Entertainment starts with variety shows

Chapter 505 Admission of Nortel Students

Chapter 505 Admission of Nortel Students
In May, the weather starts to be hot after summer, especially in the north.

At noon, the crew of Ji Mao Fei Shang Tian went to pick up Nortel teacher Gao Jing and his students.

Two days ago, Fang Jing received a call from Gao Jing, saying that he wanted to take the students to the set to experience the atmosphere of the set.

Fang Jing didn't refuse, Fang Jing agreed, it was a piece of cake for him, but he didn't arrange the ice-breaking crew, but chicken feathers flew into the sky, Lao Wu couldn't bear the sand in his eyes, he saw a group of students jumping up and down on the crew, probably this The old guy is going to lose his temper.

"Wow, the weather here is too hot, my legs are sore from driving for so long, and this crew is remote enough."

"Otherwise, what do you think, saving money by filming in such a shitty place, it hurts my sunscreen."

"Are we going to be filming in a while? I'm a little excited. I've been in school for a year, and I haven't been to the battlefield myself."

More than a dozen young men and women dressed in fashionable clothes, the men are handsome, the women are beautiful, and their round and straight white long legs are eye-catching.

Leading the team in front was a middle-aged man in his 40s with a crew cut and age marks on his face.

Gao Jing, the teacher of Nortel, was introduced to Fang Jing by Huang Lei some time ago, and this time he had the cheek to ask for the opportunity to experience the film crew.

It's not good for students to study theory blindly. He doesn't want his students to embarrass himself if they don't know anything when they go out in the future. It will be good for the future to let them come to the crew to experience it in advance.

Led by the staff of the film crew, everyone came to a small remote county, where the high slopes of the loess were seen at a glance, and there was little smoke from cooking.

Hearing the chattering noise outside, Xu Ding knew that someone was coming, so he sighed and went out to greet him.

"Mr. Gao? Hello, hello. I'm Xu Ding, the director of the film crew. Please give me your advice."

"Hi Director Xu, I'm sorry to trouble you here. You are busy, so let's stand aside and take a look."

"It's okay, Lao Wang, come here to greet Mr. Gao and the others." Waving to the assistant director, Xu Ding said with a smile, "I'm busy now, Mr. Gao, please don't take offense. I'll treat you to dinner tonight."

"You're welcome, I should be the one to invite you, please be busy."

Seeing the assistant director putting down his work and running over, Xu Ding smiled and said, "This is Teacher Gao from Beidian, who brought the students here to experience it. Mr. Fang said that he will arrange a few scenes for them in the afternoon."

The assistant director was puzzled, "The extras are still..."

"The group performance is fine." Gao Jing said, "Just bring them to experience the atmosphere of the set, and there is no need to arrange roles. Of course, the most important thing is not to delay your shooting."

Although Gao Jing is a teacher, he is also an actor. He has played many roles and knows the difficulties of the crew.

"Thank you, Mr. Gao, for your understanding." Xu Ding thought for a while and said, "Then give them the group performance of the scene at four o'clock."

"Yes, got it."

"Take Teacher Gao around, I'm off to work, call me if you need anything, Teacher Gao, see you later."

"Thank you for bothering me."

When Gao Jing was coordinating with the crew, a group of students ran around the set, seeing everything new, and from time to time curiously commented on the group actors.

In the dressing room, listening to the noise outside, the heroine Yin Tao came out to take a look, and asked the staff, "What are these people here for?"

"It seems to be Nortel students. I heard from Director Xu yesterday that they came to experience life."

Back in the dressing room, Yin Tao smiled to his assistant: "The conditions here are tough, and it's not easy for the children to come from afar. Go buy some drinks for them."

"Sister Tao, you are so kind-hearted, you even pay for water out of your own pocket."

"I'm also a student. I know it's not easy for them, so let's go."

Yin Tao's assistant is a 27-year-old woman with a thin body and short shoulder-length hair. After leaving the dressing room, she found the crew and asked them to help buy drinks in the county.

