Entertainment starts with variety shows

Chapter 506 Picking Out Clothes

Chapter 506 Picking Out Clothes

Under the tree roots, a group of extras were sweating profusely and their mouths were dry. They looked at the students in the awning sitting and drinking, not to mention envious.

"Hey, why don't we get this treatment?"

"Don't even think about it. He is a college student, the proud son of heaven. How can you compare with him? Have you ever been to college?"

"Bah! College students are amazing? Although I haven't been to college, I..."

"You, what are you?"

"Forget it, let's not talk about it. I have seen a lot of college students. Where can they sit? The crew is watching the school behind them. Who knows them when they leave the school?"

"Hengdian has students who just graduated from the film school join every year. Those who have no connections are not like us, starting from the bottom."

"Hahaha, you should be sour."

After finally staying up until 02:30 in the afternoon, the students began to change their clothes and prepare for filming.


Four or five boxes were thrown out, and they were full of clothes, trousers and cloth shoes from the 80s and [-]s.

The sharp-eyed and fast-handed old group played a stride forward, quickly picked up a piece of the cleanest clothes, tried it on and threw it out if it didn't fit.

Seeing this, other people swarmed up, some tried clothes on the spot, some tried shoes, took off their socks, bursts of green smoke rose, and exchanged another pair if they didn't fit.

Where have the Nortel students seen this kind of battle, at least they are college students, so they didn't go up to grab clothes to wear, and planned to wait until they finished choosing.

Seeing this scene, Gao Jing, the teacher who led the team, smiled and said nothing. Some things still have to be experienced by the students themselves.

A few minutes later, when it was almost done, Gao Jing cast his eyes on the students and shouted: "Why are you cold? Change your clothes quickly, the whole crew will be waiting for you?"

"oh oh!"

"Teacher, where is the dressing room?" A girl asked.

The weather was too hot, so some wore short sleeves and hot pants, which was inappropriate to change in front of so many people.

Gao Jing smiled, turned to look at the assistant director, "Director Wang, do you have a dressing room for the extras?"

"Ahem." Wang Heng was embarrassed, don't you know if there is a dressing room for the group performers?There's nothing like that in Hollywood.

"I'm sorry, Mr. Gao, the conditions are simple, everyone just put on their clothes, anyway, it won't take long to shoot."

Nodding slightly, Gao Jing turned his head and said coldly to the students: "Have you heard everything?"

With a burst of reluctant wailing, the students rummaged through the pile of clothes. As soon as they approached, they smelled a bad smell, body odor, and sweat smell mixed together, and the creaking holes of the clothes were black.

There are also shoes, with a strong foot odor, several girls are pale, and finally understand why a large group of people snatched it up so quickly.

"Damn it! Haven't washed it for two months? Will the shoes cause athlete's foot?"

"Ugh! I can't take it."

Holding a bottle of mineral water, Wang Chengyang smiled and said, "The crew's clothes are rented, and the clothing company washes them once for half a year."

"If you are afraid of getting sick, you can rest assured that these clothes are worn every day, and everyone is fine and healthy."

A group of students turned their heads to look at the ensemble cast. There were more than 40 yellow-toothed men, some men with dark hair and greasy hair, and some young people sitting on the dusty floor playing with mobile phones.

"This, these clothes, are they worn?" The female student's mouth was trembling.

"Yes!" Wang Chengyang nodded, "Look at how healthy they are, and they are in great shape. By the way, I remind you, hurry up and choose shoes. I don't know if some people have athlete's foot."

Holding their noses, the students were reluctant to rummage, hoping to find a few clean clothes, but these were picked by others, so how could they be good?
From the rear, Gao Jing's stern voice came, telling them to hurry up.

Trembling all over, he couldn't control anything else. Some students picked up their clothes and put them on their heads, holding their breath the whole time, with wonderful expressions on their faces.

Lu Meng put on a floral dress, feeling uncomfortable all over, always feeling something crawling on his back, looking at the black rubber-soled shoes in his hand, with disgust on his face.

"Those who have changed their clothes come to put on makeup and line up."

The makeup artist urged, and the extras went to line up to put on makeup one by one. They said it was makeup, but it was actually mud and dust made by smearing some paint on their faces.

Seeing a bunch of extra performers sitting on the floor waiting for makeup, the students wisely didn't ask if there was such a thing as a dressing room.

"Student, the tissue wiped off the makeup on the face, and the sleeves can't be rolled up, and the back of the hand needs to be exposed."

Smelling the unknown paint on his face, Lu Meng almost vomited, it was stenchy.

After finally finishing the makeup, I thought I would start shooting right away, but I had to wait for the light, saying that the light is not good now.


The weather was too hot, and the clothes on her body were rotten. Not long after, a fair-skinned female student finally couldn't help throwing up.

Gao Jing walked forward and helped the students to rest under the awning. When he saw the staff running over, he waved his hands indifferently, "It's okay, it may be a little heatstroke, and it will be fine in a while."


After talking for a few seconds, the student vomited again, and all the breakfast was vomited out.

The family is the jewel in the palm of their parents, and they stretch out their hands for clothes and open their mouths for food. When did they live this kind of life, and they knelt down for the first time wearing dirty clothes.

The classmates gathered around and talked about the girl's body, Gao Jing sighed: "You will all graduate in the future, unless you have connections in the entertainment industry and have money at home, otherwise the days of wearing dirty clothes may accompany you for a long time." For a long time."

"Teacher, have you ever worn dirty clothes before?"

"Through it, the conditions in our meeting were much more difficult than yours now, and it only cost more than ten yuan a day. Don't hang around and go to work."

After vomiting for a while, the stomach was completely vomited, and the female student didn't have to vomit, so she took a break for a few minutes and insisted on going to the set.

This practice training needs to be scored, and if it is not completed, it will affect the semester grades.

"The drama manager will take them to their seats, explain the rules clearly, and don't run around, Xiao Wang, please help me watch."

"Understood." Wang Chengyang nodded.

"What you have to do is very simple. Do you see the sign in front? Just run straight over after a while. The slogan is to hit Chen Jianghe and run faster."

"So simple?"

"Easy?" Wang Chengyang showed his white teeth, "You will know in a while, by the way, that female classmate, change your shoes, you can't show casual shoes, it's very troublesome to appear on camera."

Seeing a girl wearing his own shoes, Wang Chengyang kindly reminded her.

80s drama, what is the concept of shoes now?This is serious cheating, and the director can scold people to death.

"I, I don't have any shoes." Song Xue blushed, lowered her head and hesitated.

"No shoes?"

Wang Chengyang was stunned, "It shouldn't be, how could the crew have less shoes, ran to the box and saw that there were four or five pairs left.

It's just that the smell is a bit strong, mosquitoes are buzzing and circling around the upper mouth, and the white insoles are pitch black. A meter away, a pungent smell hits the face and goes straight to the heart and lungs, which is too stinky.

Wearing this kind of shoes is indeed a huge challenge, and the old extras dare not do it lightly unless it is absolutely necessary.

He ran to the resting place of the staff, and a few minutes later, Wang Chengyang gave Song Xue a pair of black rubber-soled shoes, "I found someone to make these in a nearby village. I just washed them yesterday. If you don't mind, wear them." .”

(End of this chapter)

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