Entertainment starts with variety shows

Chapter 378 Films, Rave Reviews

Chapter 378 Films, Rave Reviews

In this era when haircuts can be popular searches and earn millions on shows, the importance of a good song to a singer is self-evident.

Internet singers are everywhere, and divine comedies appear every year, and every time they set off a square revolution, a trick is eaten all over the world, and there are many people who earn tens of millions or hundreds of millions with a single song.

Produced by Fang Jing, it must be a high-quality product. Someone once said that Fang Jing's songs are more expensive than his own!
Third-line singers became popular immediately after getting a song, and top singers got a second career after getting a song, especially after experiments by Li Keqin and Han Hong.

"Red Sun, Dried Wine" has become one of the masterpieces of Han Hong and Li Keqin if it is sold out.

Jingzhou TV station spent more than 800 million yuan to buy a song for Jingzhou, which seems expensive, but considering that they don't need to pay for this money, I feel relieved after thinking about it.

When Fang Jing returned to the hotel, Shen Hao and the others were already packing their luggage. They will leave tomorrow after he has dinner.

"It's ok, Brother Jing, now you're selling it so expensive."

During the dinner, hearing Fang Jing's song sold more than 800 million yuan, Lu Feifei opened her mouth wide, and the fish balls almost fell out of her mouth.

One song is more than 800 million, and two songs are 700 million. Only now does she realize how cheap she has picked up, and unconsciously comes up with the idea of ​​needing more injections.

Shen Hao looked rejoicing, "Fortunately, I bought your song early, otherwise it would have ruined my entire family."

In the past, Fang Jing sold him hundreds of thousands of a song, which was considered high at the time, but now it is like cabbage price.

Hundreds of thousands of people wanted Fang Jing to write songs, and they would have to line up from Shanghai to Yanjing, and they would not be able to get him in two lifetimes.

"Shen Hao was right before, you ruined it by running off to become an actor." Yang Mi drank a few sips of wine, blushed, and said sourly: "If you have this talent, you still need to run around every day?"

"It must be one concert a year, one album a year, four or five of him on variety shows, half a year of work, and half a year of rest."

"Hahaha!" Fang Jing laughed and said, "Everyone has their own way of life. You stand on the bridge to watch the scenery, and the people who watch the scenery stand upstairs and watch you."

"A few days ago when I went to the production team, our family Li Yitong also said that the biggest wish in this life is to be half as good as you, so that you don't have to worry about filming every day."

"Which one is better?" Yang Mi shook her head lightly.

The actresses in the circle are much better off than her, but they just make a fortune in silence and don't like to show off.

She shoots 22 movies a year, and the audience criticized her for being unprofessional, but the old actor Liu Tao, in order to help her husband pay off the debts of several hundred million yuan, did not make [-] movies in a year and a half?No one scolded her either.

There is also an actress surnamed Jing with a deep background, who has a lot of resources, one bad movie after another, the real queen of bad movies.

Ordinary artists would be notorious if they made three or four movies in a row. No director or investor is willing to cooperate, but they are still supporting actors, and there are endless variety shows. Are you angry?
After eating and drinking for an hour, the sky was getting darker, Yang Mi left first, Lu Feifei originally wanted to stay, but Fang Jing asked Shen Hao to talk about private matters, she couldn't follow the past and had to give up.

"How about what I told you last time?"

A coffee shop, Fang Jing asked.

"Yang Zi is willing to come, but the liquidated damages are not cheap. What she means is that she wants you to pay her a part."

When it came to business, Shen Hao was half awake, his tone and thinking were completely different from before, this is what Fang Jing admired him.

Lust is a bit lewd, but he has a bottom line and knows what to do and what not to do.

"How much to pad?"

"700 million! Also, she wants to play the heroine of a movie."

After pondering for a few seconds, Fang Jing nodded slightly, this request is not too much, the current Yang Zi is worth the price.

Childlike innocence had her own halo when she debuted, and she became famous after Zhu Xian. Over the years, she played some roles one after another. Although she was not popular, she was better than ordinary third-tier artists.

"Yes, when you have time, you can help me ask someone out to talk."

"Brother Jing, what about me?" Shen Hao was a little anxious, and he also planned to quit.

Now the company is focusing on cultivating Jia Zhengliang, and soon the resources will definitely be diverted. He is not foolish enough to make money to help others raise their sons. I heard that Li Yifeng has already contacted his next family and is also talking about it. Maybe he will file a lawsuit.

"You and Yang Zi come together, I can help you "pad" part of the liquidated damages, but the contract salary may be close, have you figured it out?"

"Think about it, it doesn't matter if you have money or not, the main reason is that I want to learn from Brother Fang Jing."

Nodding and bowing, Shen Hao looked like a traitor at this moment.

He finally understands that he is not good at seeing the big picture and vision, and he is suitable for both sides.

Fang Jing, on the contrary, has a good eye and has never seen it before, so he must be right to follow him.

But Fang Jing also has shortcomings, no matter whether he is arrogant or high-spirited, he is indeed weak in emotional intelligence, and sometimes he is easy to offend people.

He had heard about winning over 1000 million from Zhao Wei. In fact, there was no need to make such a fuss.

Being by Fang Jing's side, how to appear close and not offend others with him is a skill.


"The light of the stars sprinkled in the midnight"

"People tell stories happily"

"However, what I want to say tonight is not easy"

"Looking at you hesitantly, wanting to say something and then hesitating again"

At nine o'clock in the evening, Jingzhou Satellite TV released a 2-minute promotional video of China's Strongest Voice, and announced that the first episode will be broadcast in three days.

"It's the first show of Fangjing Variety Show after a year."

"Fang Jing will release a new song."

"Yang Mi and Lu Feifei mentor team."

"The champion will get a song tailored by Fang Jing!"

In just a few hours, this promotional video occupied the top ten hot searches, and the topic continued.

"Do the pretty boys in Guangdong Province know the name of this song? I can't understand it!"

"It's called If I Give You Three Days of Light, You Can't Kill It, and it's written in big characters on the upper right corner."

"Love Story Part [-], you're welcome! I'll search first to see if I can download it. If it's too late, I'll only see you in the pirated version."

"I don't know what I like when I first hear it, but after listening to it again, I'm already a VIP, so I'll go too."

"Don't waste your time. The show hasn't started yet, so you can't find it [-]% of the time. It will probably be synchronized. Besides, Fang Jing's singles are never charged, so don't worry."

"The idol releases a new song, we must support it!!"

"I've waited for a long time and finally waited until today!"

There was a lot of discussion on the Internet, and the show became popular before it was broadcast. The contestants also watched the promotional video over and over again, not only to see if they were seen, but also to confirm that the champion could get a song by Fang Jing.

The phone of the TV station was almost ringing off the hook. The producer kept explaining to the participating management companies that the song was not for free. After all, it was not cheap for them to spend money on the song. I hope everyone understands.


"Hurry up, your brother is out."

Lin Qiuyue squatted in front of the TV and watched the show while eating a big watermelon, her eyes were full of little stars.

This is the top idol, the more handsome she looks, the last time I ate with her face to face, it can be said that she can brag in class for a long time.

It turned out that she didn't chase stars, but she couldn't stand that this star was her best friend's brother.

(End of this chapter)

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