It is more than ten kilometers away from the county seat. If you walk on your legs, it will be hot to death. The crew has a car, and they have to go back and forth several times a day to purchase supplies, so it is convenient for them to go.


"Xiao Wang, come here and help me distribute the water to the students."

Not long after the crew's pickup truck came back, Wang Chengyang was squatting to hide from the sun, but he was arrested as a coolie.

He is an actor in the same group, even if he is not acting, he still gets the salary of the crew. He acts when there is a play, and does odd jobs when there is no play.

Tired is a bit tiring, but fortunately, I know how to behave and get along well with the crew.

Seeing the brand name on the box, Wang Chengyang smiled, "Hey, who is the treat? So generous, to drink Red Bull, Sister Tao or Brother Zhang?"

"Sister Yin Tao bought it for the students. I still have something to do. You help me post it. Don't let those old fritters snatch it."

Carrying the box of drinks to the pergola, Wang Chengyang opened the box and started distributing it to the students. He said loudly, "Everyone, sister Yin Tao invites you to drink water! Everyone has a bottle, everyone has a share."

In the dressing room, upon hearing this shout, the assistant next to Yin Tao chuckled lightly: "This young man is quite good at life. Last time I asked him to help buy paper, and he paid for the round-trip fare himself. have no idea."

"What's going on? You didn't get reimbursed?" Yin Tao frowned slightly.

"That day the film crew didn't go to the county town by car. I didn't know. He took a motorcycle from a nearby village to go there by himself. He didn't say anything when he came back. I heard people told him to ask him to make up the money afterwards, but he didn't want it. He said it happened to be on the way. "

The corner of his mouth raised, Yin Tao shook his head, "It's a pity that I'm not the director of the crew, otherwise I would have given him a few roles."

Wang Chengyang is a good-natured guy in the crew, hardworking and smart. Others spend their free time bragging and playing cards. He watches people act and reads scripts.

I have a little impression of this person, Yin Tao, he seems to have good acting skills, and he likes to sit on the set and watch people act.

"Wang Chengyang really worked hard. I heard that Fang Jing recommended him to join the group."

"Fang Jing?" Yin Tao was surprised. Of course she knew this young man. The big boss of the film crew had heard Zhang Yi say a lot, "Really or not, Fang Jing recommended him to join the crew as a handyman?"

"Hehehe! Sister Tao, she is an actor, and doing odd jobs is just a part-time job. Maybe Fang Jing let him come to practice."

Yin Tao smiled and didn't speak. This kind of situation is very rare. If Fang Jing really wants to praise others, he can just give it to the character. What can he experience in doing odd jobs?
On the set, Wang Chengyang found that there were seven or eight bottles left after distributing drinks to the students, so he picked up two bottles and sent them to the cameraman and costumer.

"Why does this person give our water to others?" Among the students, Lu Meng frowned.

"This water is not ours." Song Xue drank the ice-cold drink, and the heat subsided all over her body. She felt much cooler immediately, and said, "Anyway, it's one bottle for each person, and the rest will be given to whoever."

"No, I just don't like it. Although we didn't buy the water, Sister Yin Tao bought it for us. If he wants to take it away, why don't you let me know?"

"Forget it, it's not easy for him, you see he is sweating profusely."

A few minutes later, Wang Chengyang came back, bowed his head, the box was empty, and was about to leave with a wry smile, when he suddenly saw a few bottles beside each of the students.

Asking them to throw the bottle into the box after they finished drinking, Wang Chengyang pouted and left.

Whether it is Yin Tao or Zhang Yi, they usually give benefits when they ask someone to run errands. A box of drinks is one hundred and twenty. He dares to bet that Yin Tao's offer must be two hundred.

The staff helped distribute the drinks, and the rest was divided among themselves. This is something everyone knows, but I didn't expect it to be gone after turning around.

(End of this chapter)

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