Entertainment starts with variety shows

Chapter 508 One mountain is darker than one mountain

Chapter 508 A mountain is darker than a mountain
Assistant director: I'm stupid... These students don't know the script at all, and their knowledge of this play is probably only from the title of the play. With a single line, they are eager to perform dozens of tricks.

In the late 80s, could farmers say things like wives and children?
Changing the words without authorization will offend the screenwriter first. This is a denial of their work. Second-line actors dare not do this, and first-line actors have to discuss it.

This student was fine, he changed it when he thought it was inappropriate, without saying a word.

"Get out! Change people, I don't want students in the crew, I can't serve this kind of uncle." On the intercom, Xu Ding was furious, "It's the same even if Mr. Fang comes, at worst, I will quit."

Xu Ding's voice is not low, and the anger inside can be heard from four or five meters away. The camera props and lights, and all departments know it. Gao Jing is not far away, so naturally he can hear it clearly.

From the very beginning, he frowned, until the student changed his words without authorization, and almost rushed to the stage to curse, is this a fool?Even he didn't dare to adapt the words of the play, but the students were lucky enough to change it blatantly.

Just change it. If the situation is not right, you will say that you were nervous and made a mistake. Everyone has a step down.

It's good for you, just say something that fits the characteristics of the character, I fit your uncle, the lines of a script have been hammered out time and time again by several screenwriters.

In the end, the director took a look at it, and the investor sent someone to look at it, and the radio and television checked and checked the words and passed it.

I offended so many people with one sentence, why didn't I know that I still had such an awesome student.

Walking to the director's studio, Gao Jing apologized, "I'm sorry Director Xu, the students are ignorant, please don't take offense, I will teach them well when I go back."

"Hey, Mr. Gao, it's not that I don't give you face. These students of yours are really good. The temple here is too small to accommodate. Why don't you contact Mr. Fang and change the crew."

"I'll take them away right away. I'm really sorry this time. When I come back to Yanjing, I'll treat them and make an apology."

"There's no need to make an apology. I still know Mr. Gao's personality. It's just that your students are a little arrogant, and they will suffer in the future."

A few minutes later, Gao Jing came out of the director's booth, changed his smile, turned around and looked at the students angrily with a straight face.

In half his life, this was the first time he lost such a big face.

Usually they are very clever, but when they are on the set, they are like idiots. They can't even play a group role well. I really don't know how to get along in the society after graduation.

In other words, people are looking at Fang Jing's face, and other directors would have scolded him long ago.

"The training is over, change the clothes within 5 minutes!" The students were trembling, and Gao Jing yelled: "Change! Why are you standing there!"

Even the idiot could hear the teacher's bad tone, and changed clothes one by one without daring to catch their breath.

Seeing them throwing the changed clothes on the ground casually, Gao Jing stared at them. "No hands! Give it all to the old man, fold it for me!"

"Thank you for your shoes." Song Xue returned the cloth shoes to Wang Chengyang.

"you are welcome."

"By the way, I don't know your name yet. Let's get to know you. My name is Song Xue, a freshman student in the acting department of Nortel." Song Xue stretched out her hand.

He clasped his hands, and Wang Chengyang let go as soon as he touched, "Wang Chengyang, actor."

"Are you an actor?" Song Xue was surprised, she always thought this was just a miscellaneous stage manager.

"Well, I've been in the industry for five years."

"So long? Have you acted in many plays? Why do you come here to do odd jobs?"

"I have acted in hundreds of plays, most of which are ensemble performances, and I have only started to play roles in the past six months." Wang Chengyang said lightly: "I am now an actor with the crew, and I will help the crew when there are no plays."

"It's so powerful, add a WeChat to get to know it, I don't understand a lot of things, can I ask you for advice?"

After hesitating for a few seconds, Wang Chengyang nodded, "No problem."

He also has his own selfish intentions, wanting to get some textbooks from the acting department of Nortel. Compared with self-study wild ways, the systematic film school acting is more complete.


