Although Fang Jing and Fang Jing got along well before, and the two of them had nothing unpleasant, but Xu Shi still felt a little awkward when he came back to ask for help after only a few months away.

But now actors are too expensive. Even with the salary limit order, the price of first- and second-tier actors is tens of millions, which is not affordable for his newly established small company.

As long as there is a way, he will not look for Fang Jing with a thick face.

"No problem, that kid Zhang Mingen has been nagging me all day that he wants to be the protagonist. You are doing me a favor. The money is easy to talk about. You can go to Xiao Wenjing later and ask her to discuss the schedule with you."


"What are you talking about? It's easy to do." Fang Jing pondered for a few seconds and said, "Old Xu, you never thought about coming back? Now the company's difficulties are over."

"You know how hard it is for us to go from nothing to nothing step by step. If you are willing to come back, I will reserve the position of vice president of the company for you."

With a sigh in his heart, Xu Shi shook his head and thanked Fang Jing for his kindness, and said with a smile, "It's fine for the vice president, if I can't get along someday, you can just leave me a warehouse keeper, more money, less work, and a time code Character."

"By the way, Fenghuo and Phalaenopsis called me several times a few days ago. When we bought Xuezhong and Full-time Master, we said that it would start up within three years. Now the agreed time is running out. You can decide for yourself."

"En! Understood!" Fang Jing nodded slightly, his brows furrowed into Sichuan characters.

Food needs to be eaten one bite at a time, and the road needs to be walked step by step. The start of work on both sides in the name of Three Lives, Three Lives, Ten Miles of Peach Blossoms and the people has made Fang Jing almost overwhelmed.

If Knives in the Snow and full-time masters are shooting, there will definitely not be enough people.

But if you don't shoot, the copyright will be taken back. It's written in black and white in the contract.

After Xu Shi left, Fang Jing contacted Fenghuo and Phalaenopsis, and asked them to give him some time. The contract needs to be postponed for a few months.

Now Fang Jing still has a bit of face, he made an apology, and after a few drinks, Fenghuo and Phalaenopsis didn't make things difficult for him, and agreed to extend it for half a year.


The next day, Fang Jing visited the production team of Sansheng III.

"Hahaha, hahaha!!"

At noon, as soon as Fang Jing entered the actor's lounge, he heard Xiao Zan's crazy laughter. Sitting opposite him were the black-faced Zhang Mingen, Di Lieba, Zhang Zhiyao and others.

Seeing that he was holding a mobile phone in his hand, Fang Jing didn't show a good face, he patted his shoulder and said, "What is so funny? Can't you read more scripts if you have the time?"

"Cough cough cough!! I'm sorry Mr. Fang, I promise there will be no next time."

Fang Jing doesn't like actors playing with their phones on set, Xiao Zan knows his temper, so he must not explain it at this time.

"He doesn't have a movie today, so come here to play, why are you so harsh?" Zhang Zhiyao joked: "When you were filming before, you played crazily than him, code words, broadcast live broadcasts, and play games. What do you think you didn't do?"

"Ahem! The situation is different. I was in the top of my game at that time."

Fang Jing didn't blush at all when his old background was exposed, and he said with a natural face: "No one will care about what you do after you become popular, and keep a low profile when you are not popular. fruit to eat."

The drama is bigger than the sky, the director of the crew has the final say, everyone is equal, when the crew comes, they are actors, there are no stars... These are all nonsense.

Classes have always existed and have never changed. The entertainment industry is inherently unfair.

If the drama is bigger than the sky, there will be no actors who change the script and add dramas. If everyone is equal, there will be no celebrities who bring their own makeup artists, sit in a separate car, and eat eight dishes and two soups.

Even in Hollywood, sometimes actors overwhelm the director, and some even have the right to replace the director.

There are quite a few veteran movie stars in China, and it is common for them to feel that the script does not meet their wishes, adding or subtracting at will.

But do these people say that they are not professional?No, even if their intentions are good.

But what if you change to a second- and third-tier star to do these things?I can't scold you to death!

"I'm sorry Mr. Fang, I know I was wrong!" Xiao Zan honestly admitted his mistake.

"It's not that I won't let you play, you have to know."

Taking Xiao Zan's mobile phone, Fang Jing also smiled when he saw the entertainment news on it. These are pictures of Ming En leaving the airport, wearing a black down jacket, a peaked cap, and a mask wrapped tightly, fearing that others would recognize him.

Beside him, more than a dozen security personnel held hands and surrounded him, apparently afraid of fans rushing up.

The strange thing is that there are no fans, and one of the security guards couldn't help laughing.

The headline in the media is too much, reminding him to not forget to hire fans next time he hires security.

Stared at by Fang Jing, Zhang Mingen was like an ostrich, his head was almost buried in the soil.

It's too embarrassing. He didn't expect that one day there would be no fans. Isn't there a lot of fans on Weibo?What about the people who excitedly called out to love him on the show?
Patting Zhang Mingen on the shoulder, Fang Jing wanted to say a few words of comfort, but suddenly couldn't help laughing when the words came to his mouth, and everyone else was provoked by this move.

(End of this chapter)

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