Entertainment starts with variety shows

Chapter 509 The East Wind Breaks

Chapter 509 The East Wind Breaks
In the ice-breaking crew, Fang Jing hung up the phone, and Wu Gang next to him took a sip from his thermos, raised his head and said unhurriedly, "You've had a lot going on lately."

In school, I am a singer-songwriter for a variety show, an ice-breaking crew, Fang Jing runs around, and often leaves after filming. It is completely different from studying hard before. Wu Gang has no chance to give advice.

"It's a bit busy." Hearing that Wu Gang's tone was a bit unkind, Fang Jing smiled, "But I won't be busy in a few days. The variety show is coming to an end, it's almost over."

"Ah!" Sighing, Wu Gang said, "It's a good thing for young people to work hard, but you must also distinguish between priorities. I think you're obviously not in the mood for the past few days."

"You want everything, but the end result is to pick sesame seeds and lose watermelon."

"I understand the truth. Now I just want to work hard for a few more years while I am young, so that I can retire in the future. After this period of time passes, I will put down the pace of work."

"Retirement?" Wu Gang shook his head and laughed, "You are going to provide for the elderly at your age, how will we people live?"

"Times are different."

From his debut to the present, Fang Jing's footsteps have never stopped, his mind is full of work and work, now it's good to have three jobs on his shoulders, at least he has some private space.

In the past, I was so busy that my feet didn't touch the ground, and my sleeping place was either on the plane or on the highway.

Not answering this topic, Wu Gang said: "What's the matter with you and Gao Jing, what's the matter with Xu Ding?"

With a wry smile, Fang Jing told the ins and outs of the incident.

"Students now have a high starting point, a weak foundation, and they are all arrogant." Wu Gang said angrily: "I have been in many film crews these years, and it is not uncommon to see such people. They still graduated from the Film Academy. Disgraceful school."

"On the contrary, those actors who climbed up from the bottom are much more down-to-earth."

Fang Jing chuckled and didn't answer. He wanted to say that these things are actually normal, but Wu Gang was a little too aggressive. The students have not yet left society, and they will understand after they have experienced severe beatings.

Although Jianghu Yeluzi actors are much smarter, their backgrounds limit their development. When they really hit their heads, they are basically in their [-]s and [-]s. In the eyes of capital, they have no commercial value.

"Why, I'm not right?" Wu Gang's eyes widened. "Actors in our era acted for food, and they took this industry seriously as a job to live and work, and cherished their jobs."

"How many of the young people who go to the film academy are poor? Most of them go there to become famous overnight, to enjoy the halo and honor, and to gain both fame and fortune."

"The entertainment industry has developed into what it is today, and they have a lot of responsibility."

With a light cough, Fang Jing didn't respond, Wu Gang's thinking was still very old, a typical conservative, young people in the entertainment industry were often beaten by old guys like them.

Two days ago, Wang Jinsong was still beating up a few times on the Internet about not reciting his lines. The flames of war almost burned on him. Some media interpreted that he was the one who did not recite his lines.

In the end, Wang Jinsong sent a Weibo clarification.

"Why, you don't agree with my point of view with this expression? It's okay, we can talk freely today, and I also want to hear what you young people think."

Pulling up a small stool to sit down, Wu Gang acted like I'm going to fight you to the end today, and I'm not allowed to leave unless I make it clear.

"Okay, then I'll tell you, I'll give up my life to accompany the gentleman." Fang Jing also found a stool.

"It's not that serious. You are the leader of the younger generation. I would also like to hear your opinion."

"Then I'll tell you, don't blame me if it offends you."

"Whatever, I'm not angry."

Organized the language, Fang Jing said seriously: "Mr. Wu, I think you are outdated."

"What did you say?"

"It's not that the acting skills are outdated, it's that the thinking is outdated." Fang Jing hurriedly said, "I've asked many seniors, people of your generation entered the industry to make a living, and the current actors are similar."

"It's just that everyone pursues different ideas. There is no shortage of food in this era. As long as you are not lazy, you will not starve to death. It takes two thousand a month to wash dishes. Food and clothing are no longer the goal."

"There is nothing wrong with young actors pursuing fame and fortune. Anyone who enters this industry does not want to be popular, and whoever does not want to be a king of actors and actresses is admired by everyone."

"The high salary is due to the capital of the agency company. Who can refuse a movie that offers you [-] million yuan? Even if the big head is given to the company, I still have tens of millions. Idiots don't want it."

"As for whether they are professional or not, that's another matter. Yes, many young actors are not professional, but there are people of all ages. You can't blame young people."

"As far as I know, the reciting of 12345 lines started in your era. Old drama players also play big names, and those who are not professional can't knock down a boat with one shot."

"Furthermore, no one has learned everything from the beginning, and no one knows everything when they enter the industry. For a young man in his twenties, you need him to have good acting skills, a correct attitude, strong lines skills, and a low salary. He can bear hardships and stand hard work."

"Would you like to find someone like this for me?"

Wu Gang was speechless and was too angry to say anything. What Fang Jing said was true. Someone read 1234 more than ten years ago. When he heard the last sentence, he pointed at Fang Jing, "Aren't you the same?"

"You are in your 20s, you have a good attitude when you join the group, the salary is not high, and you can endure hardships. Although your lines are so-so, you are worth tens of billions anyway. If you have this kind of heart, you have already surpassed many people. You can do this, why can't they? ?”

After a while, Fang Jing choked out a sentence, "I won't tell you."

People are different. To get to where he is today, his mentality has long been different. He has a passion for this industry.

Besides, although he is worth tens of billions, that is worth, which is different from net worth. The cash he can come up with now is less than [-] million.

After patting his butt, Fang Jing stood up, "There is no show tonight, I'm off to record a show, and I'll be back tomorrow."


In the evening, I am a singer-songwriter.

After these few episodes, everyone has more or less a certain understanding of this show, and Chen Yihan knows that the day when she leaves is not far away.

According to the nature of the program group, this time the lower district will definitely play against the central district. Who is the central district?Fang Jing, Liang Bo, Yu Wenwen, Wang Yuan, the last one is very angry, and the first three are very strong.

Hot dog, her, and Zeng Yike, the chances of the three of them winning are very small.

"The rules of this program are as follows. The central district challenges the lower district, and the upper district challenges the central district. Those who have accepted the challenge will no longer challenge."

"It's over." Hearing the rules of the competition, Zeng Yike, Chen Yihan felt a chill in his heart.

The initiative was in their hands, and if they were allowed to choose, they might still be able to struggle, but now there was no chance to struggle, whoever died at Fang Jingjing, who died at Liang Neck, Yu Wenwen was also difficult to deal with.

"That's great, finally it's my turn to take the initiative." Fang Jing said to the camera, "I'll choose Brother Gou this time."

"I choose Chen Yihan." Liang Bo followed closely behind.

"Sister Wenwen, choose first." Wang Yuan didn't choose an opponent, and gave the opportunity to Yu Wenwen.

"You don't choose?" Yu Wenwen was surprised.

There are four people in the middle district and three people in the lower district. One of them is destined to be single. This is not a good thing. The single person must be named by Wang Sulong.

Didn't look at Fang Jing's speech, did Liang Bo choose someone, because he was afraid of meeting Wang Sulong.

"It's okay, it doesn't matter who you choose, I like strong ones."

"Young people are so tough? Then I'll choose Zeng Yi. You're lucky."

(End of this chapter)

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