Entertainment starts with variety shows

Chapter 502 Chrysanthemum Terrace

Chapter 502 Chrysanthemum Terrace
Ye Qingyang needs money. The whole dormitory knows that her mother is sick and undergoing an operation. Some time ago, the school organized a charity donation, but everyone is a student, and the sum of 300 and [-] is not much.

Fang Jing has ten classes a semester, and he doesn't come to school often, so he doesn't know anything about Ye Qingyang's family.

Fu Xiaotang donated the remaining 2 yuan from the copyright sale last time, which was only a relief for her illness. When Fang Jing said in the classroom that the hero had 20 yuan, she thought of Ye Qingyang.

When asked if there were any girls in the class who could play the dulcimer, she was the first to say no, in fact there were, and the purpose was to leave the opportunity to Ye Qingyang.

At [-] o'clock, the evening self-study began. Students from other classes were sitting and reading in the classroom. In the musical instrument room, dozens of students lined up to accept Fang Jing's second round of interviews.

"Everyone line up first and come one by one, otherwise Teacher Fang is not easy to call people, I will help you arrange an order, and the ones whose names are called come up."

"Mr. Fang, this is the roster of the students. I have finished it all. If you see anything you don't understand, you can ask me."

Looking at the attentive Fu Xiaotang, Fang Jing's head was full of black lines, isn't it late self-study now?What are you doing here?I don't think I invited you, did I?Also, what the hell is Ye Qingyang's name in the first place?

"Teacher, hurry up if you want an interview. They will all go back to sleep later in the evening. Time is tight."

Sighing, Fang Jing said helplessly, "Ye Qingyang."


"Play a song yourself, where is the dulcimer?"

"Thank you teacher." After bowing, Ye Qingyang stood in front of the dulcimer, flexed his wrists and was ready to strike.

Standing next to Fang Jing, Fu Xiaotang smiled and explained, "Dulcimer is a percussion instrument with a high range, eight tones, ten tones and twelve tones. It is a test of wrist strength and accuracy. Playing this is really a talent."

"Hands are heavier and lighter, and there are two completely different sounds. It's not like a guitar or piano. It's difficult to get started, and it's even harder to master."

"Pay attention to the two soup spoons in her hand. Those are called 踺子, which are used to strike the strings. The sound of the percussion is very pleasant."

"Last year at the school's art week, Ching Yang won the first place. The director said that she is good at percussion, and she can be a teacher after a few more years of practice."

Fang Jing turned his head expressionlessly amidst the chatter in his ears, "Should I listen to you or her?"

"Listen to you, listen to you." Shrinking his head, Fu Xiaotang smiled bitterly and took a few steps back.

Fang Jing doesn't know Yangqin. He had some knowledge about it when he wrote the script before. Although he is not a professional, he can still tell if it is good or bad.

Yangqin is a folk music with a long history. It is rarely played alone, but mostly accompanied by other instruments. It is versatile.

"Boom boom boom! Boom boom boom boom...

After moving his wrists, Ye Qingyang began to strike, the general's order was struck, this piece was extremely difficult, no more than five people in the entire Lihai Music High School could perform it.

It happened that she was one of the five, and the others were teachers.

General order is not his best skill, but it is definitely the best at suppressing other students. What Fang Jing wants is technology, so she will show it.

The dulcimer has a large volume and can be firm or soft. Under Ye Qingyang's skillful hands, the timbre of the dulcimer is like a tinkling mountain spring when it is played slowly, and it is like gurgling water when it is played quickly.

While the phone was recording, Fang Jing listened carefully, nodding from time to time, it seemed that Fu Xiaotang was really not bragging, her roommate was very skilled.

After a few minutes.

"it is good!!!"

A sudden shout of good cheer rang in his ears, Fang Jing was startled, and turned around to stare at Fu Xiaotang angrily.

Sticking out his tongue, Fu Xiaotang smiled embarrassedly: "I can't help it, I can't help it."

"Next, Ma...Wu Dongmei." Fang Jing's voice sounded without emotion, and he didn't comment on Ye Qingyang.


