Chapter 377

Fang Jing can't do such things as putting on pants and not knowing people, and whoring for free. He is a celebrity anyway, and he still has this quality.

There are two songs, one I am very happy, and the other is Passenger, which I gave to Lu Feifei as soon as I arrived at the hotel.

"You are just a passerby, passing by my world, I dare not give up too much, lest you see that I am sad..."

Holding the sheet music, Lu Feifei hummed softly, and her eyes lit up after a few words.

"Brother Fang Jing, thank you so much, I will treat you to tea sometime when I have time."

"No, I won't drink any more."

Adults and children are similar, facing the toys in the window, they are yearning for them when they don’t get them, but if they really buy them and play with them for a few days, they will get tired of them, and after a while, they don’t know where to throw them.

In his previous life, Fang Jing was a dick, and he yearned for luxury cars and mansions, silver-screen actresses, sexy and beautiful goddesses, and walked into dreams countless days and nights.

But now he's tried all these things, and that's it!

It's not interesting, I'd better just stick to my little family and live my life. It's okay to eat fast food once in a while, but eating every day is not good for my health. If I want to support others, I have to eat a simple meal at home.

Thinking that Fang Jing was timid, Lu Feifei didn't persuade him much, but felt a little regretful.

Looking at the sheet music without putting it down, Lu Feifei was puzzled, "Hey, the author's name is not written here!"

"Didn't you write this?" Fang Jing smiled, "Feifei, are you sleepy?"

"Ah? Oh, I understand!" Lu Feifei nodded, biting her lower lip, thoughtful, Fang Jing wanted her to keep her mouth shut, and let the matter between the two of them linger in his stomach.

Cut, old color embryo!Wasn't he very courageous before?As long as you value reputation, my wife values ​​it more than you!
Slandering in her heart, Lu Feifei smiled, "Do you think I have premature menopause? I can't remember such a small thing, thank you for reminding me."

"Who Has Early Menopause?"

Not far away, Yang Mi and Shen Hao came together.

"My menopause is early." Lu Feifei casually circled the sheet music and carried it on her back, and said with a smile, "I'm under a lot of pressure, and my health is not very good."

"Then you have to see a doctor, the weather is cold recently, don't catch a cold." Shen Hao said with concern.

"It's okay. I just got the injection a few days ago. The effect is good, but my butt hurts a little."

Hearing this, Fang Jing's heart tightened, and he changed the subject, "Are you two here to urge us to go to the stage together?"

"Yeah!" Yang Mi nodded, "The car in the station will be waiting for a while, and we are the only ones missing."

"Then let's go, finish the recording early and call it a day, I still have a lot of things to do."

Fang Jing concealed it well, talked and laughed and went downstairs, leading the topic all the time, Lu Feifei didn't have time to intervene.

Seeing this scene, Lu Feifei snickered and cursed cowardly!

When I arrived at the TV station, I put on makeup and changed clothes. After cleaning up, I started recording Huaxia's strongest voice at three o'clock in the afternoon.

This is the second period, same as the previous period, elimination and selection.

Those who were selected were so happy that they almost jumped up, those who were not selected were full of sadness, and some tears were shed on the spot, and they were desolate and lonely when they left.

One will be successful, the talent show is cruel, there are many contestants, and only a few can make their debut in the end. Until the last moment, no one knows who the lucky one will be.

After recording for more than two hours, Fang Jing finally chose three people. In addition to Yang Chaoyue and Feng Timo from the previous episode, his team already has five people. The program group stipulates that each team has ten people, and he has completed half of the task.


"Sit down wherever you want, what do you want to drink?"


After the recording was over, Fang Jing was called to the deputy director's office alone.

"Taste. Nowadays, young people like to drink. Few of them have time to make tea. Tea is a good thing. It is calm and calm. Drinking it often not only loses weight, but also maintains health."

The tea tray on the table was set up, and the water was already boiling. It could be seen that this was prepared before, and it started to brew while talking on the side table.

Pour out the first cup of tea and start brewing for the second time. The movements of his hands are extremely slow. After 5 minutes, Fang Jing is anxious for him.

In fact, Fang Jing doesn't like drinking tea, it's too troublesome, and he can't drink it good or bad, he feels the same between a few yuan a catty of Kuding and thousands of Longjing.

The reason why I said to drink tea just now is because the other party's tea tray and water have been boiled, and it would be fine to drink Leibi, which is not appropriate.

"Are you still used to program recording? This is your first time recording this kind of program. If you have any ideas, you can discuss with the station. We will try our best to satisfy you."

The deputy station spoke and handed Fang Jing a cup of tea.

The teacup is very small, similar to the dime-filled jelly shells sold at the entrance of the elementary school in the past.

Fang Jing seriously doubts whether he can feel the taste when he swallows it down.

"Thank you!"


He took a sip lightly, didn't feel it at all, almost sucked down the teacup, saw the deputy staring at him, Fang Jing thought about it for a few seconds, slapped his thigh, and praised, "Good tea!"

"Hahaha, drink more if you want, this is my treasure, I am usually reluctant to entertain people, I will pack half a catty for you when I leave later."

"A gentleman does not take what others like." Fang Jing waved his hand.

"What's this called? A beautiful woman matches a hero, a good horse matches a good saddle. It's rare to meet a bosom friend. What's the matter with giving you something?"

Fang Jing couldn't help but agree to accept it.

After chatting for a while, the deputy station said: "The last episode of the show has been edited, and the effect is very good, especially your opening song, which gave us a good start."

"It's a matter of duty, love, Jingzhou Satellite TV is also one of the best in the country, I am very happy to be able to sing on this platform."

"It's an honor for us to invite you! Speaking of which, this is your first time as a mentor. We are really destined. It seems that everything is destined in the dark."

The two boasted to each other about business, and chatted happily.


"It's good for young people to be energetic, youthful and lively. To be honest, seeing these children singing and dancing on stage makes me feel a few years younger."

Turning his head, Fang Jing cursed at him!
The old guy must have something to do with him, and he didn't say anything for more than half an hour. He drank a few pots of tea, and he held his urine for a long time.

"Speaking of which, no matter whose team wins the championship, it will be your students to the outside world. Fang Jing, see if this works. The champions will write a song for them."

Squinting his eyes, Fang Jing finally knew what this old guy was looking for him to do, so he just wrote songs and made so many twists and turns.

If he continued to chat, he suspected that the old guy would show him the big sword and a dragon.

"Chen Tai, I'm not good..."

"Ah~" The deputy station waved his hand to stop Fang Jing's words behind him, "We also know that your songs are expensive, and the funds for the program are limited, so we can only give you 700 million."

"It's not about money! I can't write without inspiration." Fang Jing was embarrassed.

Tailor-made songs are different from writing casually. It is too difficult, and it is unreasonable not to ask for a good price.

"800 million, take it as a favor for me! It's also for your students!"

"I... this... I'm sorry."

"860 million! Help my brother!"

"Chen Tai, what you said is off the mark. Since you are my student, I will write it even if you don't need money."

I am Nima!
Seeing Fang Jing's righteous and awe-inspiring appearance, the deputy station really wanted to spit out a mouthful of old phlegm.

(End of this chapter)

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