Chapter 507
The old people generally don't wear the shoes of the crew, and they keep a few pairs at home at all times, and they can wear whatever shoes they want to shoot.On the second day after arriving on the set, Wang Chengyang went to a nearby village to find someone to make shoes. The price was cheap, 20 yuan a pair.

"Thank you." Song Xue was grateful, and took the shoes and changed them on the spot. The soles were a bit hard, but they were very comfortable.

"You're welcome, just remember to pay me back later."

Wang Chengyang thought he was not a good person, and the reason why he helped Song Xue was because he saw that the girl was of good quality, so he thanked him repeatedly when we divided the water.

If it were the girl named Lu Meng, he would not be a bird at all.

"Handsome guy, do you still have shoes? Can you give me a pair?" Said that Cao Cao had arrived, Lu dreamed that Song Xue had new shoes, and came right away.

Wang Chengyang was indifferent, and said lightly: "No, you can just make do with it."

"Why are they gone? Why does Song Xue have clean shoes, and I can pay for them?"

"I really don't have clean shoes. The extras wear the same clothes. It's not about money. Don't make it difficult for me."

"Really not?" Lu Meng said with a cold face, "Believe it or not, I will find the director?"

From her point of view, the crew had clean shoes, and it was because they took away all the drinks before that this little crew took revenge on purpose.

Wang Chengyang shrugged, "It's useless even if you look for Mr. Fang. I bought the shoes myself, not the crew."


"Every department is at its place, and we are going to go first." A few meters away, the theater manager shouted with a loudspeaker, and when Wang Chengyang passed by, he whispered: "Are you okay?"

"It's okay, the little girl has a temper."

Staring at the backs of this group of students, the production manager scolded, "What the hell is so much going on, I would have already kicked it in normal times, what the hell."

"It's still just a group performance, so it's okay to be a top performer? Teacher Zhang Yi and Teacher Yin Tao don't have such a temper."

Patting the director on the shoulder, Wang Chengyang nodded, feeling the same way.

Having been in so many crews, the bigger the actor he has seen, the more friendly he is, especially when dealing with the staff, he has never seen anyone shouting and drinking.

On the contrary, those who are a little bit famous have the most farts, nodding and bowing in front of the director, turning around, the second child, my third child.

"Everyone get ready, hold up the banner and start shooting!"

When the stage was over, a group of performers rushed towards Zhang Yi holding banners hoarsely, yelling such words as exploitation and downfall.

In less than 3 minutes, the director shouted to cut, change the scene and do it again.

The second time, the third time, and the fourth time, this scene needs six or seven shots. It was okay at the beginning. The students were very excited and just wanted to finish shooting quickly. After more times, they became less enthusiastic and felt very boring.

"Stop! What's the matter with those two people? Do you know why they are still wearing watches?"

The director started swearing on the walkie-talkie, and the assistant director ran up to take a look. There was a male student who hadn't taken off his watch for some reason, and accidentally showed it just now.

"I'm sorry director, I didn't mean to."

With the watch in his pocket, the student apologized again and again. Before, he disliked the trouble and stroked the watch to his forearm, and it slipped down after a long time.

"Be careful." The assistant director hesitated to speak, glanced at Gao Jing who was standing beside him, swallowed the swear words, and looked at the female student with a dark face.

"You are a group performer. Except for the few standing in front, other faces cannot be included in the painting. Don't look around!"

The ensemble acts as various background characters. You show your face here, and where do you show your face? Sometimes you will be a farmer, sometimes you will be a hawker, and sometimes you will be a passerby. Did the audience watch the show?

The assistant director can understand the mentality of these newcomers, and they all want to show their faces to be remembered, but this is something you can show if you want to?It's not unheard of for a co-star to work overtime for a reshoot.

"This time, don't blame me for being rude to anyone who dares to be in the mirror again. How the hell do you think this is your home?"

With a gloomy face and a ferocious tone, it appeared that the assistant director was scolding the old extras, but he was actually talking about these students.

No one dared to say anything, so they took another shot. This time, no one showed their faces indiscriminately, but there were a few of them whispering to each other, laughing and chatting.

In the director's studio, Xu Ding almost smashed his teacup. Two low-level mistakes occurred in such a simple scene. Yin Tao and Zhang Yi had been brewing emotions for a long time. This is what they were waiting for?
But when he thought that Fang Jing had let these students in, he still held back his anger.

"Old Wang! How do you do things? Do you want to do it? You can't explain such a trivial matter..."

The students couldn't vent their anger, so Xu Ding vented his anger on the assistant director, and yelled at him.

He was already suffocating, and the assistant director couldn't take it anymore. It's none of his business. Someone made a mistake, and he would have been told to get the hell out of here.

"That girl! What about you! Are you deaf? Did you grow up eating broken rice? Damn, you, you can't understand human speech, right? So many people in the crew can do well, just you... ..."

The one who was scolded was a beautiful girl. She was pointed at her nose and was about to cry when her eye circles turned red. The male students around couldn't stand it, and said to the assistant director: "It's almost done. Is it necessary to be so fierce? The director didn't say anything. "

On the side, Wang Chengyang smiled, the grave of the last person who dared to talk to the assistant director like that was several meters high.

It is rare for the deputy director of the production team to beat someone, and swearing is the norm. Many big directors are polite outside, but they can't help swearing when they are on the production team.

The scolding must be because you can't act well, you have to admit your mistakes, you have to stand at attention when you are beaten, and you have to push back when you say a few words, so the director doesn't have to mess around.

The assistant director's face turned pale. How long has it been since anyone dared to speak to him like that?If you are a big guy, it's fine, I will admit to scolding my grandson, and even a small group performer is like this?

"Old Wang, pay attention to your identity." In the intercom, Xu Ding's voice came out, also suppressing the fire.

With a sullen face, the assistant director shouted: "Do it again, whoever makes a mistake will get lost!"

The air was solidified, and the veteran actors were afraid of being involved, but the Nortel students didn't care. They thought it was a compromise from the assistant director.

"Wang Chengyang! Come here and shout, I'm going to the toilet."


Holding a loudspeaker, Wang Chengyang stood outside and ran with the group performers, instructing them where to stop and where to start talking. This time, no mistakes were made and it went smoothly.

At the beginning of the second scene, there were two students running ahead. They had a few lines, and they were talking to Zhang Yi, asking why they were not paid.

"Mr. Chen, we just want wages, we can't survive, and we haven't been paid for two months."

"Yes, I still have a wife and children to support at home. You can't exploit the poor people like this. Believe it or not, I will sue you?"

"Everyone be quiet, I..."

"Stop!" On the walkie-talkie, the director got angry, "Who told me to change the lines randomly, is it my wife and child? Also, what's with the angry and barking teeth, the assistant director didn't talk about the play?"

"Director, I've told you." Lao Wang just came back from the toilet and encountered this incident, wanting to cry, "It was fine at the time."

The original lines were not about wives and children, they were speaking in dialect, and there were no redundant actions.

On the set, the student said loudly: "I think this is more immersive. Body language and rich facial expressions can also express the correct emotions of migrant workers after being squeezed."

(End of this chapter)

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