Entertainment starts with variety shows

Chapter 392 Women's Dressing

Chapter 392 Women's Dressing

Under the pillow is a song, a new song, written by Fang Jing.

Feng Timo couldn't help being surprised by this.

Fang Jing actually wrote a song for Yang Chaoyue, isn't that a little unfair to these students?
Originally, everyone was on the same starting line, but now Yang Chaoyue took advantage of her good relationship with the referee and directly took the lead. How did this make these "nothing matter" people play?
"Chaoyue has a new song written by Fang Jing." Lowering his voice, Feng Timo said to Wang Xiaomin and Yu Wenwen.

Unexpectedly, neither of them responded.

Wang Xiaomin already knew about it, she taught all morning today, and Yu Wenwen is already immune, there are so many people involved in this show, it's not strange that Fang Jing wrote a song.

Anyway, her hope is getting smaller and smaller, do your best and know your destiny!

"Hey, why didn't you respond? This is a song written by Fang Jing!"

The expressions on the faces of the two roommates disappointed Feng Timo, don't they care about such a big matter?

"Just do your own thing well, why worry so much about other things? This is life, I can't be envious." Wang Xiaomin said softly.

"Yeah, I can't be envious~" Yu Wenwen turned her head to sleep sourly, leaving a bleak back.

Feng Timo was originally a related family, so he still has the face to say this now?

fair?What is fairness?Mom, I am a player who has no money to pay for VIP, and you V8 players, what did I say?

"Hey, haven't you slept yet?"

Wearing a bath towel, Yang Chaoyue came out.

Feng Timo leaned forward and took the initiative to pick up the hair dryer to blow Yang Chaoyue's hair. After a while, he smiled and said, "Chaoyue, did Fang Jing write a song for you?"

"Don't look at me, she just saw it under your pillow." Seeing Yang Chaoyue looking at herself in confusion, Wang Xiaomin explained.

Suppressing the unhappiness in her heart, Yang Chaoyue forced a smile: "It was indeed Fang Jing who wrote it for me."

"I've read this song, but it doesn't suit your style. You can sell it to me. I'll pay you 50. Anyway, you are in the top ten of the pre-orders. You can sing anything, so just help me."

Yu Wenwen didn't turn her head, the corners of her mouth slightly raised, she really wanted to hear what Yang Chaoyue would say.

50 is in front of you, and most people will not refuse it.

Wang Xiaomin winked wildly, trying to get Yang Chaoyue not to agree, so he would give up Fang Jing's song for 50 yuan, unless he was out of his mind.

50 is a trivial matter, I'm afraid it will be difficult for Fang Jing to explain.

What would Fang Jing think when someone gave you the song on the front foot, but you sold it on the back foot?
With her back to Wang Xiaomin, Yang Chaoyue didn't see her hint, and said hesitantly: "I can't give you this song, without it I can't advance, and Sister Timo, you are so popular that you will definitely be able to advance."

"The copyright of the key song is not in my hands, and it is useless to give it to you."

"It's okay, I don't want copyright, one singing is enough." Feng Timo was overjoyed and said quickly, "How about I add another 60 and give you 60, even if you are eliminated, you will still have [-]." Go home, and you won’t have to worry about food and clothing in the future.”

Yang Chaoyue came from the countryside. Before that, a migrant worker on the assembly line paid more than 3000 yuan a month. Feng Timo found out clearly.

60, Yang Chaoyue needs 30 years to save it back, it is undoubtedly a huge sum of money.

Even if it offends Fang Jing, it's a big deal if she doesn't get involved in the entertainment industry, and with this money to start a small business, she can live the rest of her life.

Wang Xiaomin was in a hurry, she was really afraid that Yang Chaoyue would agree that it would not be a wise choice to give up her bright future for the sake of the 60 in front of her.

"I have no luck with so much money, I'm so worried, don't!" Yang Chaoyue shook her head.

Fang Jing said that if he took her to the company, he could buy a few Porsches a year. Now Feng Timo wants to buy out her future for 60 yuan. Doesn't this mean she is a fool?
Although she is not very smart, she can still tell which is more important.

