Entertainment starts with variety shows

Chapter 503 Chrysanthemum Terrace

Chapter 503 Chrysanthemum Terrace
Every singer was videotaped the whole time. When Yu Wenwen and Wang Sulong from the upper district saw Fang Jing's movements, they gave a thumbs up from the bottom of their hearts, cowhide!

Facing the former Super Girl, the old singer who debuted for so many years is the only one who can be so calm. I didn’t see Chen Yihan hesitated now, walking back and forth, and went to the bathroom several times.

"Hello, everyone!" Fang Jing came to the stage with a smile and said hello to the more than 100 judges, "I give you a Chrysanthemum Stage."

"Bah!" Zhongqu Liangbo spat out grape skins, "Damn, this is treating the competition as a concert, right? Returning to the Chrysanthemum Stage, the guy has a lot of personality."

"Pfft! Hahaha."

In the upper area, Yu Wenwen couldn't help laughing when she heard the title of the song, but Wang Sulong burst out laughing, maybe because he thought it was a bit bad to smile like this in front of the camera, he turned his back and shrugged his shoulders.

In this age of innocence, chrysanthemum no longer simply represents indifference.

Regardless of the smiles in the eyes of the male judges below the stage, after a burst of sad cello sounds, Fang Jing began to sing.

"Your Tears"

"Weak and wounded"

"Pale Moon Crescent"

"Hook the past"

"The night is too long"

"Congealed into frost"

"Who is cold and desperate in the attic"

Um?The judges were stunned, Wang Sulong was stunned, this word is written very well, it doesn't look like singing chrysanthemums, could it be that they misunderstood it?

"Mr. Wang, your heart is too dirty." Yu Wenwen looked at Wang Sulong with disdain, "Mr. Fang's singing is obviously very beautiful, isn't this faint sadness just like the meaning of chrysanthemums?"

"Yes, yes, my heart, I will review." Picking up the water on the table, Wang Sulong took a sip with a resentful smile.

Alas, they all misunderstood Fang Jing, a genius is different from an ordinary person, and Fang Jing's chrysanthemum stage is obviously a song with a single word, and it's their wishful thinking.

"The chrysanthemums are full of wounds"

"Your smile has turned yellow"

"Blooming Heartbroken"

"My mind is quiet"


"Pfft! Cough, cough, cough!" Wang Sulong spat out all the water, and looked at Fang Jing strangely, he was still too young.

The chrysanthemums are broken, the ground is bruised, your smile is yellowing, and you are heartbroken, brother, you are a real cowhide, even if the wall refuses to obey you, you will obey.

You are the first one who can sing this kind of words so sadly, this song is going to be a hit.

Turning his head to look at Yu Wenwen who was blushing, Wang Sulong joked: "Oh, teacher Fang's light flowery singing is really beautiful, I feel ashamed."

Turning her head away, Yu Wenwen didn't speak, but she had a clearer understanding of Fang Jing in her heart. Is this a hooligan song?No, but why do the lyrics sound awkward?
"Brother Liang Neck, isn't Brother Fang Jing singing very well? What are they laughing at?" Wang Yuan was very puzzled when he saw some public judges laughing with tears in their eyes.

"You are still young and don't understand. That's not a smile, it's tears of emotion."


"Don't ask, Fang Jing's words are not so easy to guess, you will know when you grow up."

A few minutes later, Fang Jing came back after singing, and the machine host announced the vote. Fang Jing rarely got all the votes, but Zeng Yike didn't even get a single vote.

You must know that even the blue and white porcelain and fireworks in the first and second phases are not so lethal.

The chrysanthemum table can be seen in general.

"Teacher Fang, you're amazing." Fang Jing returned, clasped his hands and clasped his neck, his face full of admiration, "I'm afraid someone like you who can sing lyrics without any stories can't write them."

"What's the matter, isn't it well written?" Fang Jing was puzzled, this song was carefully selected by him, the meaning of the words is beautiful, and it can also set off his current indifferent state of mind.