"Go out after the performance, don't disturb other people, I will announce the specific results in a few days, and please leave if you have nothing to do with it."

As the irrelevant person in Fang Jing's mouth, Fu Xiaotang didn't finish his sentence, curled his lips angrily, and dragged Ye Qingyang out.


In the early morning of the next day, Fang Jing returned to the icebreaker crew and was immersed in acting. After filming his scenes at [-]:[-] p.m., he went straight to the airport and went to the I am a singer-songwriter program group.

Find a group of music teachers in the program group, play the music recorded on the mobile phone yesterday for them, and leave it to professional people to comment on musical instruments.

Ten minutes later, after getting the answers he wanted, Fang Jing called the students who had successfully interviewed.

In the backstage lounge, everyone watched Fang Jing make phone calls one after another, all for students, and were speechless for a while.

Wang Sulong was very convinced: "Mr. Fang, you are really busy. You are going to play soon and you still have the heart to help students correct their homework."

"I can't help it because time is tight. I have to leave after the recording of the show. The crew and the school can't let go. There are too many things to do."

The hot dog can't help it, it's too fucking bullying, listen, the tone is like coming to the game just to clean them up, although the fact is like this, but no one is very nervous when they are about to go on stage, the song has been practiced countless times, just In order to have sex with you.

Give us some respect as opponents, okay?Can't you be a little more humble?If it doesn't work, don't talk, and everyone will feel better.

"If you're short on time, don't..."

"Hey! Ye Qingyang, right? I, Fang Jing, you passed, but your hair is too long and must be cut short to shoulder length, is it acceptable? Okay, I'll come back in a few days and find someone to help you design it."

Fang Jing interrupted Hot Dog's half-sentence on the phone, and he came back abruptly, his face flushed and embarrassed.

"What did you just say?" Fang Jing asked after hanging up the phone.

"It's okay, you can continue."

See Hot Dog gets up and opens the door.Wang Yuan asked concerned: "Brother Dog, where are you going when the competition is about to start?"

"Go to the bathroom."

He doesn't want to stay here anymore, he doesn't want to see Fang Jing every second, he gets angry when he sees this guy, it's a pity Fang Jing's opponent is not him, otherwise he has to learn a lesson.

A few minutes later, when I came back from the bathroom, the voice of the machine host announced the rules of the game. The upper zone challenged the upper zone, and the middle zone and the lower zone fought each other.

Currently there are two people in the upper district, Wang Sulong and Yu Wenwen, three in the central district, Fang Jing, Hot Dog, Liang Bo, Wang Yuan, Zeng Yike, and Chen Yihan in the lower district.

It was three against three in the middle and lower districts. Wang Yuan was the first to come out and call the hot dogs. Chen Yihan and Zeng Yike also used rock-paper-scissors to decide who would choose Fang Jing.

Unfortunately, Zeng Yike was shot, and Chen Yihan heaved a sigh of relief. She would rather face Liang Ning, the champion of Good Voice, than Fang Jing.

"Brother Dog, I'm here!" shouted at the camera, and Wang Yuan stepped onto the stage aggressively.

This time he prepared rap!

Ten minutes later, the voting began, and Hot Dog failed to enter the lower district by four votes. He was completely numb. The water in mainland shows is a bit deep.

Zeng Yike made her second appearance, choosing Fang Jing, and came back after a few minutes of singing. She basically didn't hold much hope.

In the central area, Fang Jing put down his phone and finally explained the matter.

"Teacher Fang, it's your turn." Liang Neck was tired and reminded kindly.

"Really? So fast?" Fang Jing saw that there was no one on the screen, and trotted up with his mobile phone in his trouser pocket, and saw a call coming from the door behind the scene.

The corner of the staff's mouth twitched, "Teacher Fang, why don't I keep it for you."


It was Luo Yongchang who called, and Fang Jing answered quickly, "I have something to do here, wait for me for a few minutes."

Before he could speak, Fang Jing hung up the phone, turned off the phone and told the staff, "Excuse me."

(End of this chapter)

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