The smile gradually froze, and Feng Timo smiled awkwardly, "It's okay, then you can tell me whenever you think about it."


At the end of April, the fourth episode of China's Strongest Voice began, and Fang Jing came back from Shanghai to record the show.

After staying here for a few days, he returned to Shanghai. There are still many jobs there. Every once in a while, Wang Jinhua will find him some endorsements and commercial performances.

The money is not much, ranging from 80 million to several million, but the advantage is that it is easy. Basically, he does not need to do anything, just take a few photos with him.

"How is everyone practicing during this time?" Fang Jing greeted the students when he came backstage.

I haven't seen her for a while, but Wang Xiaomin has gained a lot of weight. She was originally a woman who was difficult to control, but now wearing a floral tube top dress is even more unfathomable.

Many male students never took their eyes off her.

Pooh!Satyr, worthless!

Seeing these hot eyes all looking at Wang Xiaomin, Feng Timo felt contemptuous, looked down at his own airport, and cried.

"Fortunately, thanks to sister Xiaomin's help." Yang Chaoyue said with a smile.

Today her hairstyle is different from before, Fang Jing gave some money in advance and asked Wang Xiaomin to ask for leave and take her to find someone to design it.

The back is long braided to the waist, and a few strands of hair are scattered on the left and right sides of the forehead. A simple white shirt is tucked into light blue skinny jeans. On the outside is a knitted cardigan with a pink pattern jacket and flat shoes on the feet.

The whole image is full of girlishness!
Looking at Wang Xiaomin, Fang Jing secretly swallowed a mouthful of saliva. As expected of his debut for so many years, he really knows how to dress up.

Feng Timo and Yu Wenwen took the student leisure route, unlike her, she is sexy, mature, pure, and she knows exactly what to do when and what to do.

With this outfit, you don't need to speak when you go on stage, which definitely attracts a large number of male fans.

"I'll go there first, cheers for you!"

Sensing Wu Jiajia's gaze, Fang Jing was vigilant, it is not suitable to stay here for a long time, otherwise it will be difficult to explain when he goes back to Yang Ning.

After Fang Jing left, Wang Xiaomin checked the earphones, tested the microphone, and made mental preparations.

The last episode of the program has already been aired, and as expected, she has become a hot search.

You can say anything, some people say that she bullies the small with the big ones, some people say that she dares to fight hard, has the support of fans, and has the abuse of black fans.

The company told her to go back, but she didn't listen.

"Welcome to Huaxia's Strongest Voice..."

Hearing that the host at the front desk began to host, Yu Wenwen took a deep breath, and her palms holding the guitar were slightly sweaty.

She is the second to play, the pressure is very high.

"I'll go to the bathroom first, and let me know when I arrive."

Some students were nervous, paced back and forth, and ran towards the bathroom within a few minutes.

"I'm going too, wait for me!"

"Everyone together!"

The backstage was half empty in less than 5 minutes.

Yang Chaoyue looked at Wang Xiaomin, "Sister Xiaomin, shall we go too?"

"Do you think I can go in this suit?" Wang Xiaomin pointed to the long skirt.

Running to the toilet before the stage, this is what happens to novices, she has been debuting for so many years, how can she still have such emotions.

"Then should I go?" Yang Chaoyue stomped.

"You'd better not go, it's time-consuming to redress, and there are no makeup artists now."

"Are you holding back?"

"Hold on, it's just now. This situation must be overcome. In the future, there will be many opportunities to stand in a dress for seven or eight hours. You can't run to the bathroom every time."

At this time, they are purely nervous, and they don't want to go to the bathroom at all, just go on stage.

Yang Chaoyue looked at Wang Xiaomin with admiration, "Sister Xiaomin, don't you go to the bathroom when you wear this kind of dress?"

"Don't go!"

"Then what should we do if we are really in a hurry?"

Wang Xiaomin rolled her eyes, can a living person be suffocated by urine?It's weird to ask this question.

Sometimes a pair of little wings can solve a lot of things.

(End of this chapter)

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