Chapter 501
Flash Girl is just a small production movie, the actors and venues are all ready-made, Fang Jing has done the calculations, the most expensive venue is a small theater, which can be rented for six to seven thousand a day in the city.

Extras, hehe, most of the students don’t have holidays, and guest appearances on Saturdays and weekends are also a good place to pass the time.

When we came to the big classroom, the students were crowded, and finally found a chair. After Fang Jing sat down, he selected seven or eight students to maintain order, and then began the interview.

The first one is of course the heroine, which requires a girl who can play the dulcimer, and she must be decent in appearance, beautiful, with short shoulder-length hair, and a little thinner.

If this movie was filmed outside, Fang Jing might find a female star under the age of 20 to play the role. It doesn't matter whether she can play the dulcimer or not, as long as the camera is everything, just get a professional teacher to play it.

But here is the music attached middle school, there are many kinds of musical instruments, and many of them are proficient in skills. If you have this condition, try to choose from here.

"Teacher, I recommend Ye Qingyang. She is very good at Yangqin, and she is number one in the school."

Before Fang Jing started to ask Fu Xiaotang, he couldn't wait to speak, and immediately sold the roommate sitting next to her.

"She is the master of the class next door that I told you about before. Her skills are unparalleled, but she is amazing. The key is that our Qingyang is also beautiful."

Fang Jing looked intently, the girl recommended by Fu Xiaotang wore glasses, long hair shawl, thin figure, blushing so red that she didn't dare to look at people.

The appearance is not as amazing as she said, it is above the middle, but I don't know if the yangqin is really good.

"Stand on stage and let me see!"

Calling Ye Qingyang to the stage, Fang Jing asked about his height and weight while taking notes, and then let him go without saying whether he wanted it or not.

One by one came to the stage, and one by one went down, and there was no decision on the protagonist, but there were several pages in the notebook.

The second role, the third role, the fourth role...the interview started from four o'clock to six o'clock, and twelve or thirteen people were confirmed in two hours, and more than 40 people were to be determined.

"Okay, that's all for the casting. Thank you for your participation. I will gather in the musical instrument room when the name is read."

Taking out his notebook, Fang Jing read the names of the students he thought were good, among them was Ye Qingyang recommended by Fu Xiaotang.

The reason why I didn't decide on them was because I wanted to see how the musical instrument performance was going.

The highlight of the film Flash Girl is the competition of various musical instruments, suona, violin, piano, guzheng, dulcimer, drum, each has its own merits, and each must reflect its uniqueness.

This is a test of the actor's understanding and operation of musical instruments. Between the face and the musical instruments, Fang Jing puts the musical instruments first.

"Mr. Fang has worked hard. I'll treat you to dinner today." Fu Xiaotang called Fang Jing to stop, patted his chest and said, "Order whatever you want, it's enough."

"So good?" Fang Jing was puzzled. From the beginning of school to the present, the best thing Fu Xiaotang has ever asked him to do is mineral water for [-] yuan.

"That's necessary, let's go, there will be no place for a while."

"There is no place. Where can I eat this? Do I need to make a reservation? Don't spend money, I'll just eat whatever I want."

"It's okay, no need to make a reservation, it's just that the business is booming and there are a lot of people. No, it's not that the business is booming. The main reason is that I have no choice but to eat their house."

Ten minutes later, in the corner of the school cafeteria, Fu Xiaotang sat down like a thief with a plate in one hand, and Ye Qingyang was next to her, holding two bowls of soup.

The corner of Fang Jing's eyes twitched, "Is this what you said?"

In fact, he knew what was going on when he first arrived at the cafeteria, but he was too lazy to go out to eat.

But what happened to arrange him in this corner?Also, why put a hat on him.

"Hee hee, we can't go out from Monday to Friday, we can only eat here, don't worry, our school food is okay, it's not enough, tell me, there is no charge for extra meals."

Give Fang Jing a plate, and Fu Xiaotang kept using a spoon to share the food on his plate, "You boys have a big appetite, this meal is not enough."

"Originally, I asked my aunt to fight more, but she said that I can't finish my snacks, so I will fight after eating."

"Hey, you're enough." Fang Jing's mouth twitched, and he covered the plate with his hand, "Do you always do this?"

"That's right, usually Qingyang and the others don't have enough to eat, so I give it to them. Teacher, you are too cynical."

Fang Jing: You really don't see the outside world.

On the side, Ye Qingyang said weakly: "Xiaotang, isn't it you who usually grab our food?"

"Nonsense! Obviously you can't finish it, I'm afraid of wasting it."

"Okay, okay, you can stop, I thank you for your treat." Fang Jing quickly ate a mouthful of food, only to hear the sound of slurping, two sips, and a small bowl of soup was gone.

Fu Xiaotang and Ye Qingyang's eyes widened, as if they had seen something rare.

This is a big star?Those who don’t know think it’s the reincarnation of a starved ghost, big brother, what’s the image?What about idol baggage?

"I have flowers on my face? What are you looking at, hurry up and eat?"

"Oh!" After taking two bites, Fu Xiaotang couldn't help asking: "Teacher, do you usually eat like this?"

Ye Qingyang looked up at Fang Jing, she was also curious about this question.

"That's right! Filming is very tiring, especially filming and military movies. I am hungry in the morning, and my stomach is so hungry that my chest sticks to my back. Sometimes it is common to shoot for six or seven hours, all night. Can you hurry up?"

"I know what you want to ask. In fact, most people on the set are like this. The scene is bigger than the sky. Who has the patience to wait for you for two hours for a meal."

"How can there be such a star..."

"That's a small number, and what you see may not be true. Sometimes people don't have a show in the afternoon, so it's normal to eat longer at noon."

Fang Jing didn't keep his mouth idle when he was talking, he finished a meal in seven or eight minutes, wiped his mouth, and was about to leave with the brim of his hat down.

"Teacher, let's go now? I haven't introduced Qingyang to you yet, she is really good at dulcimer, just try it, you won't be disappointed."

"It's up to you whether you play it well or not. You'll find out at night. Besides, you can't just do filming. If other people are also good, I can only choose someone else."

If it is a small role, Fang Jing may be able to accommodate, but he must be cautious when it comes to the heroine.

Putting his hands in his pockets, Fang Jing lowered his head and turned to leave, leaving two disappointed eyes.

"Hmph, this Teacher Fang is too ruthless. He leaves without asking any questions." Looking at Fang Jing's back, Fu Xiaotang was annoyed, and her image of being close to the people just now collapsed in her heart.

"It's okay, I'll try my best to do my homework later." Ye Qingyang said softly, "Thank you for your help."

"What do you call this? You are the fourth child in our dormitory. I have helped the second and third child to the top. If you don't help me, I will help you."

There are four people in the dormitory, under her casual and fair recommendation, the other two have played supporting roles in the play, and now Ye Qingyang is the only one left.

"If Teacher Fang doesn't want you, I'll still pester him." Fu Xiaotang's voice became smaller and smaller, "If it doesn't work, I'll lend you the money. The girl is 20, so I have 10,000+ anyway."

(End of this chapter)

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