Chapter 374
It is not new for celebrities to hire bodyguards out of the airport these days, and some fans are indeed a little crazy.

Fang Jing has also done such a thing as hiring bodyguards, but it's not to guard against fans, but for fear of retaliation.

As a public figure, some people like it and some people hate it. The keyboard man is nothing more than a few words of abuse on the Internet. I'm afraid that some people will go to extremes and have to bring guys to block you.

Female celebrities encountered perverts and salty hands when they attended the event, male celebrities were beaten innocently, and the unlucky ones were splashed with manure, sulfuric acid, and poisoned.

Fang Jing remembered that in his previous life, a Hong Kong celebrity was rushed onto the stage and stabbed by a stranger.

Although he didn't offend many people, but sometimes he was afraid of encountering some crazy people, who would he turn to for reasoning if he was stabbed?

This is why Feng Pants threatened to slap him when he met the paparazzi who exposed his home address.

If someone exposes the address of Fang Jing's home, he also wants to beat him!

It doesn't matter if you are a little dangerous, but what about your family?What should I do if a black powder comes to my door for revenge?
"Come with me, I have something to do with you!" Fang Jing called Zhang Mingen out.

"What's the matter, Mr. Fang?"

"Did your agent tell you about the Tomb Raider Notes?"

"No, she hasn't called me for half a month."

"Maybe she's a bit busy." Fang Jing can understand after thinking about it, the manager has a lot of work, Xu Shi just found Xiao Wenjing yesterday, there is really no need to inform Shen Hao today.

Yang Ning recruited a group of trainees some time ago. With more and more artists in the company, Xiao Wenjing has become the director of the artist department. Except for Ying Haoming, she spends the rest of her time coordinating Xiao Zan's work.

"Then I told you in advance, Xu Shi's Sand Sea, that is, the Tomb Raider Notes series is short of a male lead, and I want you by name."

"No problem! When is it?" Zhang Mingen was overjoyed. He never thought that he would have the opportunity to star in the film after only one year of his debut. Those classmates in the class are still playing tricks.

This year is his birth year, could it be that the red underwear he bought worked?

"Don't be too happy, the crew is short of money, the salary may not be a bit low, can you accept it?"

"It doesn't matter if it's money or not. The main reason is that it's rare to have this opportunity to exercise. I will cherish it."

Is not this nonsensical?Who wouldn't want a starring role?Don't say that the salary is low, even if he doesn't need money, Zhang Mingen will also act.

Starring opportunities are hard to come by, and many actors have not encountered them after decades of acting.

It would be foolish of him to say no.

After patting Zhang Mingen's shoulder heavily, Fang Jing said: "The time has not been set yet, and the script will be in your hands soon."

"Go over there and work hard. Although Xu Shishou's IP is not much, if you can get his appreciation, the tomb robbery notes alone will be enough for you to shoot for several years."

There are so many Notes on Tomb Raiders, as long as they can be filmed, it really doesn't take much effort for Xu Shi to support a few second-tier artists.

Zhang Mingen has not debuted for a long time, if he can shoot two or three films in succession, it will be of great help to his career.

"Thank you Mr. Fang, I will work hard!"

Fang Jing nodded lightly, and didn't say anything else. In the evening, he invited the crew to dinner. Xiao Zan looked sullen, which was completely different from Zhang Mingen who would toast to everyone.

On set the next day, Xiao Zan's mood was not very good and he NGed several times.

"Stop for a moment, rest for 10 minutes!"

Coming out of the director's studio, Fang Jing finds Xiao Zan.

"Is there something on your mind? The scene just now was not difficult, why can't you even do the most basic crying scene?"

Except for the trainees who have not officially signed a contract, the only artists in the company are Li Yitong and Xiao Zan who are not from majors. When there is no filming, Fang Jing will ask Yang Ning to arrange teachers from the actor training class to give lectures to them.

But now it seems that it has no effect at all.

Crying scenes are the most basic, Xiao Zan not only didn't cry, but lost his mind!

"Compared to Mr. Fang, I'm not in a good state, just adjust for a while!"

"Well! Think about it when you have something to do. It's impossible for the crew to serve you alone. It's okay to NG once or twice. If there are too many times, not only the director will scold you, but other actors will also look down on you."


Seeing that he listened to it, Fang Jing didn't say anything more, as long as some things are left to the end.

The most difficult thing to get along with in the crew is not the director, but the actor who plays the opponent. If you don't perform well, they will show you face every minute.

In other words, Xiao Zan's opponent is Di Lieba, the little Baitian. If he met Yang Mi in this state, he would have been scolded long ago.


In the afternoon, Xiao Zan found Fang Jing, hesitated for a while and said, "Mr. Fang, is it true that Brother Zhang wants to play the leading role?"


There were goji berries soaked in the thermos, and Fang Jing was typing in his notebook without looking up.

Zhang Mingen's big mouth couldn't hide anything, and it took less than a day for the entire team to know that he was going to play the leading role.

"Then... when can I act?"

Looking up at Xiao Zan, Fang Jing said with a blank expression on his face, "Not this year!"

"Isn't the company launching a new play?"

"Open! And more than one."

"Then why can't I play the leading role? Didn't you promise me before? And it's written in the contract."

Fang Jing sneered: "I promised you, that's right! And I mean what I say, but now I'll give you the male lead, can you act?"

"I can!" Xiao Zan nodded heavily.

Click to save, close the computer, Fang Jing said: "I advise you to take your time step by step, don't be so ambitious, you only debuted for three or four months, right? Apart from accepting variety shows and running announcements, how much time do you have acting?"

With a more serious tone, Fang Jing said sternly: "Basic lines can't be read fluently, and the position will be out of the picture. You told me that you want to play the leading role? Did you say it wrong or did I hear it wrong?"

"You were able to join the crew as a supporting role because I fought for it with all my face, otherwise, no one would want you to be interviewed."

"I watched it outside all morning. Do you know what the group members said about you? The old lady who sells vegetables is better than you!"

After being reprimanded, Xiao Zan couldn't say a word. He really wanted to refute Fang Jing, but he couldn't get it out of his mouth.

There is no way to refute!

Said that I actually worked very hard and was very popular, but the difference was just an opportunity?
He probably panicked when he said this!

"Ask if you don't understand, and learn if you don't understand. Only you and Li Yitong are the weakest in the company. Their acting skills are better than yours. Ying Haoming, who is older than you, is still suffering. What are you anxious about?"

"Zhang Mingen is not the hero I asked him to play, he was named by someone else."

In the ears, Fang Jing's stern reprimands continued.

"The traffic is not far away. The worst thing in the entertainment industry is handsome men and beautiful women. How many years can you be popular without the support of your works? Leaving aside the company's momentum, you are at most a third-tier star."

"How many people do you think will praise you if you play the male lead in your current state? If the performance fails, how many directors will be willing to cooperate with you in the future?"

"I originally planned to let you hone a few plays first, improve your acting skills step by step, and then play the male lead role, but your performance disappointed me!"

"I'm sorry Mr. Fang, I was wrong!"

Xiao Zan was so ashamed that he almost found a crack in the ground. It only took him a few months from being an amateur on the street to now. Many people praised him on the Internet, and his supporters on variety shows praised him. Everywhere he went, someone called him a teacher. There are girls giving flowers, and some people are kissing and flattering. After a long time, it really gets a little bit drifting.

(End of this chapter)

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