"No, very good, very good, if I were Zeng Yike, I would also be convinced to lose."

Sitting on the sofa, Liang Neck hummed softly, Wang Yuan vaguely heard that the chrysanthemums were all over the ground, and he didn't know where the charm of this song came from?

He feels that the artistic conception is much different from the blue and white porcelain in front, and the fireworks are easy to be cold.

"Fang Jing succeeded in defending the position, and Zeng Yike entered the elimination zone. The next one, Chen Yihan challenged Liang Bo."

"Let's go, see you later." Liang Bo got up and left, to face his opponent Chen Yihan, a girl who had just risen for a year.

No pressure at all!

Among the people present, Fang Jing is the most threatening to him, it is almost difficult to defeat, Wang Sulong is [-]-[-], Yu Wenwen's words are [-]-[-], Wang Yuan's hot dog and so on are no opponents.


In the evening, Fang Jing put on his peaked cap, declined everyone's reunion, and left alone. He was going to Lihai Music High School tomorrow morning, and returned to the set at noon.

The third episode of I am a singer-songwriter came to an end, and Wang Sulong was left alone in the upper district.

Central District: Yu Wenwen, Fang Jing, Liang Bo, Wang Yuan.

Yes, Yu Wenwen and Wang Sulong lost in the PK. They lost completely. There was a difference of more than 30 votes between the two, and the loser fell to the central district.

There was no suspense in the battle between Liang Bo and Chen Yihan, and he won easily. Now Chen Yihan has fallen into the elimination zone.

Lower area: hot dog, Chen Yihan, Zeng Yike.

Among them, Chen Yihan and Zeng Yi are in the elimination zone, and if they lose again, they will leave the stage.

In fact, it doesn't matter if you can't leave the lower district. The program planner just said that this program is divided into two seasons.

There will be three people left in the last season, and it will be the same in the next season. The former **K in the last two seasons.

It's uncertain who the strongest three are, but they definitely don't have their share. These three should be Fang Jing, Wang Sulong, Liang Bo, and Yu Wenwen. According to the current trend, they will be separated in less than two rounds.

Even if they can make it to the end, the program team will give priority to advancing to the upper three. If there are not enough people in the upper district, they will be selected from the middle district. If there are too many people in the middle district, they will be selected for a PK round.

The next morning, Fang Jing returned to the High School Attached to the Music, and not long after, Luo Yongchang arrived with the filming machine, and by the way, there were twenty or so crew members.

There is makeup, lighting, props, cameras, and field affairs.

There were nearly fifty actors, Fang Jing gathered them all together and asked Luo Yongchang to train them.

"Every day at noon, after school in the afternoon, and evening self-study, you are responsible for training them, starting from the simplest walking and reciting words."

"Boss Fang, do you want it at night?" Luo Yong said with a sad face.

"Of course, I have a lot of things to do, so I won't look for you if I can." Fang Jing said seriously, "They are all students, so please keep your bad temper in check. This is a school, so be careful with your words and deeds."

Directors are not so amiable, big names are fine, ordinary actors get scolded every minute if they don't perform well, scolded all kinds of things, and now there are not a few first- and second-tier stars who were slapped by the director before they became popular.

"I understand, I understand." Luo Yongchang nodded and said with a smile: "The flowers of the motherland must be carefully cherished."

Fang Jing said again: "Regulate your subordinates, don't bring in the unhealthy tendencies of the crew, if anything happens, it's easy for you to resign."

"Well, don't worry, there won't be such a person in my team." This time Luo Yongchang didn't have a hippie smile on his face, he was extraordinarily serious.

After arranging the work, Fang Jing found a quiet classroom. Fang Jing signed a contract with the parents of the students. Most of the students are underage, and parents must agree to filming.

Except for Ye Qingyang, who has no parents in the starring lineup, everyone else came.

 Recommend a book: Looking back on the perfect life.

  Going back in time, returning to that wonderful era, there are no golden fingers, only the same original intention.


(End of this chapter)

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