The crew sent the students away in a minibus, and the atmosphere on the set returned to the old days. The assistant director scolded his mother, whoever dared to gossip, immediately stepped forward to spit and swear.

In the car, Gao Jing had a cold face, without outsiders, showing his stern side, scolding each of them, the first one was the student who changed the words.

"Luo Zhang, are you an idiot? Who told you to change the lyrics? It's a big taboo to change the lyrics on set. Even I dare not change the director's words. How can you be so confident?"

"Teacher, I just feel..."

"What do you think! What do you think?" Gao Jing said coldly, "You think you're smart after reading two lines, and the hundreds of people in the crew are all idiots?"

"Have you read the complete script and changed the words randomly? Do you know the cause and effect of the story? Have you ever explored the psychology of the characters?"

The more Luo Zhang heard it, the paler his face became, and he didn't dare to say a word.

"Let me tell you clearly, if you fail my training and acting theory, I don't care what you do. You can find a way to get your credits back. If you can't get them back, you can't graduate, so don't look for me."

Taking out the roster, Gao Jing commented and scored each one. Luo Zhang was the first with zero points.

With a shudder in his heart, Luo Zhang's face was ashamed. There were a lot of points in these two subjects. He didn't have to rest from Monday to Friday in the next semester.

"Lu Meng, you were the one who looked around during the third filming, right? I taught you the tricks when the extras showed their faces? Thirty points, you failed."

"Bai Jie, your watch looks good? Didn't you hear that the drama manager said that you can't wear irrelevant jewelry? Twenty points, failing."

"Xu Bing, fifty points."

"Teacher, I didn't make a mistake!"

"You are a whole group, you have to be NG several times when you are a group performer, has everything learned in school gone to the dog's stomach?"

"Gao Yi, fifty points..."

Rolling names one by one, none of the students who came this time passed, and Luo Zhang was the worst, failing two subjects. Not only that, Gao Jing also asked them to go back and write [-] words of reflections, comprehensively interpreting what they heard and learned today.

As soon as Gao Jing and the crew left, Xu Ding called Fang Jing and told the story.

"What! He's gone, Xu Ding, don't you want to mess around? I can't speak well?"

"Mr. Fang, even if you beat me to death, I'll let them go. These students don't understand anything at all, they pick and choose their clothes, and they make frequent mistakes when they're performing in the group."

"Zhang Yi and Yin Tao sat on the sidelines and watched for a long time, and they had to finish the filming after get off work. I can bear it. I kindly arranged a few lines for the students, and he changed them for me during the performance, saying that would be the most suitable. figure."

"Fuck! It's in line with his uncle, so why not be there, let him know that a freshman questioned him, and today he has to fight."

"Do you think I can have this kind of talent? I'm afraid he will come over and say that I'm not good at directing after filming a few more scenes. Let me give him the machine to try."

With the phone away from his ear, Fang Jing hid far away, and only approached after a few minutes when there was no sound.

"That's all for now. If you have them without me, if you have me without them, you can figure it out."

"All right, all right, let's go." Listening to the resentment on the phone, Fang Jing was speechless, "It's normal for students not to understand, and there is something wrong with what you did. Call Teacher Gao immediately and explain clearly. I'll come back later." Call him."

After all, what happened to the crew was just a trivial matter to Fang Jing, and he didn't want to have a gap with Gao Jing because of it.

Seven or eight minutes later, Xu Ding called back, saying that he explained clearly, and apologized repeatedly.

Fang Jing called to comfort Gao Jing, saying that he was looking for a crew for them again, but Gao Jing didn't have the nerve to ask for it, saying that he was sorry for him, and he must invite guests to make amends later.

 Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa whoa! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !

  I'm going crazy!

  Maybe well-informed readers know what is going on, but it’s really not good... Please understand, I am just a trivial author.

  Don't worry, unless it is absolutely necessary, I will continue to write unless there is no other way.

(End of this chapter)

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