Entertainment starts with variety shows

Chapter 391 Yang Chaoyue Joins

Chapter 391 Yang Chaoyue Joins
Although the program team said that the top ten competitions will not interfere, everything is fair and just, but in the end they have the final say on who can enter the top ten.

This is also the reason why Yang Mi and the others are passive and sabotage, and they don't take it to heart. Everyone takes money to do things, and leaves after recording the show, and owes no one to anyone.

After dinner, Fang Jing sent them back.

"Chaoyue, wait a moment, I have something to tell you." Before going upstairs, Fang Jing called Yang Chaoyue to stop.

Yu Wenwen and the others turned their heads to look over at the same time.

"Oh! Sister Xiaomin, I'll go there first, see you later!"

After speaking, Yang Chaoyue trotted over, and under the night, the backs of the two became farther and farther away.

Yu Wenwen shook her head bitterly, put her hands in her pockets, and lowered her head into the elevator.

No need to think about it, Fang Jing called Yang Chaoyue over at this time must be something to arrange, maybe like Wang Xiaomin, he wants to sign her to the company. .

Needless to say, No.3 is gone.

Wang Xiaomin was first, Feng Timo was second, Yang Chaoyue was third, and the rest of the dozens of people had to fight for fourth and fifth.

Fang Jing and Yang Chaoyue walked in front, and Wu Jiajia followed a few meters away.

"What was the last time I told you?"

"Ah?" Walking aimlessly, Yang Chaoyue lost her mind and smirked, but Fang Jing's sudden words made her unable to react.

"That's what you don't agree to if your company asks you to upgrade the contract."

"My company didn't look for me." Yang Chaoyue shook her head, "The managers said that I would be eliminated in the next round, so let me do some advertising while it's a bit hot."

"It seems that I was worrying too much!" Fang Jing laughed. Many people are not optimistic about Yang Chaoyue, thinking that she was lucky enough to come in and go home after a round of swimming.

"Why do you want to enter the entertainment industry?"

Before Yang Chaoyue could speak, Fang Jing continued, "On the stage, you said it was for 3000 yuan. Although it's a bit funny, it's realistic."

"I used to debut for a few thousand yuan. What is dedicating to art? My lifelong pursuit is music. Those are all nonsense. I can't fill my stomach and talk about dreams."

"Come to my company, I will help you fulfill your dream!"

The traffic roared past, and the endless lights were dazzling, like a huge fire dragon lying on the ground, and the night sky was illuminated by its armor.

Yang Chaoyue was in a puffing mood, beating non-stop.

Although Wang Xiaomin and the others said that Fang Jing might sign her to the company, she still didn't believe it.

If you want a face but no face, a figure but no body, a singing voice but no singing voice, how could Fang Jing fall in love with her?

"Can you make money?" Yang Chaoyue asked in a low voice.

She has no commercial value, and she doesn't want to be popular in the future, as long as she can earn a million and 80, she will be satisfied.

During this trip, I met my idol Fang Jing, and ate a few meals. By the way, I could make money. It was not in vain!
At this time, a Porsche drove by, with a cool waistline, a beautiful rear wing raised high, two headlights that dazzled people's eyes, and the sophisticated and high-end configuration all showed the words "I'm expensive".

The other vehicles passing by slowed down, fearing that they would not be able to afford the compensation, and the takeaway boy who was in a hurry at the corner stopped rushing and squeezed the brakes tightly.

Without stopping, the dark blue Porsche disappeared into the torrent in the blink of an eye.

Seeing Yang Chaoyue's envious eyes, Fang Jing smiled with his hands behind his back, "Go to my company, how many cars of this kind can you buy in a year."

Yang Chaoyue's commercial value is beyond ordinary people's imagination. Now she is like an undiscovered beautiful jade. One day she will meet a master sculptor who knows the goods and she will shine.

In her previous life, Yang Chaoyue had more than 30 endorsements within one year of her debut, and sold several houses in Yanjing, where every inch of land is expensive, and her ability to make money is comparable to that of a first-line artist.

Variety shows, albums, TV dramas, none of them fall, they are all over the place!
"Okay, I'll go!" Yang Chaoyue nodded ignorantly.

She doesn't know what the future will be like, but she doesn't want to go back to the assembly line factory where the sun is not visible at both ends and she is always scolded by the leader.

In the dormitory, Yu Wenwen was practicing with a guitar, Wang Xiaomin was leaning on the bedside to read magazines, and Feng Timo was lying on the bed playing with mobile phones. Everyone's mobile phones were confiscated before they came, but she got them back only a day later.


The door opened.

The three turned their heads and looked at the short girl who claimed to be the hope of the whole village.

"Come?" Wang Xiaomin asked with a smile.


"Why is Fang Jing looking for you?" Feng Timo got up and asked with great interest.

The sound of the strings was chaotic, Yu Wenwen didn't want to play any more, put the guitar aside, turned her head under the quilt and turned her back to a few people, Xiao Fen clenched her fists tightly.

Seeing the inadvertent smile on Yang Chaoyue's face, she knew what had happened.

Damn relationship account!

"It's nothing, I just asked me about some training matters, so that I can learn more from you."

Wang Xiaomin chuckled, this girl can't even tell lies, her eyes don't dare to look at people, she doesn't look natural at all, she just made it up on the spur of the moment.


"This is your new song. I've submitted it for you. This time you sing this song." The next day, Fang Jing handed Yang Chaoyue a sheet music. "If you don't understand, ask Wang Xiaomin and let her teach you."

After speaking, Fang Jing left, leaving Yang Chaoyue alone.

Yang Chaoyue couldn't tell whether a song was good or bad, but she smiled happily when she saw that the composer and lyrics in the upper left corner were written by the same person. Fang Jing's production must be a masterpiece.

On that day a few years ago, she heard Liu Wei sing "The Snow Between the Eyes" written by Fang Jing. At that time, she wanted to have a song, but now she has it.

Returning to the rehearsal hall with the song, Yang Chaoyue found Wang Xiaomin.

It’s definitely true that the song is a good song, but she can’t sing. The company has trained music knowledge, but it’s not that detailed. It’s all poured into your head, whether you listen to it or not.

"It's enough to eat. Do you study how rice grows and germinates dry hemp?" These are the exact words of the manager.

"Sister Xiaomin, can you help me read this song?"

"Where did you get this?" Wang Xiaomin was startled when she took the score from Yang Chaoyue's hand and saw Fang Jing writing the lyrics and composing the music.

"Brother Fang Jing gave it to me, let me sing this song in the next episode, but I'm not very good at it."

Looking at this 17-year-old girl, Wang Xiaomin's eyes were full of envy. If it weren't for the crowds here, she would have the heart to run away if she wanted to grab it.

It doesn't matter whether the game is played or not!
I have all the songs, so what else can I compete with?

"Come with me, I'll teach you slowly!" Wang Xiaomin said sourly, it was not accidental that Yang Chaoyue found her.

As soon as he entered the door, he came towards her without any hesitation, Fang Jing should have instructed her to come.

We will all be colleagues in the future, so we still have to give some face, not to mention it is a task assigned by the leader.

Finding an empty corner, Yang Chaoyue started her singing career. Before she had time to eat lunch, Wang Xiaomin sang to her word by word several times, and she couldn't make mistakes.

At night, Feng Timo heard a humming song in the bathroom, and moved her ears. It was a song she had never heard before.

She has been live broadcasting for several years, and she has sung countless songs. She has sung anyone who is on fire, but now this song is very strange.

Yang Chaoyue was in the shower, and there were some A4 papers under her pillow, half of which were exposed.

Putting on the slippers, Feng Timo went to Yang Chaoyue's bed and took out the paper, her heart went cold in a second.

"Little Timo, why are you taking other people's things indiscriminately? Be careful that Chaoyue will trouble you later." Wang Xiaomin said.

"No!" Feng Timo was embarrassed, "I just want to find a charger."

Reluctantly putting down the paper, Feng Timo couldn't move his eyes away.

(End of this chapter)

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